This is an Annotation Graph API for linguistic annotations.

Annotation Graphs are a data structure conceived by Steven Bird and Mark Liberman:

The structure is designed to be a tool-independent way of representing annotated linguistic data, and essentially defines an Annotation Graph as a directed acyclic graph where:

A graph arcs labelled with word orthographies, and parallel arcs labelled with parts of speech

This particular implementation, which is used for LaBB-CAT, developed by the NZILBB, includes extra features that allow tier hierarchies and parent/child constraints to be defined. More details on extra features are available in

A graph arcs labelled with word orthographies, and with speaker names, but also with arcs between those arcs, indicating what the who spoke each word

More API documentation is available here

Format Conversion

Apart from use within LaBB-CAT, the object model can be used for other purposes like format conversion, e.g.

More format conversions are available here