int |
Layer.getAlignment() |
Getter for alignment: The layer's alignment - 0 for none, 1 for point alignment, 2
for interval alignment.
LinkedHashMap<String,Anchor> |
Graph.getAnchors() |
Getter for anchors: Map of anchors (graph nodes) keyed by id.
String |
TrackedMap.getAnnotator() |
Getter for TrackedMap.annotator : Name of the person or system that created or changed
this entity.
String |
Layer.getCategory() |
Getter for Layer.category : Category for the layer, if any.
Integer |
TrackedMap.getConfidence() |
Getter for TrackedMap.confidence : Confidence rating.
String |
Schema.getCorpusLayerId() |
Getter for Schema.corpusLayerId : ID of the layer that tags the graph with its
corpus name, if any.
String |
Layer.getDescription() |
Getter for description: The description of the layer.
String |
MediaTrackDefinition.getDescription() |
Getter for MediaTrackDefinition.description : The description of the track.
String |
Annotation.getEndId() |
Getter for endId: ID of the annotation's end anchor.
String |
Schema.getEpisodeLayerId() |
Getter for Schema.episodeLayerId : ID of the layer that tags the graph with its
episode name, if any.
String |
MediaFile.getExtension() |
The file's extension, not including the dot.
MediaFile |
MediaFile.getGenerateFrom() |
Getter for MediaFile.generateFrom : The media file from which this one could be
generated, or null if the file already exists.
String |
TrackedMap.getId() |
Getter for id: The object's identifier.
String |
Annotation.getLabel() |
Getter for label: The annotation's label.
String |
Annotation.getLayerId() |
Getter for layerId: The identifier of the annotation's layer.
LinkedHashMap<String,Layer> |
Schema.getLayers() |
Getter for Schema.layers : Layers, indexed by ID.
String |
MediaFile.getMimeType() |
Getter for MediaFile.mimeType : The MIME type of the file.
String |
MediaFile.getName() |
Getter for : Name of the file
String |
MediaFile.getNameWithoutSuffix() |
Strip of the existension of the file name.
Double |
Anchor.getOffset() |
Getter for offset: The anchor's time/character offset.
int |
Annotation.getOrdinal() |
Getter for ordinal: The annotation's ordinal position amongst the parent's
String |
Annotation.getParentId() |
Getter for parentId: The annotation's parent annotation ID, if any.
String |
Layer.getParentId() |
Getter for parentId: The layer's parent layer id.
boolean |
Layer.getParentIncludes() |
Getter for parentIncludes: Whether the parent t-includes the child.
String |
Schema.getParticipantLayerId() |
Getter for Schema.participantLayerId : ID of the layer that contains participants.
boolean |
Layer.getPeers() |
Getter for peers: Whether children on this layer have peers or not.
boolean |
Layer.getPeersOverlap() |
Getter for peersOverlap: Whether child peers can overlap or not.
Layer |
Schema.getRoot() |
Getter for Schema.root : The root of the layer hierarchy, representing the graph as a whole.
boolean |
Layer.getSaturated() |
Getter for saturated: Whether children on this layer must temporally fill the entire
parent duration (true) or not (false).
Schema |
Graph.getSchema() |
Getter for Graph.schema : The layer definitions and their interrelations.
String |
Annotation.getStartId() |
Getter for startId: ID of the annotation's start anchor.
String |
MediaTrackDefinition.getSuffix() |
Getter for MediaTrackDefinition.suffix : The file suffix associated with the track.
String |
MediaFile.getTrackSuffix() |
Getter for MediaFile.trackSuffix : The track suffix of the media
- see MediaTrackDefinition.suffix .
String |
Schema.getTurnLayerId() |
Getter for Schema.turnLayerId : ID of the layer that contains speaker turns.
String |
Layer.getType() |
Getter for Layer.type : The type for labels on this layer.
String |
MediaFile.getType() |
Gets the media type of the file.
String |
MediaFile.getUrl() |
Getter for MediaFile.url : URL to the content of the file.
String |
Schema.getUtteranceLayerId() |
Getter for Schema.utteranceLayerId : ID of the layer that contains speaker utterances.
LinkedHashMap<String,String> |
Layer.getValidLabels() |
Getter for validLabels: List of valid label values for this layer, or null if the
layer values are not restricted.
Date |
TrackedMap.getWhen() |
Getter for TrackedMap.when : Date/time this entity was created or changed.
String |
Schema.getWordLayerId() |
Getter for Schema.wordLayerId : ID of the layer that contains individual word tokens.