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alignedChildren() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test that word anchors are interpolated taking into account aligned phones.
all() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
allLength() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
alreadyNormalized() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Test that already-normal graphs are not changed.
alternativeDelimiters() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSimpleTokenizer
anchorId() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
anchoringAndInclusion() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
anchorOffset() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
anchorsOutOfOrderFewerFollowing() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test out of order anchors.
anchorsOutOfOrderFewerPrior() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test out of order anchors.
anchorsOutOfOrderHigherConfidenceFollowing() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test case where anchors are out of order, and higher confidence anchors follow lower confidence anchors.
anchorsOutOfOrderHigherConfidencePrior() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test case where anchors are out of order, and lower confidence anchors follow higher confidence anchors.
anchorsOutOfOrderHigherConfidencePriorAndFollowing() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test out of order anchors where high confidence anchors have lower confidence anchors between.
annotatePrevious() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
annotatePreviousEvenWithTrailingSuffix() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
annotatePreviousWithNoTrailingSuffix() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
annotationHierarchy() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Ensure traversals and tests of annotation hierarchy.
annotationsMove() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestOrthographyClumper
Linked annotations are re-anchored when words are clumped.
annotator() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
annotators() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
ArpabetToDISCMapping() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
arpabetToVector(String) - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
Breaks the given ARPABET transcription (with phones delimited by spaces) into a Vector for String objects.
arrayConstructor() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestSchema
assignWordsToUtterances() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Ensure assigning words to utterances works as expected.
atomicExpressions() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
avoidGaps() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestOrthographyClumper


basicAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchor
basicAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
basicAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test setting/getting of basic graph attributes
basicAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestLayer
basicChangeTracking() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test graph correctly tracks Annotation/Anchor changes.
basicClumping() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestOrthographyClumper
Basic clumping: punctuation except underscore is attached to adjacent words.
basicCompare() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestDefaultEditComparator
basicConvert() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
basicConvertLeaveGaps() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
basicConvertNoDestination() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
basicConvertPartitioned() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
basicConvertShortCases() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
basicExtract() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
basicExtractNoOutputLayer() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
basicInterpolation() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test all-null offsets are evenly spread through the duration.
basicInterpolationWithConfidence() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test anchors with offsets of low confidence are evenly spread through the duration.
basicInterpolationWithConfidenceAndLinkedPhraseAnnotations() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test anchors with offsets of low confidence are evenly spread through the duration.
basicInterpolationWithLinkedPhraseAnnotations() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test all-null offsets are evenly spread through the duration, with language annotations.
basicObjectInterrelation() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test relationships between graph elements are held.
basicObjectInterrelation() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestSchema
basicResolution() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestDependencyGraph
Tests generic dependency resolution of a simple, fully-connected dependency graph.
basicSemanticComparison() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestSemanticVersionComparator
Ensure basic comparisons like "1.2.3" < "3.2.1" work.
basicSemanticComparisonRStyle() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestSemanticVersionComparator
Ensure R-style hyphened comparisons like "1.2-3" < "3.2-1" work.
basicSpans() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test span annotation.
basicTagging() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test functionality of taggin methods
basicTokenization() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSimpleTokenizer
basicTraversal() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchorChain
Test all-null offsets are evenly spread through the duration.
basicTraversal() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestLayerHierarchyTraversal
beanPropertiesFromQueryString() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.TestAnnotator
beanPropertiesFromQueryStringNull() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.TestAnnotator
beanPropertiesToQueryString() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.TestAnnotator
beanPropertiesToQueryStringNoProperties() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.TestAnnotator
binary() - Method in class nzilbb.sql.derby.TestDerbySQLTranslator
Test translation of BINARY expressions
blankUtteranceBeforeNormalization() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Interpolation before normalization (i.e.
body(String) - Method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.util.TestRequestRouter
Converts a String into an InputStream.
booleans() - Method in class nzilbb.sql.derby.TestDerbySQLTranslator
Test translation of boolean values
breadthFirstTraversal() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestLayerTraversal
byAnchor() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationComparators
byAnchorShortestFirst() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationComparators
byDistance() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationComparators


canValidateFragment() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test fragments of a larger graph can be validated.
chainedSubWordAnnotations() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Ensure chained sub-word annotations (e.g.
chainedSubWordAnnotationsAfterRealignment() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Ensure aligned chained sub-word annotations (e.g.
chainFromOffset() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationChain
chainToOffset() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationChain
chainUtterancesWithinTurns() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure utterances are chained within their turns.
changeOrder() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test graph changes are reported in the correct order.
changeTracking() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchor
changeTracking() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
changeTracking() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestTrackedMap
changeTrackingWithNoTracker() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestTrackedMap
characterAnchors() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSimpleTokenizer
CharacterToCharacterMapping() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
childOrder() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.serialize.json.TestJSONSerialization
childrenMove() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestOrthographyClumper
Child annotations are moved to new parents when clumping occurs.
circularDependency() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestDependencyGraph
Ensures indirect circular dependencies are detected.
clanAcronyms() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestConventionTransformer
cloning() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchor
cloning() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
cloning() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestLayer
cloning() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestSchema
cloning() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestTrackedMap
clumpAcrossAnnotations() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestOrthographyClumper
Clumping across annotations at the end of a line.
coalesce() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
codebook() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2ARPAbet2DISC
codebook() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2CMU
codebook() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2IPA
codebook() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2Kirshenbaum2DISC
codebook() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2SAMPA2DISC
codebook() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2Unisyn2DISC
codebook() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2XSAMPA2DISC
Test standard symbol round-trip conversions.
codebook() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestIPA2DISC
Ensure that two-way DISC2IPA transcriptions are correctly converted.
collectionConstructor() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestSchema
compareIncludingNull() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestDefaultEditComparator
Test compare where one or both of the arguments is null.
compareOffsets1000() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Ensure setting offset granularity to 1/1000 works as expected.
compareOffsets16000() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Ensure setting offset granularity to 1/16000 works as expected.
comparisonOperators() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
constructionOrder() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Ensure order of creation of Anchors/Annotations is unimportant.
constructor() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestEditStep
copyConstructor() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchor
copyConstructor() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
corpusLabel() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
corpusLabels() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
create() - Method in class nzilbb.sql.derby.TestDerbySQLTranslator
Test translation of CREATE TABLE statements.
create() - Method in class nzilbb.sql.mysql.TestVanillaSQLTranslator
createSubdivision() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test annotation subdivision.
cUnit() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
customComparator() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPathString
These tests use a custom comparator which assigns distances depending on the characters involved: If it's the same character but different case, distance is 1 If it's a space character to another space character, distance is 4 If it's a digit to another digit, distance is 4 If it's a vowel to another vowel, distance is 4 If it's a plosive to another plosive, distance is 4 If it's a fricative to another fricative, distance is 4 If it's a stop to another stop, distance is 4 If it's a letter to another leffer, distance is 8 Otherwise it's 20 Also, deletes and inserts are both 10.
customCosts() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPathString
customisedEquals() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestDefaultEditComparator
cycleDetection() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationChain


defaultCosts() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPathString
defaultExpensiveChange() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPathString
defaultSchema() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
Returns the default schema for testing.
defaultStress() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2CMU
deletedAnnotationsIgnored() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test deleted annotations are ignored during interpolation.
deleteExtraneousPeers() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test extraneous peers are deleted when peers == false.
depthFirstTraversal() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestLayerTraversal
dirtyTranscription() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSimpleTokenizer
DISC2HTK() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2HTK
disconnectedGraph() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestDependencyGraph
Tests generic dependency resolution of a diconnected dependency graph, with three independent sub-graphs, one with a single unconnected node.
disconnectFromTurnsUtterances() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure words are disconnected from turns and utterances (so they can be independently aligned).
disconnectFromTurnsUtterancesKeepConfidence() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure that anchor confidence is kept when disconnecting words from turns/utterances.
DISCToArpabetMapping() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
DISCToDISCMapping() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
DISCToIPAMapping() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
disfluency() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestConventionTransformer
dontAnnotatePrevious() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
dontClumpAcrossLines() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestOrthographyClumper
Clumping works only within utterances.
doubleWordEnd() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Ensure that, if a forced aligner skips words and tries to link words across a gap that's not empty, the validator chains the words correctly.


easyAnchorChaining() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Ensure addAnnotation() automatically creates new anchors as required.
ELANConventions() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestConventionTransformer
ellipisConstructor() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestSchema
emptyResults() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
emptyString() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
emptyToEmpty() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPathString
emptyToThat() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPathString
emptyUtterances() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Utterances partition boundaries of interpolation, and utterances share anchors with words, and there are empty utterances.
envelopedTurn() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestUtteranceParallelizer
Second turn start after, and ends beforem first turn.
episodeLabel() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
extendedAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchor
extendedAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
extendedAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test setting/getting of arbitrary attributes
extendedAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestLayer
Extension() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestIO
Ensure file extensions are correctly identified.
extractedFragmentMerge() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
Ensure a fragment extracted from a full graph can be merged with an edited fragment.
extraneousLayers() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test independent annotations from other layers don't interfere with interpolation.


failures() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.util.TestRequestRouter
firstAndAll() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test first() and all() function correctly.
firstWordNullOffset() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
First word of utterance can have null offsets and still be interpolated.
floatingUtterance() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Ensure turn/utterance boundaries unset or with low confidence is a fatal error.
fragmentByAnnotation() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test fragment creation by defining annotation.
fragmentByBoundingAndAncestorAnnotations() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test fragmnet cretion by bounding anchors and ancestor annotation - i.e.
fragmentByOffset() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test fragment creation by offset.
fragmentByUtterance() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test fragment creation by utterance.
fragmentCase() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnchorComparators
FragmentId() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Ensure fragment IDs are correctly generated.
fragmentTests() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
"Basic" edit operations that (mostly) affect a single layer.
fragmentWithMissingAnchors() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Fragments extracted from larger graphs can have annotations with anchors that are not in the fragment; test that they're ignored.
fromJson() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.serialize.TestSerializationDescriptor
fromJson() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchor
fromJson() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestMediaFile
Ensure deserialization from JSON works.
fromJson() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestTrackedMap
fromJsonObject() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestTrackedMap
fromJsonWithMapAttribute() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestTrackedMap


getAnchorAt() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test getAnchorAt() works correctly.
getDir() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.serialize.json.TestJSONSerialization
Getter for TestJSONSerialization.fDir: Directory for text files.
getDir() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
Getter for TestMerger.fDir: Directory for text files.
getMatchingLayersExpression() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestSchema
getMatchingLayersPredicate() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestSchema
getNotTracked() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.MapTest
getTracked1() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.MapTest
getTracked2() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.MapTest
getTracked3() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.MapTest
getTrackedAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.MapTest
graphId() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
graphlessChildOrder() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
Ensure that child anchors come out in ordinal order when parent graph is not set.
graphTests() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
Test edits that simulate re-upload Change turn alignments, with previously aligned words, to create mid-word turn boundary Changing parents - move word to neighbouring turn with different speaker Peers - parent changes on annotations are reflected in aligned and unaligned peers Changing parents - move unaligned word to another turn, with previously aligned words Changing parents - move unaligned word to a simultaneous turn Changing parents - merge two turns (delete intervening other-speaker turn) Changing parents - split a turn in two (insert intervening other-speaker turn)


hierarchy() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestLayer
HTK2DISC() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestHTK2DISC


id() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
identityMerge() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
Ensures that a graph merged with a copy of itself results in no changes.
identityMergeFragment() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
Ensures that a graph fragment merged with a copy of itself results in no changes.
includesAnyExpression() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
includesExpression() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
includingStructure() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnchorComparators
includingStructureBasicLinearInterpolationCase() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnchorComparators
includingStructureInvalidStartCase() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnchorComparators
includingStructureNoOffsets() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnchorComparators
insertBeforeAfter() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Test annotation insertion results in correctly chaining.
instantaneous() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
IPAToDISCMapping() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
IPAtoHTK() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2HTK
IPAtoHTK() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestHTK2DISC
IPAToIPAMapping() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
isolatedNullOffsets() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test exception is thrown if it's impossible to determine any offsets.


joinTurns() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Test that contiguous turns are joined.
joinTurnsMinimumTurnPauseLength() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Test that minimum turn pause length is respected when joining contiguous turns.
joinTurnsMinimumTurnPauseLengthInterveningSpeaker() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure turns are not joined when there's an intervening speaker.
joinTurnsMinimumTurnPauseLengthSharedAnchors() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Test that minimum turn pause length is respected when joining contiguous turns, but if there are shared anchors with the turn of another speaker, the other speaker turn isn't changed.
joinTurnsMinimumTurnPauseLengthTooShort() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure turns are not joined when minimum pause length is too short.
joinTurnsNoMinimumTurnPauseLength() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Test that contiguous turns are not joined when there's no minimum pause length.


label() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
labelLength() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure label length is correctly limited.
labels() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
labels() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test that labels that are too long are truncated.
lastInsertId() - Method in class nzilbb.sql.derby.TestDerbySQLTranslator
Test translation of LAST_INSERT_ID() expressions
layerId() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
layerManagerGraph() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestDependencyGraph
Simulates old-style 'layer manager' resolution.
limit() - Method in class nzilbb.sql.derby.TestDerbySQLTranslator
Test translation of LIMIT clauses.
list() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
listExpressions() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
listLength() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
loadGraphFromJSON(File, Schema) - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
Loads an annotation graph from a JSON file.
logicalOperatorsJSStyle() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
logicalOperatorsSQLStyle() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener


main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.TestAnnotator
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.util.TestAnnotatorDescriptor
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.util.TestRequestRouter
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.serialize.json.TestJSONSerialization
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.serialize.TestSerializationDescriptor
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchor
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.TestLayer
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.TestMediaFile
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.TestSchema
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.TestTrackedMap
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnchorComparators
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationChain
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationComparators
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestConventionTransformer
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestLayerHierarchyTraversal
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestLayerTraversal
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestOrthographyClumper
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestParticipantRenamer
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSimpleTokenizer
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestUtteranceParallelizer
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestDefaultEditComparator
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestEditStep
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPath
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPathString
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestCMU2DISC
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2ARPAbet2DISC
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2CMU
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2HTK
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2IPA
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2Kirshenbaum2DISC
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2SAMPA2DISC
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2Unisyn2DISC
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2XSAMPA2DISC
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestHTK2DISC
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestIPA2DISC
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.sql.derby.TestDerbySQLTranslator
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.sql.mysql.TestVanillaSQLTranslator
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.util.TestDependencyGraph
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.util.TestIO
main(String[]) - Static method in class nzilbb.util.TestSemanticVersionComparator
MalformedELANConventions() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestConventionTransformer
mapGetter() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestTrackedMap
MapTest - Class in nzilbb.ag
MapTest() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.MapTest
maus() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2XSAMPA2DISC
Test that the symbols output by MAUSBasic are correctly coverted.
mergeNormalizeValidate() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
mimeTypeInference() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestMediaFile
Ensure MIME type inference works for all file types, include unknown types.
minimalExample() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.util.TestAnnotatorDescriptor
minimalSerializationDeserialization() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.serialize.json.TestJSONSerialization
missingFromDISC() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2Unisyn2DISC
missingFromUnisyn() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2Unisyn2DISC
multiLinkChain() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationChain
multipleOverlaidSubWordLayers() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Ensure multiple aligned chained sub-word annotations (e.g.
multipleUnanchoredWordsMultipleUtterances() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Multiple word chains, multiple utterances per turn.
multiRename() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestParticipantRenamer


nameLoneSpeakerAfterEpisode() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure unnamed speaker is named after episode.
neighbours() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
noChain() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationChain
noChanges() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestParticipantRenamer
noDestination() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
noInterUtteranceLinks() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure that words don't link across utterance boundaries.
noise() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestConventionTransformer
nonBMPUnicode() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestOrthographyClumper
Non-letter characters that are not punctuation are counted as orthographic characters, including emoji, kaomoji, stylized letters, etc.
nonBMPUnicode() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSimpleTokenizer
nonChainedNullOffsetWords() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Words are interpolated between their peers even if they're not chained and have null offsets.
nonLatin() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestOrthographyClumper
Non-latin characters are counted as orthographic characters.
nonLatin() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSimpleTokenizer
nonSemantic() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestSemanticVersionComparator
Ensure non-semantic comparisons like "20210329.1700" < "20210329.1701" work.
noOverflowingInterlinkedUtterances() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure that words don't link and overflow across utterance boundaries.
noOverflowingUtterances() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure that words don't overflow utterance boundaries.
nullComparator() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestLayerHierarchyTraversal
nullDestinationLayer() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestConventionTransformer
nullInitialOffset() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchor
nullsInPaths() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPath
Ensure path elements can be null.
nzilbb.ag - package nzilbb.ag
nzilbb.ag.automation - package nzilbb.ag.automation
nzilbb.ag.automation.util - package nzilbb.ag.automation.util
nzilbb.ag.ql - package nzilbb.ag.ql
nzilbb.ag.serialize - package nzilbb.ag.serialize
nzilbb.ag.serialize.json - package nzilbb.ag.serialize.json
nzilbb.ag.util - package nzilbb.ag.util
nzilbb.editpath - package nzilbb.editpath
nzilbb.encoding - package nzilbb.encoding
nzilbb.encoding.comparator - package nzilbb.encoding.comparator
nzilbb.sql.derby - package nzilbb.sql.derby
nzilbb.sql.mysql - package nzilbb.sql.mysql
nzilbb.util - package nzilbb.util


objectAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchor
objectAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
objectAttributes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestLayer
offsetMinMaxAndPrecedingFollowing() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchor
oneLinkChain() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationChain
oneway() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestIPA2DISC
OnlyASCII() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestIO
Ensure non-ASCII characters are correctly removed
orderEpressions() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
orderOfAnnotationAnchorLinking() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Ensure annotions are linked to anchors correctly.
ordinal() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
Orthography2OrthographyMapping() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
OrthographyToArpabetMapping() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
OrthographyToDISCMapping() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
overlappingInterpolation() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test words uttered by different speakers are interpolated independently.
overlappingTurn() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestUtteranceParallelizer
Second turn starts after, and ends after, first turn


padForAnnotationsOnOtherLayers() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Interpolation works across linked annotations from other layers.
parentChild() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestLayer
parentId() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
ParseFragmentId() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
Ensure fragment IDs are correctly parsed.
partialAlignmentOfUnalignedFragment() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test partial alignment correction scenario, where only one anchor among default-aligned anchors is manually aligned.
partialGraph() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestLayerHierarchyTraversal
pathToString(List<EditStep<String>>) - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
Converts the path to a String.
patternMatchExpression() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
peerOrder() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestLayerHierarchyTraversal
peersByAnchor() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationComparators
peerWordUtteranceCase() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnchorComparators
performance() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test offset generation completes in a timely manner
performance() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Test nomalization completes in a timely manner
pos() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestConventionTransformer


quote() - Method in class nzilbb.sql.derby.TestDerbySQLTranslator
Test translation of column quotes
quoteEscaping() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener


reconcileOrphansDeleteChildren() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test orphaned childrent are correctly deleted.
reconcileOrphansNewParents() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test new parents are correctly allocated.
replaceInto() - Method in class nzilbb.sql.derby.TestDerbySQLTranslator
Test translation of REPLACE INTO statements.
replaceInto() - Method in class nzilbb.sql.mysql.TestVanillaSQLTranslator
roundTripExceptions() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2ARPAbet2DISC
roundTripExceptions() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2CMU


SafeFileNameUrl() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestIO
Ensure file-name/URL sanitization works.
saveGraphToJSON(File, Graph) - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
Loads an annotation graph from a JSON file.
schwa() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestCMU2DISC
Check ARPAbet stress=0 vowels are convert to schwa in DISC
selectiveMerge() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
semanticWithNonSemantic() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestSemanticVersionComparator
Ensure mixed-style comparisons like "20210329.1700" < "1.2.3" work as expected.
semanticWithSuffixes() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestSemanticVersionComparator
Ensure suffixed comparisons like "1.2.3-SNAPSHOT" < "1.2.3" work.
setDir(File) - Method in class nzilbb.ag.serialize.json.TestJSONSerialization
Setter for TestJSONSerialization.fDir: Directory for text files.
setDir(File) - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
Setter for TestMerger.fDir: Directory for text files.
setNotTracked(String) - Method in class nzilbb.ag.MapTest
setTracked1(String) - Method in class nzilbb.ag.MapTest
setTracked2(String) - Method in class nzilbb.ag.MapTest
setTracked3(String) - Method in class nzilbb.ag.MapTest
simultaneousSpeechBeforeNormalization() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Interpolation before normalization (i.e.
singleRename() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestParticipantRenamer
stepVsTotalDistance() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestEditStep
stringEqual() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPathString
stringToVector(String) - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
Not to be confused with the famous Google algorithm, this method simply breaks the given string into a Vector for String objects.
successes() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.util.TestRequestRouter


TestAGQLListener - Class in nzilbb.ag.ql
TestAGQLListener() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
TestAnchor - Class in nzilbb.ag
TestAnchor() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchor
TestAnchorChain - Class in nzilbb.ag
TestAnchorChain() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.TestAnchorChain
TestAnchorComparators - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestAnchorComparators() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnchorComparators
TestAnnotation - Class in nzilbb.ag
TestAnnotation() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
TestAnnotationChain - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestAnnotationChain() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationChain
TestAnnotationComparators - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestAnnotationComparators() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestAnnotationComparators
TestAnnotator - Class in nzilbb.ag.automation
TestAnnotator() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.automation.TestAnnotator
TestAnnotatorDescriptor - Class in nzilbb.ag.automation.util
TestAnnotatorDescriptor() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.automation.util.TestAnnotatorDescriptor
TestCMU2DISC - Class in nzilbb.encoding
TestCMU2DISC() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.TestCMU2DISC
TestComparators - Class in nzilbb.encoding.comparator
Test encoding-based edit-path comparators
TestComparators() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.comparator.TestComparators
TestConventionTransformer - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestConventionTransformer() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestConventionTransformer
TestDefaultEditComparator - Class in nzilbb.editpath
TestDefaultEditComparator() - Constructor for class nzilbb.editpath.TestDefaultEditComparator
TestDefaultOffsetGenerator - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestDefaultOffsetGenerator() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
TestDependencyGraph - Class in nzilbb.util
TestDependencyGraph() - Constructor for class nzilbb.util.TestDependencyGraph
TestDerbySQLTranslator - Class in nzilbb.sql.derby
TestDerbySQLTranslator() - Constructor for class nzilbb.sql.derby.TestDerbySQLTranslator
TestDISC2ARPAbet2DISC - Class in nzilbb.encoding
TestDISC2ARPAbet2DISC() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2ARPAbet2DISC
TestDISC2CMU - Class in nzilbb.encoding
TestDISC2CMU() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2CMU
TestDISC2HTK - Class in nzilbb.encoding
TestDISC2HTK() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2HTK
TestDISC2IPA - Class in nzilbb.encoding
TestDISC2IPA() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2IPA
TestDISC2Kirshenbaum2DISC - Class in nzilbb.encoding
TestDISC2Kirshenbaum2DISC() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2Kirshenbaum2DISC
TestDISC2SAMPA2DISC - Class in nzilbb.encoding
TestDISC2SAMPA2DISC() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2SAMPA2DISC
TestDISC2Unisyn2DISC - Class in nzilbb.encoding
TestDISC2Unisyn2DISC() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2Unisyn2DISC
TestDISC2XSAMPA2DISC - Class in nzilbb.encoding
TestDISC2XSAMPA2DISC() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.TestDISC2XSAMPA2DISC
TestEditStep - Class in nzilbb.editpath
TestEditStep() - Constructor for class nzilbb.editpath.TestEditStep
TestGraph - Class in nzilbb.ag
Annotation Graph unit tests.
TestGraph() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.TestGraph
TestHTK2DISC - Class in nzilbb.encoding
TestHTK2DISC() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.TestHTK2DISC
TestIO - Class in nzilbb.util
TestIO() - Constructor for class nzilbb.util.TestIO
TestIPA2DISC - Class in nzilbb.encoding
TestIPA2DISC() - Constructor for class nzilbb.encoding.TestIPA2DISC
TestJSONSerialization - Class in nzilbb.ag.serialize.json
TestJSONSerialization() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.serialize.json.TestJSONSerialization
TestLayer - Class in nzilbb.ag
TestLayer() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.TestLayer
TestLayerHierarchyTraversal - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestLayerHierarchyTraversal() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestLayerHierarchyTraversal
TestLayerTraversal - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestLayerTraversal() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestLayerTraversal
TestMediaFile - Class in nzilbb.ag
TestMediaFile() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.TestMediaFile
TestMerger - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestMerger() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
TestMinimumEditPath - Class in nzilbb.editpath
Tests for non-character edit path computations.
TestMinimumEditPath() - Constructor for class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPath
TestMinimumEditPathString - Class in nzilbb.editpath
These tests ensure that basic string paths can easily be worked with, but also test the general beahviour of MinimumEditPath
TestMinimumEditPathString() - Constructor for class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPathString
TestNormalizer - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestNormalizer() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
TestOrthographyClumper - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestOrthographyClumper() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestOrthographyClumper
TestParticipantRenamer - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestParticipantRenamer() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestParticipantRenamer
TestRequestRouter - Class in nzilbb.ag.automation.util
TestRequestRouter() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.automation.util.TestRequestRouter
tests(String, String) - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestMerger
Standardised method for running graph fragment tests based on files in the test directory.
TestSchema - Class in nzilbb.ag
TestSchema() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.TestSchema
TestSemanticVersionComparator - Class in nzilbb.util
TestSemanticVersionComparator() - Constructor for class nzilbb.util.TestSemanticVersionComparator
TestSerializationDescriptor - Class in nzilbb.ag.serialize
TestSerializationDescriptor() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.serialize.TestSerializationDescriptor
TestSimpleTokenizer - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestSimpleTokenizer() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSimpleTokenizer
TestSpanningConventionTransformer - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestSpanningConventionTransformer() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSpanningConventionTransformer
TestTrackedMap - Class in nzilbb.ag
TestTrackedMap() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.TestTrackedMap
TestUtteranceParallelizer - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestUtteranceParallelizer() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestUtteranceParallelizer
TestValidator - Class in nzilbb.ag.util
TestValidator() - Constructor for class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
TestVanillaSQLTranslator - Class in nzilbb.sql.mysql
TestVanillaSQLTranslator() - Constructor for class nzilbb.sql.mysql.TestVanillaSQLTranslator
theWorksExample() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.util.TestAnnotatorDescriptor
thisToEmpty() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPathString
thisToThat() - Method in class nzilbb.editpath.TestMinimumEditPathString
toJson() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.serialize.TestSerializationDescriptor
toJson() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestAnnotation
toJson() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestLayer
toJson() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestMediaFile
Ensure serialization to JSON works.
toJson() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestSchema
toJson() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.TestTrackedMap
tokensInSource() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSimpleTokenizer
tokensInSourceNoDestination() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestSimpleTokenizer
translation() - Method in class nzilbb.encoding.TestCMU2DISC
Test that general code-book translations work.
traversalIncludingExceptions() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestLayerTraversal
truthyBooleanValues() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.automation.TestAnnotator
turnLabelsOnly() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure utterance labels are set to the turn label.
turnUtteranceLabels() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestNormalizer
Ensure turn/utterance labels are made equal.


unboundAnnotations() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Test all anchors wil be set, even when there are unbound chains.
unsetOffsets() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestUtteranceParallelizer
Second turn starts after but ends before first turn, words have generally null offsets.
utterancesPartitionWordsInTurn() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Utterances partition boundaries of interpolation.
utterancesPartitionWordsInTurnAnchorsOutOfOrder() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test case where utterances partition words and anchors are out of order.
utterancesPartitionWordsInTurnBeforeNormalization() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Utterances partition boundaries of interpolation, and utternces share anchors with words.
utterancesPartitionWordsInTurnNoChange() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test valid case where utterances partition words.
utteranceTags() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestDefaultOffsetGenerator
Dangling utterance tags don't interfere with partitioning.


valid() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test a valid graph is not changed.
validateHierarchyAnchorsOutOfSequence() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test child anchors that are out of sequence are corrected.
validateHierarchyOrdinalsAndDeletion() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test ordinals are corrected
validateHierarchyOverlappingChildren() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test that overlapping children are teased apart.
validateHierarchyParentChildSynchronicity() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
saturated anchor sharing, and non-saturated by parent-including violations (TODO)
validateHierarchyReversedAnchorsComplexCases() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test complicated reversed-anchor cases, where child/parent relations are affected, are handled.
validateHierarchyReversedAnchorsSimpleCases() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test correction of reversed anchors.
validateHierarchyUnlinkedNonSaturatedChildren() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.util.TestValidator
Test that non-saturated included children that have fallen outside the boundaries of their parent are corrected.


when() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
whoLabel() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
whoLabels() - Method in class nzilbb.ag.ql.TestAGQLListener
WithoutExtension() - Method in class nzilbb.util.TestIO
Ensure file extensions are correctly stripped.
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