This function generates a transcript query expression fragment which can be passed as the transcript.expression parameter of getMatches, (or the expression parameter of getMatchingTranscriptIds) in order to identify transcripts using a list of transcript types.

expressionFromTranscriptTypes(transcript.types, not = FALSE)



A list of transcript types.


Whether to match the given IDs (FALSE), or everything *except* the given IDs.


A transcript query expression which can be passed as the transcript.expression parameter of getMatches or the expression parameter of getMatchingTranscriptIds


if (FALSE) {
## Perform a search of interviews or monologues
transcript.types <- c("interview","monologue")
results <- getMatches(labbcat.url, list(segment="I"),
  transcript.expression = expressionFromTranscriptTypes(transcript.types))

## Perform a search of all transcripts that aren't word-lists.
results <- getMatches(labbcat.url, list(segment="I"),
  transcript.expression = expressionFromTranscriptTypes("wordlist", NOT=true))