Gets a list of IDs of participants that match a particular pattern.

  page.length = NULL,
  page.number = NULL



URL to the LaBB-CAT instance


An expression that determines which participants match


The maximum number of IDs to return, or null to return all


The zero-based page number to return, or null to return the first page


A list of paricipant IDs


The results can be exhaustive, by omitting page.length and page.number, or they can be a subset (a 'page') of results, by given page.length and page.number values.

The expression language is currently not well defined, but is based on JavaScript syntax.

  • The labels function can be used to represent a list of all the annotation labels on a given layer. For example, each participant can have multiple corpora, so the corpus labels (names) are represented by: labels('corpus')

  • Use the includes function on a list to test whether the list contains a given element. e.g. to match participants that include the corpus 'QB' use: labels('corpus').includes('QB')

  • Use the first function to identify the first (or the only) annotation on a given layer. e.g. the annotation representing the participant's gender is: first('participant_gender')

  • Single annotations have various attributes, including 'id', 'label', 'ordinal', etc. e.g. the label of the participant's gender is: first('participant_gender').label

  • Regular expressions can be matched by using expressions like '/regex/.test(str)', e.g. to test if the ID starts with 'BR' use: /^BR.+/.test(id) or to test if the participant's gender includes 'binary' use: /.*binary.*/.test(first('participant_gender').label)

Expressions such as those in the examples can be used.


if (FALSE) {
## Get all participants whose IDs start with "BR"
participants <- getMatchingParticipantIds(labbcat.url, "/^BR.+/.test(id)")

## Get the first twenty transcripts in the "QB" corpus
participants <- getMatchingParticipantIds(
        labbcat.url, "labels('corpus').includes('QB')", 20, 0)

## Get all participants in the "QB" corpus that have "Jacqui" as part of the ID
participants <- getMatchingTranscriptParticipantIds(
        labbcat.url, "labels('corpus').includes('QB') && /^BR.+/.test(id)")