Gets sound fragments from 'LaBB-CAT'.
sample.rate = NULL,
path = "",
no.progress = FALSE
URL to the LaBB-CAT instance
The transcript ID (transcript name) of the sound recording, or a vector of transcript IDs.
The start time in seconds, or a vector of start times.
The end time in seconds, or a vector of end times.
Optional sample rate in Hz - if a positive integer, then the result is a mono file with the given sample rate.
Optional path to directory where the files should be saved.
TRUE to supress visual progress bar. Otherwise, progress bar will be shown when interactive().
The name of the file, which is saved in the current directory, or a list of names of files, if multiple id's/start's/end's were specified
If a list of files is returned, they are in the order that they were returned by the server, which *should* be the order that they were specified in the id/start/end lists.
if (FALSE) {
## Get the 5 seconds starting from 10s after the beginning of a recording
wav.file <- getSoundFragments(labbcat.url, "AP2505_Nelson.eaf", 10.0, 15.0, path="samples")
## Get the 5 seconds starting from 10s as a mono 22kHz file
wav.file <- getSoundFragments(labbcat.url, "AP2505_Nelson.eaf", 10.0, 15.0, 22050)
## Load some search results previously exported from LaBB-CAT
results <- read.csv("results.csv", header=T)
## Get a list of fragments
wav.files <- getSoundFragments(labbcat.url, results$Transcript, results$Line, results$LineEnd)
## Get a list of fragments
wav.file <- getSoundFragments(
labbcat.url, results$Transcript, results$Line, results$LineEnd)