This RMarkdown presents all code used in the article ‘Using Principal Component Analysis to explore co-variation of vowels’ and additional discussion. Throughout, we use data from the ONZE corpus.
Section One covers the toy example used to present PCA. We take three variables with known interrelations: the mean raw F1 values of dress, kits, and trap. These values are taken from a sample of 100 speakers from the ONZE corpus. By looking at three variables, we can visualise the entire process. By looking at three variables with known relationships, we can be confident in our interpretation of our PCA analysis.
Section Two provides a standalone variant of the analysis carried out in Brand et al. (2021). The details of the implementation and models have been slightly changed to enable faster computation.1 Unlike the analysis as it first appears in Brand et al. (2021), the version of the analysis presented here is carried out with generalisation at the front of mind. In particular, we will go into detail regarding the three core questions asked of any PCA analysis:
Throughout, we use functions from the package nzilbb.vowels
These functions are designed to apply to any vowel data to which PCA might be
applied. The code in nzilbb.vowels
is designed to generalise the methods used
in Brand et al. (2021) and Wilson Black et al. (under review). The code for
the various functions can be found at the GitHub link above and, if desired,
can be directly copied from there if one wishes to modify it and avoid using
the nzilbb.vowels
package directly.2 If you use code from the package for this kind of analysis, please
cite this paper and Brand et al. (2021).
NB: Running this RMarkdown will require around 3GB of RAM.
We will use the following packages:
# We're working in the tidyverse 'dialect'.
# Used for plots.
# Factoextra used for PCA visualisation
# nzilbb.vowels used to share the data and some useful functions.
# Install via github using following commented line. If this does not work,
# ensure that you have the package `remotes` installed.
# remotes::install_github('')
## Warning: package 'patchwork' was built under R version 4.2.3
# We will fit GAMM models as part of our preprocessing example
## Warning: package 'mgcv' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Warning: package 'nlme' was built under R version 4.2.3
# Plotly for 3D visualisation
# File path management
The following is the details of the R installataion and environment used to knit this markdown:
## R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31 ucrt)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19042)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=English_New Zealand.utf8 LC_CTYPE=English_New Zealand.utf8
## [3] LC_MONETARY=English_New Zealand.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C
## [5] LC_TIME=English_New Zealand.utf8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] here_1.0.1 plotly_4.10.1 itsadug_2.4.1
## [4] plotfunctions_1.4 mgcv_1.8-42 nlme_3.1-162
## [7] nzilbb.vowels_0.2.0 patchwork_1.1.2 factoextra_1.0.7
## [10] glue_1.6.2 scales_1.2.1 ggrepel_0.9.3
## [13] lubridate_1.9.1 forcats_1.0.0 stringr_1.5.0
## [16] dplyr_1.1.0 purrr_1.0.1 readr_2.1.3
## [19] tidyr_1.3.0 tibble_3.1.8 ggplot2_3.4.1
## [22] tidyverse_2.0.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] Rcpp_1.0.10 lattice_0.20-45 listenv_0.9.0 rprojroot_2.0.3
## [5] digest_0.6.31 utf8_1.2.2 parallelly_1.35.0 R6_2.5.1
## [9] evaluate_0.20 httr_1.4.5 pillar_1.9.0 rlang_1.1.0
## [13] lazyeval_0.2.2 data.table_1.14.8 rstudioapi_0.14 furrr_0.3.1
## [17] jquerylib_0.1.4 Matrix_1.5-3 rmarkdown_2.21 splines_4.2.2
## [21] htmlwidgets_1.6.2 munsell_0.5.0 compiler_4.2.2 xfun_0.37
## [25] pkgconfig_2.0.3 globals_0.16.2 htmltools_0.5.4 tidyselect_1.2.0
## [29] bookdown_0.33 codetools_0.2-19 viridisLite_0.4.1 fansi_1.0.4
## [33] future_1.32.0 tzdb_0.3.0 withr_2.5.0 grid_4.2.2
## [37] jsonlite_1.8.4 gtable_0.3.3 lifecycle_1.0.3 magrittr_2.0.3
## [41] cli_3.6.0 stringi_1.7.12 cachem_1.0.7 rsample_1.1.1
## [45] bslib_0.4.2 generics_0.1.3 vctrs_0.5.2 tools_4.2.2
## [49] hms_1.1.3 parallel_4.2.2 fastmap_1.1.0 yaml_2.3.7
## [53] timechange_0.2.0 colorspace_2.1-0 knitr_1.42 sass_0.4.5
## [57] gghalves_0.1.4
Before turning to PCA, it’s worth explaining our data a little further. The data we are working with come from the Origins of New Zealand English project (ONZE) (Gordon et al. 2004, 2007). The ONZE corpus provides the longest record of New Zealand English (NZE) speech recordings in existence, with speakers born over a 137-year time period (1851-1988). The speech samples themselves were collected during oral history interviews and sociolinguistic interviews. The combined corpora contain speech data from over 600 different speakers from different social backgrounds, ethnic groups and geographical locations in New Zealand’s South Island. This paper takes processed data from Brand et al. 2021, which, after filtering, includes 481 speakers (225 female, 256 male), born between 1864 and 1982).
There is extensive evidence to suggest that some of the vowels of NZE may well show patterns of co-variation over time. The three short front vowels trap, dress and kit have all changed their place of articulation in NZE, such that there are now two front vowels which have both raised and fronted (trap and dress) and one centralized vowel (kit) (Langstrof, 2006). This series of vowel changes is an example of a push chain (Hay et al., 2015), and is one place where we might expect to find systematic covariation.
Formant values for the monophthongs were automatically extracted by Brand et al. using Praat, resulting in comparable measurements across a coherent set of variables. The initial data set of raw formant measurements of the 12 NZE monophthongs contained over 2 million tokens. This was only possible because the corpus is in the LaBB-CAT environment (Fromont & Hay 2008; 2012).
Brand et al. then apply an extensive data filtering protocol at the token level in which a series of conditions were placed on the removal of individual vowel tokens from the data set (see Brand et al. 2021, supplementary material). FOOT was removed as its token count was insufficient for our pre-PCA modelling step (see below) and SCHWA was removed along with all unstressed tokens. This left 10 monophthongs.
Brand et al.’s filtering procedure ran as follows:
We do not go into detail about these steps here as there is nothing special about them in connection with PCA. They are part of the tool kit of work with large audio corpora and of statistical modelling in general.4
Figure 2.1 depicts the count of speakers in the filtered data by year of birth and gender. (This plot is Figure 1 of the main paper.)
figure_1 <- onze_vowels_full %>%
group_by(speaker) %>%
yob = first(yob),
gender = first(gender)
) %>%
x = yob,
fill = gender
) +
geom_histogram(bins = 50) +
title = "Speakers by Year of Birth and Gender",
x = "Year of birth",
y = "Count of speakers",
fill = "Gender"
) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#f1a340", "#998ec3")) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1875, 1975, 25))
here('plots', 'figure_1.png'),
dpi = 300,
width = 160,
height = 100,
units = "mm"
Figure 2.1: ONZE speakers by year of birth and gender.
This section provides the initial example to explain PCA in the paper.
We begin by extracting the raw F1 values of dress, kits, and trap from a pre-generated random sample of speakers from the ONZE corpus, with 50 born before 1920 and 50 born after 1920.
The following code loads the data for this subset of 100 speakers from the
package (which includes the dataset onze_vowels
). It
selects the vowels which we will consider and the useful columns (to see
what the onze_vowels
dataset looks like before we remove information just
type onze_vowels
into the console and press enter).5
The code block then calculates the mean first formant value for each speaker.
# Load ONZE data for 100 speakers, take only DRESS KIT and TRAP.
onze_sub <- onze_vowels %>%
vowel %in% c("DRESS", "KIT", "TRAP")
) %>%
speaker, vowel, F1_50, yob, gender
) %>%
# Take means of first formant data
speaker, vowel
) %>%
F1_50 = mean(F1_50),
yob = first(yob),
gender = first(gender)
) %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'speaker'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
The output above shows that there is a row for each vowel and speaker. That is, there are three rows for each speaker. However, PCA requires a column for each variable we are interested in. So we pivot our data so there is a column for each of the three included vowels.
onze_to_pca <- onze_sub %>%
names_from = vowel,
values_from = F1_50
At this point we can plot the data, using colour to represent the third dimension. That is, dress and trap are represented by the \(x\) and \(y\) axes, respectively, while kit is represented by shade of blue, with darker blues indicating lower values and lighter blues representing higher values.
three_vowel_plot <- onze_to_pca %>%
x = DRESS,
y = TRAP,
colour = KIT
) +
geom_point() +
title = "First Formant Values",
x = "DRESS (Hz)",
y = "TRAP (Hz)",
colour = "KIT (Hz)"
Figure 3.1: Midpoint first formant values for DRESS, KIT and TRAP.
Figure 3.1 is a representation of a 3D cloud of points. As explained in the paper, PCA can be thought of as placing a point at the centre of the cloud, and then drawing lines through the cloud, passing through the central point, which successively capture the largest possible amount of variance in the cloud with each line at right angles to the previous line. The lines are what we call principal components (PCs). If you find it hard to interpret the use of colour in this plot, scroll down for an interactive 3D scatter plot of the same data which does not require the use of colour.
To show this visually, we will run a PCA analysis using R and plot the results. We won’t pause over the details of the code here as it will be explained in more detail in the following section.
We run the PCA analysis using the base prcomp
function. In this case,
we’re not scaling the data, because I want to show what PCA looks like in the
original cloud of points. NB: in almost all situations the scale
to prcomp
should be set to TRUE
# Running PCA
onze_pca <- prcomp(
# Only select the numeric columns which you want to feed into the PCA.
onze_to_pca %>% select(DRESS, KIT, TRAP),
We then extract the required information from the PCA analysis to plot the results. Again, we will discuss how to extract this information in more detail in the following section.
# Load scores for individuals (contained in onze_pca$x)
onze_to_pca <- onze_to_pca %>%
PC1 = onze_pca$x[, 1],
PC2 = onze_pca$x[, 2]
# Extract centre of the point cloud.
pca_centre <- onze_pca$center
centre_data <- tibble(
"DRESS" = pca_centre[[1]],
"KIT" = pca_centre[[2]],
"TRAP" = pca_centre[[3]]
# Extract loadings.
pca_loadings <- onze_pca$rotation
# Use the loadings and centre to find where each point sits along PC1 and PC2
# when represented in the original 3D space.
onze_to_pca <- onze_to_pca %>%
PC1_DRESS = (PC1 * pca_loadings[1, 1]) + pca_centre[[1]],
PC1_KIT = (PC1 * pca_loadings[2, 1]) + pca_centre[[2]],
PC1_TRAP = (PC1 * pca_loadings[3, 1]) + pca_centre[[3]],
PC2_DRESS = (PC2 * pca_loadings[1, 2]) + pca_centre[[1]],
PC2_KIT = (PC2 * pca_loadings[2, 2]) + pca_centre[[2]],
PC2_TRAP = (PC2 * pca_loadings[3, 2]) + pca_centre[[3]],
We plot the centre of the point cloud:
centre_plot <- onze_to_pca %>%
x = DRESS,
y = TRAP,
colour = KIT
) +
geom_point() +
geom_point(data = centre_data, size = 10, shape = 4, stroke = 2) +
title = "Centre of Point Cloud",
x = "DRESS (Hz)",
y = "TRAP (Hz)",
colour = "KIT (Hz)",
caption = "The centre of the point cloud is indicated by a cross."
Figure 3.2: Midpoint first formant values for DRESS, KIT and TRAP with centre of point cloud.
Figure 3.2 shows an ‘x’ where the middle of the point cloud is. This is clear to see for the dress and trap axes. Take a moment to convince yourself that the colour sits in the middle of the range of colours of the points for the kit variable. Don’t worry if you can’t discern fine differences in the shade of blue, for the purposes of this illustration all that is required is a sense of ‘high’, ‘mid’, and ‘low’ values.
We now add the first and second PCs, using line type to visually distinguish them:
PC1_projections <- onze_to_pca %>%
speaker, PC1_DRESS, PC1_TRAP, PC1_KIT
) %>%
PC2_projections <- onze_to_pca %>%
speaker, PC2_DRESS, PC2_TRAP, PC2_KIT
) %>%
PC_projections <- bind_rows(
"PC1" = PC1_projections,
"PC2" = PC2_projections,
.id = "PC"
pc_plot <- centre_plot +
x = DRESS,
y = TRAP,
colour = KIT,
size = PC,
group = PC
data = PC_projections
) +
values = c(
"PC1" = 2,
"PC2" = 1
) +
title = "First Two PCs",
caption = NULL
## Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.
Figure 3.3: Midpoint first formant values for DRESS, KIT and TRAP with centre of point cloud and first two PCs.
Figure 3.3 might initially be a bit hard to interpret. We see that PC1 goes from low values of dress, trap, and kit. This is easy to see for dress and trap. For kit, notice that the thicker line is dark blue at low values of dress and trap and light blue at high values of dress and trap. Dark blue indicates low values of kit, while light blue represents high values.
The second PC, however, puts kit against dress and trap. This is easiest to see by noting that the light to dark blue pattern is the opposite of the pattern for PC1.
The PCs represent new variables against which we can plot our data. We can reduce this 3D data to two dimensions by plotting the data with respect to PC1 and PC2.
two_dimm <- onze_to_pca %>%
x = PC1,
y = PC2
) +
geom_point() +
title = "2D Representation",
Figure 3.4: ONZE data for DRESS, TRAP, and KIT, plotted against PC1 and PC2.
Sometimes, plots like 3.4 allow for individuals to be visually clustered into distinct groups. This is the basis of use of PCA as a prepatory step for classification methods. There are no obvious clusters in the PC1 and PC2 plot for this this collection of individuals. However, even if there is no clear grouping, the plot can still be made useful with the addition of supplementary information (namely, information not fed to the PCA analysis), to aid in the interpretation of two PCs. For instance:
two_dim_supps <- onze_to_pca %>%
x = PC1,
y = PC2,
shape = gender,
colour = yob
) +
geom_point() +
title = "PCA Representation of DRESS, TRAP, and KIT F1 Data",
subtitle = "Supplementary variables: gender and year of birth."
Figure 3.5: ONZE data for DRESS, TRAP, and KIT, plotted against PC1 and PC2 with speaker gender and year of birth added as supplementary variables.
We will use the information in 3.5, in a moment. But
first, to interpret figures 3.4 and
3.5, we need to know what the numbers along the PC axes
mean with respect to the original variables. The way to do this is to look at
the ‘loadings’ of the original variables for each PC. This information is
extracted from the results of prcomp
as follows:7
## PC1 PC2 PC3
## DRESS -0.5182478 0.3312324 0.7884822
## KIT -0.6401923 -0.7615654 -0.1008560
## TRAP -0.5670740 0.5570487 -0.6067321
The values for PC1, for each original variable are negative. These indicate that increases in PC1 correspond to across-the-board decreases in all of the original variables. If we look at the column for PC2, we see positive values for dress and trap, but not for kit. This means that higher values of PC2 correspond to lower values for dress and trap, but higher values for kit.
3.5 and 3.3, along with the loadings we have just considered, give us information which allows us to interpret the PCs. Interpretation of PCs is, as the paper explains, vital for the use of PCA to explore vowel covariation.
If high values of PC1 correspond to low first formant values for all vowels, then it stands to reason that PC1 is capturing something like vocal tract length. Speaker gender is an unreliable proxy for this, but a proxy nontheless. We see the preponderance of male speakers are at high PC1 levels — i.e., the majority of male speakers are on the high side of PC1.
PC2, on the other hand, pits dress and trap against kit. It is well known in New Zealand English, that trap and dress has risen while kit has lowered.8 PC2 seems to capture this variation. This is confirmed in 3.5, where we see that the speakers year of birth closely corresponds to their PC2 score. The later you are born, the higher your PC2 score.
In a full research project, it is often useful to provide further evidence of a connection between PC scores and this or that additional variable. Here, any of the usual tools of statistical modelling can be used. For instance, we might fit a linear model of PC1 score by year of birth to confirm the relationship we set out visually above.
So, we have seen how we go from 3D data from three distinct vowels to a 2D representation of the data in which the new dimensions are interpretable. This is, in small form, the benefit of PCA.
For the purposes of the paper, we combine four the the above plots as a single
plot using the patchwork
package. This is Figure 2 in the paper.
figure_2 <- (three_vowel_plot + centre_plot) /
(pc_plot + fviz_screeplot(onze_pca, barcolor = "darkgreen", barfill = "darkgreen")) +
plot_layout(guides = "collect") +
title = "PCA Applied to NZE Short Front Vowel First Formants",
tag_levels = "A",
theme = theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20))
here('plots', 'figure_2.png'),
dpi = 500,
width = 320,
height = 200,
units = "mm"
Figure 3.6: Figure 2 for paper.
Figure 3, in the paper, will be the 2D representation of the data with and without supplementary variables:
figure_3 <- (two_dimm + labs(title = NULL)) +
(two_dim_supps + labs(title = NULL, subtitle = NULL)) +
title = "PC1 and PC2 Representation of Data",
subtitle = "With and without supplementary variables.",
tag_levels = "A",
theme = theme(
plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 15)
here('plots', 'figure_3.png'),
dpi = 300,
width = 320,
height = 150,
units = "mm"
Finally, we provide the code for a 3D interactive plot which enables one to visualise the steps carried out by PCA geometrically. This is a long code block, which is hidden by default. To view the code, press the ‘Code’ button. The resulting figure enables one to move around the point cloud, add the central point, and the first two PCs (use the box at the top right to show or hide these elements from the plot).
# Visualisation
fig_3d <- plot_ly(
data = onze_to_pca,
x = ~DRESS,
y = ~KIT,
z = ~TRAP,
type = "scatter3d", # What kind of plot.
mode = "markers", # What kind of marking (something like geom in ggplot)
name = "Speakers", # This label will go in the legend.
marker = list(
size = 2,
opacity = 1,
color = "gray",
lines = list(
color = 'black',
width = 1
showlegend = FALSE
hoverinfo = 'text',
text = ~paste0(
"DRESS: ", round(DRESS), " (Hz)<br>",
"KIT: ", round(KIT), " (Hz)<br>",
"TRAP: ", round(TRAP), " (Hz)"
projection = list(
x = list(
show = TRUE,
scale = 0.2
y = list(
show = TRUE,
scale = 0.2
z = list(
show = TRUE,
scale = 0.2
# Add title and axis labels
fig_3d <- fig_3d %>%
scene = list(
xaxis = list(
title = "DRESS F1 (Hz)"
yaxis = list(
title = "KIT F1 (Hz)"
zaxis = list(
title = "TRAP F1 (Hz)"
plot_bgcolor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
paper_bgcolor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'
fig_3d <- fig_3d %>%
# Add centre mark
x = ~DRESS,
y = ~KIT,
z = ~TRAP,
data = centre_data,
type = 'scatter3d',
mode = 'markers',
marker = list(
size = 6,
opacity = 1,
color = 'red',
symbol = "x"
name = "Centre",
inherit = FALSE,
visible = "legendonly",
hoverinfo = 'text',
text = ~paste0(
"DRESS: ", round(DRESS), " (Hz)<br>",
"KIT: ", round(KIT), " (Hz)<br>",
"TRAP: ", round(TRAP), " (Hz)"
) %>%
# Add PC1 line
data = onze_to_pca,
x = ~PC1_DRESS,
y = ~PC1_KIT,
z = ~PC1_TRAP,
type = 'scatter3d',
mode = 'lines',
name = 'PC1',
line = list(
color = "#D55E00",
width = 6
inherit = FALSE,
visible = "legendonly",
hoverinfo = 'text',
text = ~paste0(
"DRESS: ", round(PC1_DRESS), " (Hz)<br>",
"KIT: ", round(PC1_KIT), " (Hz)<br>",
"TRAP: ", round(PC1_TRAP), " (Hz)"
) %>%
# Add PC2 line.
data = onze_to_pca,
x = ~PC2_DRESS,
y = ~PC2_KIT,
z = ~PC2_TRAP,
type = 'scatter3d',
mode = 'lines',
name = 'PC2',
line = list(
color = "#0072B2",
width = 4
inherit = FALSE,
visible = "legendonly",
hoverinfo = 'text',
text = ~paste0(
"DRESS: ", round(PC2_DRESS), " (Hz)<br>",
"KIT: ", round(PC2_KIT), " (Hz)<br>",
"TRAP: ", round(PC2_TRAP), " (Hz)"
The following code repeats, with some modifications, the analysis of Brand et al. (2021).9
The analysis is divided into the following steps:
We use all 481 speakers for this analysis, rather than the sample of 100 used in our explanation of PCA above.
This section corresponds to the section ’Data processing and research questions’ in the paper.
For PCA to tell us anything interesting, we need to put in the right kind of data. In the case of across-speaker changes in vowel shapes we are not interested in changes due to difference in vocal tract length. For this reason, we apply a normalisation method to the data. The method is a modification of the Lobanov normalisation, changed to allow for differences in the proportion of tokens of each vowel. This means we can use Lobanov normalisation for naturalistic, rather than controlled laboratory recordings.
We then take a step beyond normalisation, by fitting models to capture and then exclude known sources of variation in vowel data. PCA should then help us to find vowel covariation which is not explained by known sources of variation.
We’ll take each step in turn.
We use the Lobanov 2.0 normalisation, as developed in Brand et al. (2021). We give the formula here: \[ \begin{equation} F_{lobanov_i} = \frac{(F_{raw_i}-\mu_{raw_i})}{\sigma_{raw_i}} \end{equation} \]
Lobanov 2.0 is implemented in the R package nzilbb.vowels
. The
function lobanov_2
assumes that the first column contains
speaker identifiers, the second column contains vowel identifiers, and the
third and fourth columns contain, respectively, F1 and F2 data in Hertz.10
We the apply function as follows:
onze_vowels <- onze_vowels_full %>%
# Add F1_lob2 and F2_lob2 columns
lobanov_2() %>%
# Remove F1_50 and F2_50 columns
We want to fit models which capture the variation in the data which we are not interested in. We are looking for covariation which is not explained by changes in our predictor variables. Here we fit a distinct GAMM model to each vowel and formant pair which captures differences explicable by gender, by speech rate, and by the speaker’s year of birth. We also fit a random intercept for each speaker and for each word. In order to speed up this process, we remove any words which have less than five tokens. This is not done by Brand et al. (2021).
The models are here fit using the methods provided by purrr
, the tidyverse
package for functional programming.11
Each model if fit using the bam
function from mgcv
, using the following
formula: formant_value ~ gender + s(yob, by=gender) + s(speech_rate) + s(speaker, bs="re") + s(word, bs = "re")
This is done separately for each vowel and formant. The smooths are fit using the
default 10 knots. There is a parametric term for gender
, and a distinct smooth
is fit for each value of gender
. This means that the two genders are fit
separately. Brand et al. (2021) represent the smooths using ‘difference smooths’
for gender
rather than fitting two independent smooths. This introduces an
unnecessary complication for our purposes here and will not affect the random
intercepts which we intend to extract from these models at a later stage.12
# Nest the data so that there is a single row for each model.
onze_models <- onze_vowels %>%
cols = matches("F[1-2]"), # Select columns with formant data (assumes
# there are only two of these)
names_to = "formant_type", # Name column to distinguish F1 & F2
values_to = "formant_value" # Name column for formant values.
) %>%
group_by(vowel, formant_type) %>%
nest() %>%
# For each dataset, remove words with less than five appearances.
onze_models <- onze_models %>%
data = map(
~ .x %>%
group_by(word) %>%
n_occurrences = n()
) %>%
n_occurrences >= 5
onze_models <- onze_models %>%
# For each vowel-formant pair, fit an lmer model.
model = map( # map takes...
data, # ... each entry in a column, and ...
~ bam( # applies a function to it.
formant_value ~ gender + s(yob, by=gender)
+ s(speech_rate) + s(speaker, bs="re") + s(word, bs = "re"),
discrete = TRUE, nthreads = 16,
data = .x # where .x is a pronoun referring to the column entry.
We now have models for each vowel and formant pair. We can have a quick look
at the first of these models to illustrate what they look like.
This model is for the THOUGHT vowel’s
F1_lob2 values.
## Family: gaussian
## Link function: identity
## Formula:
## formant_value ~ gender + s(yob, by = gender) + s(speech_rate) +
## s(speaker, bs = "re") + s(word, bs = "re")
## Parametric coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.42443 0.02678 -15.850 < 2e-16 ***
## genderM 0.17699 0.02930 6.041 1.56e-09 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Approximate significance of smooth terms:
## edf Ref.df F p-value
## s(yob):genderF 1.000 1.001 7.152 0.00749 **
## s(yob):genderM 3.776 3.907 15.592 < 2e-16 ***
## s(speech_rate) 2.585 3.291 1.997 0.12527
## s(speaker) 376.926 477.000 6.778 < 2e-16 ***
## s(word) 167.527 337.000 7.370 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## R-sq.(adj) = 0.163 Deviance explained = 18%
## fREML = 29457 Scale est. = 0.49383 n = 27066
The GAMM output indicates we have a significant smooth over year of birth for both male and female speakers. We are also capturing a lot of variance with our smooths for each speaker and for each word.
Let’s see what the smooths look over year of birth (using the plot_smooth
function from itsadug
plot_smooth(onze_models$model[[1]], view = "yob", plot_all = "gender", rug = T)
## Summary:
## * gender : factor; set to the value(s): F, M.
## * yob : numeric predictor; with 30 values ranging from 1864.000000 to 1982.000000.
## * speech_rate : numeric predictor; set to the value(s): 4.8141.
## * speaker : factor; set to the value(s): IA_m_524. (Might be canceled as random effect, check below.)
## * word : factor; set to the value(s): word_26386. (Might be canceled as random effect, check below.)
## * NOTE : The following random effects columns are canceled: s(speaker),s(word)
According to this model, at the start of our time period, men and women are distinguishable in the height of their thought vowel at the start and end of our period, but are not distinguished in a period roughly from 1920 to 1940. The rug at the bottom of the above plot indicates when our actual speakers were born.
We now have 20 models. But we want to do PCA with speakers as rows. For this, we need a matrix with a row for each speaker. What are the values in the matrix going to be?
One option would be to get each model’s predictions for each speaker. This would give us the variation explained by the model predictors. But this is not what we want for our project.13 We, instead, want the variation which is not captured by these predictors. One way to get this is to extract the random intercepts which the model fits to each speaker. These are the model’s way of capturing the left over variance introduced by each speaker, assuming that speakers come from a natural population of possible speakers.14
We pick out these random effects using the function get_random()
from the package itsadug
. After applying
this function to each model, we can ‘unnest’ to get a single matrix with the
random intercepts for each speaker, for each vowel, and for each formant
onze_models <- onze_models %>%
# For each model, extract random effects and turn them into a data frame
random_intercepts = map(
~ get_random(.x)$`s(speaker)` %>% as_tibble(rownames = "speaker") %>%
rename(intercept = value)
# Select the vowel, formant type, and random intercepts columns and 'unnest'
onze_ints <- onze_models %>%
select(vowel, formant_type, random_intercepts) %>%
This isn’t quite what we want, yet. The data is too ‘long’. It needs to be wider in the sense that we need a column for each vowel and formant type pair ( i.e., we need a column for thought F1 and another for thought F2 etc. ).
We widen the data as follows:
onze_ints <- onze_ints %>%
# Create a column to store our eventual column names
# Combine the 'vowel' and 'formant_type' columns as a string.
vowel_formant = str_c(vowel, '_', formant_type),
# Remove '_lob2' for cleaner column names
vowel_formant = str_replace(vowel_formant, '_lob2', '')
) %>%
# Remove old 'vowel' and 'formant_type' columns
select(-c(vowel, formant_type)) %>%
# Make data 'wider', by...
names_from = vowel_formant, # naming columns using 'vowel_formant'...
values_from = intercept # and values from intercept column
This section corresponds to the section ‘PCA’ in the paper.
We will begin by applying PCA and looking at its output before turning, more seriously, to the answers to the three main questions we need to ask in any PCA analysis:
Our data is in the required form for PCA: that is, it has rows for each observation (in our case, a single row for each speaker), and has values in each column (there are no missing values in our data).
The base R function prcomp
takes a matrix of numerical values. This means
we need to remove our speaker identifiers from the data when we pass it to
onze_pca <- onze_ints %>%
# Remove the speaker column as this is not wanted by PCA.
select(-speaker) %>%
# We scale the variables (more on this in a moment)
prcomp(scale = TRUE)
It is usually recommended to scale the data (which we did not do in the 3D
example above). If we don’t scale the data, then those variables which have the
largest variance will dominate.15
If you don’t have a positive reason to leave the data unscaled, then ensure
you add scale=TRUE
. NB: variable scaling is not the default behaviour for
. This is for backwards compatibility reasons.
Often the first question about a PCA analysis is how much variance each of the
PCs explains. PCA attempts to find new variables, the PCs, which explain,
successively, as much of the variance in the original data as possible. For
that reason, we want our first few PCs to explain the majority of the variation
in the data. We visualise the variance explained with a scree plot using the
function fviz_screeplot
from factoextra
We have a PCs along the x axis, and the percentage of variance they explain along the y-axis. This plot only shows the first 10 PCs.16 Our first PC explains around 17% of the variance in the data. This is more than we would expect if each variable were covering an equal amount of the variance in the data. If the variance were evenly split across the variables, we would expect them to all account for (1/20 = 5%) of the data. In fact, we see that the first few PCs all explain more than 5% of the variance, while all the PCs after PC7 explain less than 5% of the variance in the data.
The amount of variance explained by each PC is captured in the PCA object (i.e.,
the output of prcomp
) by $sdev
. These are the square roots of the
eigenvalues of the correlation matrix of the data. That is, we are picking out
structure in the correlations which are present in the data. We turn these
eigenvalues into percentages of variance explained by squaring the values and
dividing each by the sum of the squared variables (and multiplying by 10).
In R:
onze_pca$sdev^2 / sum(onze_pca$sdev^2) * 100
## [1] 16.9732161 15.5159908 9.9472248 8.1222861 6.2238194 5.4908824
## [7] 5.0480626 4.6393509 4.1787691 3.9047224 3.3042227 2.9821726
## [13] 2.7596471 2.7019667 2.2454932 1.9056283 1.6523960 1.1920704
## [19] 0.8002672 0.4118113
These values in the output above correspond to the percentages given in the scree plot above.
As we saw above, PCA generates ‘loadings’, which tell us how the original
variables relate to the PCs and ‘scores’ which situate each observation
with respect to the PCs. We can access there from the output of prcomp
using $rotation
for the loadings and $x
for the scores.
## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5
## THOUGHT_F1 0.35679280 -0.076559457 -0.275041625 -0.13481338 0.091175363
## THOUGHT_F2 0.38836238 -0.235709318 -0.009744595 -0.16078651 -0.120797306
## FLEECE_F1 -0.23674315 -0.297782228 0.199106087 -0.02942452 -0.220178832
## FLEECE_F2 0.29009745 0.238877109 0.191974562 0.14579845 0.109358186
## KIT_F1 -0.15174106 -0.214109445 -0.089378346 0.35105010 -0.140338285
## KIT_F2 -0.05251790 0.316776762 -0.184784604 -0.25449221 0.004517832
## DRESS_F1 -0.05119058 0.280032906 -0.006140142 0.09785403 -0.561968953
## DRESS_F2 0.25328805 -0.042748137 0.360198676 0.22604305 0.023820539
## GOOSE_F1 -0.16439692 -0.269769171 0.212347664 -0.08520129 0.343618804
## GOOSE_F2 -0.16719521 0.007564973 -0.352300072 -0.25080368 -0.046526514
## TRAP_F1 0.04221320 0.338712445 0.088372093 -0.02145256 -0.375701932
## TRAP_F2 0.09232225 -0.237579046 0.283400850 0.03982914 -0.117482062
## START_F1 -0.21401946 -0.121072602 0.361220273 -0.44338993 0.050929850
## START_F2 -0.33730405 0.086722194 0.022703594 0.19379547 0.100594184
## STRUT_F1 -0.06003080 -0.158815125 -0.132801379 0.49383454 0.027469650
## STRUT_F2 -0.35972697 0.192856463 -0.039839849 0.11555309 0.213153479
## NURSE_F1 0.01610414 0.300116799 0.142671070 -0.20144878 0.285208672
## NURSE_F2 -0.26435752 -0.230580178 -0.304381127 -0.12918352 -0.120401108
## LOT_F1 0.21000802 -0.048047443 -0.369579028 0.13720297 0.315579268
## LOT_F2 -0.13035272 0.303748969 0.136755236 0.21330116 0.225920510
## PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10
## THOUGHT_F1 0.03854638 -0.135039420 0.02206041 0.43527869 -0.01572228
## THOUGHT_F2 0.05397628 0.031994904 -0.15975693 -0.02822312 0.01714447
## FLEECE_F1 0.07754017 -0.094202608 0.15127692 -0.09724248 -0.10354242
## FLEECE_F2 -0.15128296 -0.303832418 -0.20131886 0.15739344 -0.18234262
## KIT_F1 -0.42055651 0.031521818 0.18350267 0.21167452 0.35604709
## KIT_F2 0.37698128 0.038428326 -0.10462242 -0.14020775 0.32666722
## DRESS_F1 0.09583074 -0.076546779 -0.20497069 0.28920409 0.15218279
## DRESS_F2 -0.19643322 -0.008512533 0.07070571 -0.17958415 0.12618474
## GOOSE_F1 0.20204075 -0.360402361 -0.18892905 -0.16939655 -0.08539836
## GOOSE_F2 -0.48804176 0.133611851 0.14462938 -0.20559048 -0.28024850
## TRAP_F1 0.08615608 -0.096079787 0.25424758 -0.40416299 -0.31969544
## TRAP_F2 0.34219993 0.513174031 0.28941801 0.04742842 0.07694412
## START_F1 -0.14372725 -0.048804244 0.00783825 0.18516555 0.08609785
## START_F2 0.12841854 0.056640830 0.05783553 0.40129592 -0.54510738
## STRUT_F1 0.05237841 0.209529491 -0.52016134 -0.29436996 -0.09901877
## STRUT_F2 0.19810030 0.150102191 0.01189521 0.16049039 0.14048169
## NURSE_F1 -0.26940771 0.501180697 -0.23393441 -0.05216976 0.06183712
## NURSE_F2 0.01990668 -0.201979728 -0.16292932 -0.13825229 0.20686855
## LOT_F1 0.19636892 0.008456009 0.42518238 -0.08348702 -0.02150908
## LOT_F2 -0.07580916 -0.294544662 0.27885878 -0.14850091 0.32831747
## PC11 PC12 PC13 PC14 PC15
## THOUGHT_F1 0.177563556 -0.10982611 0.12304638 -0.002084592 0.48803376
## THOUGHT_F2 0.048416968 -0.04663757 -0.14217971 -0.291858483 -0.10955359
## FLEECE_F1 -0.494857632 0.28485136 -0.14461509 -0.275707274 0.27475833
## FLEECE_F2 -0.344458156 -0.03718054 -0.09733424 -0.243993885 -0.16621843
## KIT_F1 0.226858415 -0.09956112 0.09548350 -0.349827062 -0.28576878
## KIT_F2 -0.005544686 0.17065921 0.46398858 -0.283157821 0.03309327
## DRESS_F1 -0.211340117 -0.03089775 0.06869113 0.453117088 -0.23904386
## DRESS_F2 0.262652170 0.57069258 0.27725387 0.262089962 0.12738144
## GOOSE_F1 0.179160305 -0.27966280 0.18585116 0.120694938 -0.35974789
## GOOSE_F2 -0.203603456 -0.14804620 0.36136651 0.090217378 -0.01260501
## TRAP_F1 0.377765687 -0.09181478 -0.10508858 -0.172760997 -0.04528746
## TRAP_F2 -0.053291936 -0.38047381 0.03763447 0.125924240 0.02821931
## START_F1 -0.088801558 0.08651116 0.19408533 0.092043426 -0.01997555
## START_F2 0.231139962 0.12621327 0.04490488 0.061977222 0.10110910
## STRUT_F1 -0.133828167 -0.09180543 0.20581033 0.009414208 0.22102790
## STRUT_F2 0.036129249 0.17576254 -0.08647767 -0.294176842 -0.09581765
## NURSE_F1 0.030919944 0.01489798 -0.36279590 0.080230549 -0.01458330
## NURSE_F2 0.213478090 0.12131471 -0.46629996 0.240135087 0.12624128
## LOT_F1 -0.268558891 0.25139040 -0.08858095 0.242905110 -0.35016157
## LOT_F2 -0.138441140 -0.37864039 -0.06523067 0.110666046 0.38823908
## PC16 PC17 PC18 PC19 PC20
## THOUGHT_F1 0.10950884 0.106732775 -0.198497238 0.20023557 0.39368438
## THOUGHT_F2 0.33192425 -0.339568751 0.538780666 -0.24637299 0.15538359
## FLEECE_F1 0.05259899 -0.250154014 -0.242760274 0.12878156 0.26274847
## FLEECE_F2 -0.24696649 0.286746868 -0.117810379 -0.40197922 0.19901492
## KIT_F1 -0.21690751 -0.117414406 -0.043584298 0.07360418 0.23326559
## KIT_F2 -0.31682482 -0.197260005 -0.049171120 -0.18915700 0.11769997
## DRESS_F1 0.20027603 -0.139093555 -0.010117905 0.06387377 0.23075910
## DRESS_F2 0.16311726 0.001060367 -0.072628484 -0.23268389 0.13525102
## GOOSE_F1 0.15167053 -0.177130055 -0.266901540 0.04203419 0.26676304
## GOOSE_F2 0.23787384 0.027705766 -0.055315793 -0.31745301 0.14697311
## TRAP_F1 -0.04334279 0.193338379 0.065530050 0.20509493 0.32791306
## TRAP_F2 -0.10859186 0.179696879 -0.124174794 -0.34455357 0.15184761
## START_F1 -0.20109064 0.335534565 0.499394534 0.20637347 0.19532735
## START_F2 -0.18411482 -0.335775047 0.220787318 -0.24566338 0.09006751
## STRUT_F1 -0.09176226 0.175059587 0.241461303 0.18879831 0.21115350
## STRUT_F2 0.59379242 0.386391490 0.010263309 -0.08858054 0.14277154
## NURSE_F1 -0.07811505 -0.269861479 -0.162400498 0.14361096 0.34202751
## NURSE_F2 -0.20442353 0.182780824 -0.007072848 -0.39688165 0.19844005
## LOT_F1 -0.12480259 0.001112035 0.185165591 0.15004106 0.27309394
## LOT_F2 0.08865467 -0.207685754 0.276652904 -0.10586221 0.08301706
The output above gives the loadings for all 20 PCs. Inspection of the first column reveals that thought F2 is given the highest loading for PC1.
We can look at the first few scores too:
## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6
## [1,] 0.4050702 0.9311386 0.3767625 0.5916869 0.06970414 -0.7832831
## [2,] 2.3927446 4.0523262 -0.9207881 -0.9744601 1.03930509 -0.6710497
## [3,] -3.1808468 1.0055177 -2.1898551 0.3991194 -0.25009715 -0.6680832
## [4,] -0.7069682 -0.5910477 -0.9125170 -0.6732814 -0.48827798 -0.3436262
## [5,] -2.4573684 0.2551338 -1.3308070 0.8824494 1.24674908 2.5664650
## [6,] -4.7114277 -1.2563733 -2.9887555 -1.2382744 -0.24931942 0.8531655
## PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12
## [1,] 0.4132618 -0.1054732 -0.5349002 0.1325846 -0.01641238 0.69475178
## [2,] -0.9365914 0.1706605 0.9632129 -0.3621625 -0.06450938 -0.93546215
## [3,] -0.3550473 -0.9204214 1.1630718 0.9683113 -0.14447944 0.09118720
## [4,] 0.7536565 -0.8196776 0.4839191 0.1123403 -1.38199979 -0.09884395
## [5,] -0.1046914 -0.2738883 0.6592816 1.2236284 0.50441282 -0.33804490
## [6,] 1.8405867 0.9818635 -1.0057699 0.6154799 1.61258475 -2.36726480
## PC13 PC14 PC15 PC16 PC17 PC18
## [1,] -0.04489519 0.7394596 -1.362074718 -0.4326205 -0.07071635 0.37755265
## [2,] -0.55804710 0.2583477 -1.386202286 0.2066686 1.14839339 0.16414584
## [3,] 1.70646671 0.9925023 -0.006306586 0.4970009 -1.07427206 0.24492841
## [4,] -0.59416736 -0.5330918 0.099408014 -0.4255276 0.42059280 0.08745924
## [5,] 0.76186341 -0.1590231 2.005116129 0.1818182 0.41956604 0.42209042
## [6,] 0.02218806 -0.9076049 -1.022323877 0.3405310 -1.37624393 0.81802724
## PC19 PC20
## [1,] -0.14648234 -0.32999863
## [2,] 0.42812720 -0.06365730
## [3,] 0.38291506 -0.07371101
## [4,] 0.35964370 0.32859970
## [5,] 0.02809271 0.13665128
## [6,] 1.24917077 -0.16354956
This tells us where the individuals sit within the space defined by the principal components. So, individual 1 (the first row), has positive values for the first five PCs, but the magnitude of their PC scores is quite small compared to some other speakers (e.g. compare the PC1 value for the sixth row and the PC2 value for the speaker in the second row).
For the purpose of illustration, let’s look at a popular method for depicting
loadings: the variable plot. This allows us to plot the original variables
within the space defined by any two of the PCs. The natural choice is to use
the first two principle components. For this we use the function fviz_pca_var
from factoextra
# top 10 variables by contribution to the PCs plotted
select.var = list(contrib = 15),
repel = TRUE # attempt to prevent label overlap
Figure 4.1: Variable plot of PC1 and PC2.
Here we see PC1 along the x axis and PC2 along the y axis. Each label also tells us what proportion of the variance in the data these PCs explain (the same information presented in the scree plot above). If two arrows point in opposite directions, they are patterned against each other in the space of these PCs, if they point in the same direction, then they are patterned with one another. The closer the arrows are to the circle, the better they are represented by these two PCs. That is, if an arrow were to touch the circle, then no further PCs would be required for us to perfectly capture it’s position in our original data set. It is to be expected that we lose some quality of representation when doing PCA. In fact, this is desired if we think of later PCs are capturing noise in our original data and earlier PCs as capturing signal.
If we look along the x-axis, we see fleece and thought F2 and trap and thought and against start and fleece F1. If we look along the y axis, we see kit and strut F2 patterned against dress, trap and thought F2. This plot will be returned to later, as we attempt to interpret our PCs in the face of instability in their direction.
We can follow up this PC-by-PC approach to interpreting the loadings with
contribution plots. These can be carried out using the pca_contrib_plot
function from nzilbb.vowels
pca_contrib_plot(onze_pca, pc_no = 1, cutoff = NULL)
Figure 4.2: Contribution plot of PC1.
This shows the contribution of each variable to the PC, measured as a percentage. This is an alternative to the raw loading. We indicate whether the underlying loading is negative or positive by use of either a ‘+’ or ‘-’ and by colour. Here, we see the vowels we picked out in the variable plot. This plot makes the relative magnitude of different variables more clear than if we used only the variable plot.
We can plot the same plot with a ‘cut off’ value. This is a method which is used sometimes when interpreting PCs.
pca_contrib_plot(onze_pca, pc_no=1, cutoff=50)
Figure 4.3: Contribution plot of PC1 with 50% cutoff.
Figure 4.3 hides those variables which are not required to account for 50% of the contribution of the original variables to the PC.
We now show the contribution plot for PC2.
pca_contrib_plot(onze_pca, pc_no = 2, cutoff = NULL)
Figure 4.4: Contribution plot of PC1.
We provide the contribution plot of PC2 in order to enable comparison between it and PC1 and with the first two PCs as represented in the variable plot (Figure 4.1)
Individuals can also be plotted in the space of the first two PCs (or, indeed
any two PCs we select). We can do this using the function fviz_pca_ind
from factoextra
It is often useful to understand how the observations in a data set are being placed in the space defined by a given set of PCs. In this case, we see that the individual in the 150th row of the data has a very high PC2 score and a reasonably low PC1 score. This individual, and the individual in the 152nd row are coming out as quite extreme in value for PC2. We will discuss how this information can be used further below.
Finally, both variables and individuals can be joined in a ‘biplot’,
using fviz_pca_biplot
. In this case, we restrict both the individuals and the
variables to those which make the biggest contribution to the two PCs. We pick
10 of the original variables, and 30 of the individuals. Only the 10 variables
which most contribute to their PCs and the 30 speakers who take the most extreme
values for them are plotted.
select.var = list(contrib = 10),
select.ind = list(contrib = 30),
repel = TRUE
Figure 4.5: Biplot of PC1 and PC2.
Sometimes it can be useful to have the information in the variable plot and the individual plot at the same time.
The first question to ask concerning a dataset which we intend to apply PCA to is, straightforwardly, “is PCA appropriate?”. This is particularly important given that PCA will always find relationships between variables. It is important to be able to determine whether these relationships represent genuine phenomena or whether they are merely the result of randomness in the data.
We saw above that PCA can be thought of as exploring the structure of correlations within a dataset. We can thus ask whether there is any such structure. That is, we can look at the correlations present in our data and those we would expect if the data lacks an interesting structure in its correlations (or at least, structure which we can be confident is not random).
There are various ways of comparing the structure of correlations in a data set
compared with randomised data.17
For this question, will just look at the raw count of significant correlations,
comparing them in our real data and in 1000 permuted versions of the dataset.
Here we use the function correlation_test
from the nzilbb.vowels
onze_cor_test <- correlation_test(
onze_ints %>% select(-speaker),
n = 1000,
cor.method = "pearson"
The basic information about the correlation test can be extracted using
. Note that you can change the alpha level here.
alpha = 0.05,
n_cors = 5 # Increase this to see more pairwise correlations.
## Correlation test results.
## Count of significant pairwise correlations in original data at alpha = 0.05: 129
## Mean significant pairwise correlations in permuted data (n = 1000) at alpha = 0.05: 9.469
## Min = 3, Max = 23.
## Top 5 pairwise correlations in original data:
## STRUT_F2, THOUGHT_F2: -0.57
## FLEECE_F2, NURSE_F2: -0.55
## START_F2, THOUGHT_F2: -0.55
## LOT_F2, THOUGHT_F2: -0.48
The strongest correlation in our data is between strut and thought F2. There are 129 significant correlation in the original data, and an average of 9.5 across our 1000 permutations (with a max of 22). This indicates that we have much more structure in our correlation matrix than we would expect from random data. We also see strong correlations across different vowels. Only one of the top five correlations is of an F1 and F2 in a single vowel. Such correlations are, obviously, not particularly interesting if we are interested in co-variation across multiple vowels.
Information about the pairwise correlations which are present in our data can be useful for interpreting PCs. We will return to this below.
We can plot the correlation test in two ways using nzilbb.vowels
. First, we
plot the count of significant correlations.
sig_cor_plot <- plot_correlation_counts(onze_cor_test, half_violin = TRUE)
Figure 4.6: Count of significant correlations.
Figure 4.6 presents the count of significant correlations in the original data as a red dot, and the distribution of counts of significant correlations as a blue violin.
We can also look at the magnitude of correlations across our variables.
mag_cor_plot <- plot_correlation_magnitudes(onze_cor_test)
## Warning: The dot-dot notation (`..density..`) was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `after_stat(density)` instead.
## ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the nzilbb.vowels package.
## Please report the issue to the authors.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.
Figure 4.7: Magnitude of correlations in original and permuted data.
From the above plots, we see that we have non-random structure in our correlations, both in terms of magnitude and statistical significance. This gives us good reason to proceed with PCA. If we could not easily distinguish our data from the distribution of permuted data sets, we would not be in a position to apply PCA.
The following plot is Figure 4 in the paper:
figure_4 <- (sig_cor_plot + labs(title = NULL, caption=NULL)) +
(mag_cor_plot +
labs(title = NULL, x = "Magnitude of Pearson's r") +
theme(legend.position = "none")) +
title = "Permutation Test on By-Speaker Random Intercepts",
subtitle = "(1000 Iterations)",
tag_levels = "A",
theme = theme(
plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 15)
) +
plot_layout(guides = "collect")
here('plots', 'figure_4.png'),
dpi = 300,
width = 320,
height = 150,
units = "mm"
Recommendation: PCA should only be run on vowel data which contains non-random structure in their pairwise correlations as revealed by permutation test.
As noted above, when scree plots were introduced, we hope to capture the majority of variance in our data with the first ‘few’ PCs. The best method for picking what counts as a ‘few’ is not a settled matter. All methods turn on the kind of information present in a scree plot.
In Brand et al. (2021) adopts two criteria:
The use of a cut off for variance explained is quite widespread in the literature. For instance, Kaiser 1961 argues that eigenvalues greater than one should be accepted as they account for more variation than would be explained by one of the original variables (Kaiser 1961). This would correspond, in our dataset, to 5% of variance explained (recall that we have 20 variables).
We believe the method in Brand et al. (2021) remains a defensible one. The cut off of 10% can be thought of as a threshold on effect size. There is no reason not to adopt such a threshold in exploratory work. However, in presenting the use of PCA for the investigation of vowel co-variation is a general method, it is worth offering a more robust approach which takes account of recent methodological advances in the use of PCA in the biological sciences.
In particular, permutation and bootstrapping methods have become increasingly popular with the increased computer power available to researchers using ordinary PCs. Permutation methods are useful for determining a null distribution. The distribution in the previous section (Figure 4.6) is a null distribution for the count of significant pairwise correlations. As the count from the original data falls well outside this distribution, we take it that the correlation structure in our data is not the result of merely random variation but reflects real structure. Bootstrapping, on the other hand, generates new data sets with subsets of the original data and are used to estimate confidence bands around both the variance explained by each PC and on each loading.18
The function pca_test
from nzilbb.vowels
runs a parallel bootstrap and
permutation test of the sort just described:
onze_test <- pca_test(
onze_ints %>% select(-speaker),
n = 1000,
variance_confint = 0.95,
loadings_confint = 0.9
We can directly extract judgements about which PCs are significant and which
loadings are significant from pca_test
using the summary
function. For now,
just look at the information about which PCs are significant:
## PCA Permutation and Bootstrapping Test
## Iterations: 1000
## Significant PCs at 0.05 level: PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5.
## Significant loadings at 0.1 level:
## PC1: DRESS_F2
## PC1: GOOSE_F1
## PC1: GOOSE_F2
## PC1: LOT_F1
## PC1: NURSE_F2
## PC1: START_F1
## PC1: START_F2
## PC1: STRUT_F2
## PC2: DRESS_F1
## PC2: GOOSE_F1
## PC2: KIT_F1
## PC2: KIT_F2
## PC2: LOT_F2
## PC2: NURSE_F1
## PC2: NURSE_F2
## PC2: STRUT_F2
## PC2: TRAP_F1
## PC2: TRAP_F2
## PC3: DRESS_F2
## PC3: GOOSE_F2
## PC3: LOT_F1
## PC3: NURSE_F2
## PC3: START_F1
## PC3: TRAP_F2
## PC4: KIT_F1
## PC4: START_F1
## PC4: STRUT_F1
## PC5: DRESS_F1
## PC6: GOOSE_F2
## PC7: NURSE_F1
## PC7: TRAP_F2
## PC8: STRUT_F1
According to the summary above, PCs 1-5 are significant, in the sense that they explain more variance than attained in 95% of the permuted analyses. This is, in practice, equivalent to the first criterion in Brand et al. (2021).
We can visualise the test results for variance explained using
from nzilbb.vowels
Here, we see that PCs 1, 2, 3, and 4 are well clear of the permuted data, while our value for PC5 is very close to the distribution of permuted values. We also see that the confidence interval for PC3 falls either side of 10%. This is a worry for using a 10% cut off, as in the second criterion used by Brand et al. Sometimes this will appear above the threshold and sometimes it won’t (this will be, judging from the plot, a roughly 50/50 proposition).
A more serious issue is revealed by the bootstrap analysis of our data. This was not clear in the analysis of Brand et al. (2021), but, as we will show below, does not affect its conclusions. This is the fact that the confidence bands for PC1 and PC2 overlap. This is worrying because in situations in which two PCs explain the same, or nearly the same, variance, they become very unstable. In the case where they are equal, any two orthogonal lines through the variable plot of PC1 and PC2 would do equally well for the PCs. This, in turn, leads to instability in the loadings for each PC. In fact, some researchers in biology argue that PCs with overlapping confidence intervals should not be interpreted (e.g. Björklund (2019)). We believe that this is an excessive response to the problem and will offer a solution in the following section. However, we agree with Björklund that some indication of the error in our estimation of variance explained should be provided.
This information can be extracted from the pca_test
object, for
variance explained as a percentage, as follows:
onze_test$variance %>%
filter(sig_PC) %>%
PC, variance_explained, low_confint_var, high_confint_var,
mean_confint_var, sd_confint_var
) %>%
# Express as percentage
mutate(across(.cols = !PC, .fns = ~ .x * 100))
Recommendation: report on each PC whose values appear as significantly greater than expected from the null distribution. This could be in supplementary material, or in the main body text. Also report, either visually or in a table, the mean, standard deviation and confidence intervals on the variance explained by each PC.
The following is Figure 5 in the paper. We use the pc_max
argument to
restrict out plot to the first 10 PCs.
figure_5 <- plot_variance_explained(onze_test, pc_max = 10) +
labs(caption = NULL)
here('plots', 'figure_5.png'),
dpi = 500,
width = 160,
height = 100,
units = "mm"
We now look at interpreting our PCs. We saw in the 3D toy model that PCs can have natural explanations. Often, introductions to PCA suggest that the mark of an interpretable PC is that it has ‘high’ loadings for a handful of variables.19 This is just a heuristic though. Some patterns across lots of variables can be easily interpreted. For instance, if we fed raw hertz values of all of our vowels into PCA, we would get something like PC1 in the 3D example, in which all variables patterned together. This would be just as easy to interpret as a size factor as it was in the 3D case!20
In all cases, we will be looking for some pattern which we can explain, occurring across the loadings. A necessary step for this is to decide which variables we want to include in our interpretation and which we want to exclude. There are a few reasons for this:
Brand et al. (2021) adopt a cut off value to interpret each PC (as depicted above in Figure 4.3). The cut off is applied to the loadings represented as contribution values (i.e. as percentages). They successively take the variables with the highest contribution to the PC until 50% of the contribution of the original variables to the PC is accounted for. This approach satisfies the reasons just given.
Other options are possible. We present one here which is somewhat more robust and generalisable. The 50% cut off value was chosen as a result of trial and error with the particular data. In practice, this method results in a very similar collection of variables to use in interpreting our PCs.
We follow Vieira’s (2012) use of
index loadings. For each loading, for a given PC, the index loading
is the product of the PC’s squared eigenvalue and the squared loading. Index
loadings solve two problems:
We use permutation and bootstrapping to generate a
null distribution and confidence bands for the index loadings for each PC.
Vieira suggests that the standard 0.05 alpha value, and the corresponding use
of 95% confidence intervals, is too conservative when using index loadings. So,
by default, the pca_test
function uses 90% confidence intervals.
We plot the index loadings for the first PC using the plot_loadings
pc1_loadings_plot_uf <- plot_loadings(onze_test, pc_no=1, filter_boots = FALSE)
Figure 4.8: PC1 index loadings with confidence bands and null distribution.
Just as in the plot of variance explained, this plot has both a null distribution and confidence intervals. The actual values from our PCA analysis are presented by either a black plus or minus, indicating the sign of the loading. If a black minus or plus is outside of the interval for the null distribution, then it is ‘significant’. The red bars indicate the 90% intervals for the index loading.
Figure 4.8 clearly shows the problem of instability in our PCs due to the overlap of the confidence intervals in variance explain for PC1 and PC2. One intuitive way to see this is to imagine that there are two sources of variation in our data, but that in some subsets of the data one dominates the other, while in other subsets it is the other way around. In this kind of case, sometimes PC1 will represents the one source of variation and sometimes it will represent another. Given this, we would expect our confidence bands on index loadings to include very low values for all our of original variables. This is exactly what we find in Figure 4.8. Björklund would here say that this is reason to not apply PCA to this data full stop.
However, we argue that this is too fast. There are genuine relationships of
covariation in PC1 and PC2 which we want to capture. One way to do this is to
look at a subset of bootstrap analyses, namely, those in which the variable
with highest median across all bootstrapped analyses takes a value in the top
3/4 of its distribution. This filtering is applied using the filter_boots
option (which can take some time, as confidence intervals are recalculated).
# This plot will be assigned to a variable so it can be used later.
pc1_loadings_plot <- plot_loadings(onze_test, pc_no=1, filter_boots = TRUE)
Figure 4.9: PC1 index loadings with confidence bands and null distribution, with filtered bootstrap analyses.
In Figure 4.9 we should not be surprised that the confidence bands for thought F2 are high. We have selected only those iterations of our bootstrap analysis for which this is true. The following variables are however interesting. We see that in almost all cases with a high value for thought F2, start and strut F2, and thought F2 take high values. However, fleece F2 and nurse F2 can take values across a very large range. Here, we have a clear rationale for taking the relationship between these back vowels to be a genuine source of covariation in the data. We also, here, attend to dress F2 and LOT F1, which appear to take values in the ‘significant’ range in almost all analyses.
If we ask which variables to exclude, we simply use the null distribution. Any sign which appears below the upper band of the null distribution should not be used in interpretation. Of those variables which we include, we should be very cautious about those whose confidence bands stretch down towards zero.
We now look at PC2. Again, we will filter our bootstrapped analyses because the confidence bands for the variance explained by PC1 and PC2 overlap.
# Generate unfiltered plot for paper.
pc2_loadings_plot_uf <- plot_loadings(onze_test, pc_no=2, filter_boots = FALSE)
# Generate filtered plot to output from this block.
pc2_loadings_plot <- plot_loadings(onze_test, pc_no=2, filter_boots = TRUE)
Figure 4.10: PC2 index loadings with confidence bands and null distribution, with filtered bootstrap analyses.
Here, we again exclude those variables which fall outside the null distribution, and note some scepticism about the inclusion of thought F2.
At this point, it is useful to look again at the variable plot to see why the individual PCs take the form that they do.
pc1_pc2_varplot <- fviz_pca_var(
onze_pca, repel = TRUE,
select.var = list(contrib = 15)
Figure 4.11: PC1 and PC2 variable plot.
Recall that the angle between arrows indicates the correlation between variables as captured by the first two PCs, with arrows close in angle being highly positively correlated, arrows at right angles having no correlation, and arrows pointing in the opposite direction being strongly negatively correlated. It is possible to divide this variable plot set of arrows, mentally, into three groups, rather than two. The first, the large and long arrows for thought, strut, and start F2, with thought F1, and a smaller arrow for dress F2. This group is what tends to come through in our PC1. The second group is the collection of positively correlated, variables with trap F1 dominating. These tend to dominate PC2. The third group is variously captured by PC1 or PC2, depending on the specifics of the dataset. It is dominated by fleece F1 and fleece F2, and is correlated with goose F1, nurse F2 etc. Across the range of bootstrapped analyses, this group variously appears in either PC1 or PC2 or partially in both.21 The two PCs we are currently evaluating primarily place the second and third ‘groups’ in this variable plot in PC2.
As always, with statistical methods, certain phenomena are brought to the fore while others are hidden. What matters here is that we have a clear way to discern genuine strong relationships of covariation from those which are an artefact of having to draw straight lines. For instance, PC1 does capture a genuine relationship of covariation between thought, start, and strut.
The following is Figure 6 in the paper.
figure_6 <- (
pc1_loadings_plot_uf +
labs(title = "PC1 Index Loadings", subtitle = NULL)
) +
pc1_loadings_plot +
labs(title = "PC1 Index Loadings (Filtered)", subtitle = NULL)
) /
pc2_loadings_plot_uf +
labs(title = "PC2 Index Loadings", subtitle = NULL)
) +
pc2_loadings_plot +
labs(title = "PC2 Loadings (Filtered)", subtitle = NULL)
) +
title = "PC1 and PC2 Loadings",
tag_levels = "A",
theme = theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20))
) +
plot_layout(guides = "collect")
here('plots', 'figure_6.png'),
dpi = 500,
width = 320,
height = 200,
units = "mm"
We now turn to the remaining PCs which appeared as
significant in our earlier analysis. Here we again use filter_boots
PC3 and PC4 have overlapping confidence bands for variance explained.
plot_loadings(onze_test, pc_no=3, filter_boots = TRUE)
Figure 4.12: PC3 index loadings with confidence bands and null distribution, with filtered bootstrap analyses.
Here it seems that all of the significant index loadings, those from thought F1 up, are really associated with lot F1. In this case, we can recommend considering all of these variables in the interpretation.
pc4_loadings_plot <- plot_loadings(onze_test, pc_no=4, filter_boots = TRUE)
Figure 4.13: PC4 index loadings with confidence bands and null distribution, with filtered bootstrap analyses.
PC4 seems to capture a correlation between strut and start F1, and, perhaps, kit F1. This PC is not considered in Brand et al. (2021). It seems it is a real cross vowel relationship. However, as outlined above, the choice to stick with PCs which explain at least 10% of variance is defensible in an exploratory context. Moreover, it is dominated by a single pairwise correlation. This is not the kind of cluster which was being looked for in Brand et al. (2021). It remains important to report all of this, if only in supplementary material. It is information which may be useful for reviewers and readers to either criticise the decisions made or as a prompt for further research.
The following is a variable plot of PC3 and PC4, which, again, overlap in variance.
fviz_pca_var(onze_pca, axes = c(3,4), repel = TRUE, select.var = list(contrib = 10))
Figure 4.14: Variable plot of PC3 and PC4.
Finally, we look at PC5. This does not overlap with any other PCs. Consequently,
we do not use the filter_boots=TRUE
pc5_loadings_plot <- plot_loadings(onze_test, pc_no=5)
Figure 4.15: PC5 index loadings with confidence bands and null distribution, with filtered bootstrap analyses.
If Figure 4.15, only dress F1 appears reliably significant here. This is not a clear pattern of covariation between vowels, so we can leave it behind. While it might be useful for accurate data representation. It does not help with our aim of finding covariation between vowels. We would report this as a reason for ignoring PC5 despite it’s appearing as ‘significant’.
The discussion here concerns only the selection of variables with which to interpret our PCs. We have not yet done any actual interpretation.
Recommendations: We recommend excluding all variables whose index loadings fall within the 90% interval of the null distribution. These could just as easily be the result of random noise as signal. Where PCs are unstable, we recommend testing the stability which obtains when bootstrapped analyses of the data are filtered to ensure an index loading for the variable with highest median loading above the 1st quartile. If this reveals stable structure, the significant variables which seem to be stable should be used to interpret the PCs. It is important to report which variables are being used to filter the bootstraps.
This analysis corresponds to section “Returning to the data” in the paper.
Interpretation of PCs by loadings often requires both additional information and creative connections between the PCs and our original data.
One piece of information which is particularly useful when looking at structure in vowel covariation is the pattern of change occurring in the vowel space over time. Thankfully, this is easy to extract from the GAMM models we fit earlier.
Our application of PCA came after a series of modifications to the data. Now we need to partially retrace our steps in order to understand the data. In both cases, we use the scores assigned by PCA to each of our speakers.
There are two steps in return to our original vowel data:
function and the PC scores for each speaker.We’ll look at plotting change over time from GAMMs, and then consider these two points in turn.
We first collect the model predictions for each gender in the data and year of
birth. We use the get_predictions
function from itsadug
# Define the values we want predictions for.
min_yob <- range(onze_vowels$yob)[[1]]
max_yob <- range(onze_vowels$yob)[[2]]
to_predict <- list(gender = c("M", "F"), yob = seq(min_yob, max_yob))
# Collect predictions for each model.
onze_preds <- onze_models %>%
predictions = map(
~ get_predictions(.x, cond = to_predict, print.summary=FALSE)
) %>%
vowel, formant_type, predictions
) %>%
) %>%
-speech_rate, -rm.ranef, -speaker
) %>%
vowel_formant = str_c(vowel, "_", str_sub(formant_type, end=2L))
onze_preds_wide <- onze_preds %>%
select(-CI , -word) %>%
id_cols = c(vowel, gender, yob),
names_from = formant_type,
values_from = fit
We can now visualise these:
first_obs <- onze_preds_wide %>%
group_by(vowel, gender) %>%
sound_change_plot <- onze_preds_wide %>%
gender == "F"
) %>%
x = F2_lob2,
y = F1_lob2,
colour = vowel,
label = vowel # Add label to the aesthetics.
) +
arrow = arrow(length = unit(3, "mm"), type = "closed"),
show.legend = FALSE, # Remove legend
size = 1
) +
# Note filtering as we are only dealing with female speakers now.
data = first_obs %>% filter(gender == "F"),
show.legend = FALSE, # Again remove legend.x
alpha = 0.7,
size = 3
) +
# Often need to use 'expansion' here to fit in 'THOUGHT'
scale_x_reverse(expand = expansion(add = 1)) +
scale_y_reverse() +
title = "Sound Change in NZE Monophthongs",
subtitle = "Year of birth: 1864 - 1982",
x = "F2 (Lobanov 2.0)",
y = "F1 (Lobanov 2.0)"
Figure 4.16: Change in NZE monophtongs from speakers both in 1864 through 1982.
This plot enables us to evaluate PC loadings as either:
In the former case, the PC is plausibly interpreted as connected with sound change.
In any PCA analysis, especially one in which there are many steps required to move from one to the next, it is not immediately clear what a high PC values means with respect to the original data.
The following code uses the permutation and bootstrap test carried out by
to plot the data fed to PCA (in this case, random intercepts from
GAMM models) and the PC scores assigned to our speakers. Significant variables
are indicated by colour.23
We use the function `plot_pc
plot_pc_input(onze_pca, onze_ints %>% select(-speaker), onze_test)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
Figure 4.17: PC Scores and PCA input values (random intercepts).
Figure 4.17 is useful for demonstrating that the PC scores assigned to individuals really do correspond to patterns in the data fed into PCA. For instance, it makes clear that as a speakers PC1 score increases, their random intercept for thought F1 and F2 both increase. Plots of this sort are best confined to supplementary material.
We might also want to see what the PCs look like when represented within a vowel space diagram. The following code reconstructs the top right panel of Figures 7, 9, and 11 from Brand et al. (2021). To plot the relationship between intercepts and PC scores within the vowel space we add the random intercept values to the predicted fit from the GAMM models. This spreads each speaker’s random intercepts across the vowel space. In order to plot the difference between high PC and low PC speakers, for each vowel, we fit a series of linear models which predict the sum of the random intercept values and the GAMM model fits (i.e. the random intercepts as distributed across the vowel space) from the PC score. This allows us to plot straight lines across a cloud of points for each vowel.
We first collect all of the required data together. This is a long block of code, which is hidden by default.
onze_ints_long <- onze_ints %>%
bind_cols(onze_pca$x) %>%
cols = matches("F1|F2"),
names_to = "vowel_formant",
values_to = "intercept"
) %>%
onze_vowels %>% select(speaker, gender, yob) %>% unique()
) %>%
onze_preds, by = c("vowel_formant", "gender", "yob")
) %>%
vs_intercept = intercept + fit
## Joining with `by = join_by(speaker)`
## Linear models
onze_ints_linear <- onze_ints_long %>%
cols = matches("PC[0-9]+"),
names_to = 'PC',
values_to = 'PC_score'
) %>%
group_by(vowel, formant_type, PC) %>%
nest() %>%
model = map(data, ~lm(vs_intercept ~ PC_score, data=.x)),
data = map2(data, model, ~ .x %>% mutate(linear_fit = .y[['fitted.values']]))
) %>%
) %>%
## Adding missing grouping variables: `vowel`, `formant_type`, `PC`
## Extract variable loadings from PCs
variable_loadings = onze_pca$rotation %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "vowel_formant") %>%
cols = matches("PC[0-9]+"),
names_to = "PC",
values_to = "loading"
## Now, add variable loadings and widen so F1 and F2 have separate columns.
onze_ints_to_plot <- onze_ints_linear %>%
formant_type = str_sub(formant_type, end = 2L)
) %>%
left_join(variable_loadings) %>%
group_by(PC, vowel) %>%
max_loading = max(abs(loading))
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
-fit, -CI, -intercept, -vowel_formant
) %>%
names_from = "formant_type",
values_from = c("vs_intercept", "linear_fit", "loading"),
names_glue = "{formant_type}_{.value}"
## Joining with `by = join_by(PC, vowel_formant)`
The following code block defines a function which can be used to plot each PC and apply it to PC1.
plot_vs_pc <- function(PC_name) {
onze_ints_to_plot %>%
PC == PC_name
) %>%
x = F2_vs_intercept,
y = F1_vs_intercept,
colour = PC_score,
group = vowel,
label = vowel,
size = max_loading,
fill = rescale(max_loading^2, to = c(0, 1))
) +
geom_point(size = 0.7, alpha = 0.5) +
x = F2_linear_fit,
y = F1_linear_fit,
size = max_loading
show.legend = FALSE
) +
data = . %>%
group_by(vowel) %>%
F1_vs_intercept = mean(F1_vs_intercept),
F2_vs_intercept = mean(F2_vs_intercept)
) %>%
filter(PC_score == min(PC_score)),
show.legend = FALSE,
alpha = 0.6,
min.segment.length = 0,
force = 200,
segment.alpha = 0.5
) +
scale_x_reverse(expand = expansion(add = 0.7)) +
scale_y_reverse(position = "right") +
name = "PC score",
low = "black",
mid = "white" ,
high = "#7CAE00",
breaks = c(-3, 0, 3)
) +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "yellow", guide = "none") +
scale_size_continuous(range = c(1.5, 4), guide = "none") +
x = "F2 (Speaker Intercept + GAMM Fit)",
y = "F1 (Speaker Intercept + GAMM Fit)"
pc1_vs <- plot_vs_pc("PC1") +
title = "PC1 and Speaker Random Intercepts in Vowel Space"
Figure 4.18: PC1 and speaker random intercepts in vowel space.
In plots of this sort, the size and depth of yellow of the labels indicates the size of loadings. Here, we have already decided to focus on THOUGHT, STRUT, and START. We see that high PC scores for PC1 correspond to fronting and lowering in thought, and backing in strut and start. This is the interpretation given in Brand et al. (2021). This pattern is not obviously connected to changes in progress as depicted in Figure 4.16.
pc2_vs <- plot_vs_pc("PC2") +
title = "PC2 and Speaker Random Intercepts in Vowel Space"
Figure 4.19: PC2 and speaker random intercepts in vowel space.
PC 2, on the other hand, seems to track change in progress, particularly in the front vowels. As PC2 scores lower we see trap and dress rising, and kit lowering, just as in our 3D toy example, while changes in fleece and nurse also match changes in progress.
pc3_vs <- plot_vs_pc("PC3") +
title = "PC3 and Speaker Random Intercepts in Vowel Space"
Figure 4.20: PC3 and speaker random intercepts in vowel space.
This PC is interpreted in Brand et al. (2021) as capturing a relationship between the back and front vowels (see Section 5.2.3 in Brand et al. (2021)).
The difficulty in the code above is associated with the use of random intercepts as input to PCA. In general, any plot of this sort needs to find a patch back from the input to the PCA function and speaker vowel spaces.
Another useful plot for understanding the meaning of the PCs reintroduces the explanatory variables from our GAMM models. GAMMs were introduced to this project in order to ensure that the patterns of covariation. We can verify that there is no relationship between our explanatory variables and our PC scores by plotting them together:
# Create a dataframe with random intercepts, PC scores, and speaker gender and
# year of birth.
onze_ints_and_pcs <- onze_ints %>%
) %>%
onze_vowels %>% select(speaker, gender, yob) %>% unique()
## Joining with `by = join_by(speaker)`
pc1_yob <- onze_ints_and_pcs %>%
y = PC1,
x = yob,
colour = gender
) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
title = "Speakers by PC1 Score, Year of Birth and Gender",
y = "PC1 score",
x = "Year of birth"
) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("M" = "#009E73", "F" = "#E69F00"))
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
Figure 4.21: PC1 score by year of birth and gender.
And for PC2:
pc2_yob <- onze_ints_and_pcs %>%
y = PC2,
x = yob,
colour = gender
) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
title = "Speakers by PC2 Score, Year of Birth and Gender",
y = "PC2 score",
x = "Year of birth"
) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("M" = "#009E73", "F" = "#E69F00"))
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
Figure 4.22: PC2 score by year of birth and gender.
In both Figure 4.21 and Figure 4.22 the lines estimating the relationship between PC score and year of birth are flat. This indicates that there is no obvious relationship between the two. This is true for both genders in the data.
In the case of PC2, this is particularly important. PC2 seems to be aligned with changes in progress over this time period. However, your PC2 score is not determined by your year of birth. This encourages the Brand et al. (2021) interpretation of PC2 as tracking how conservative a speaker is given their year of birth. That is, the vowel space of a speaker with a low PC2 score born in the 1890s will be quite different from that of a speaker both in the 1970s, even while both are advanced in sound change relative to their year of birth. We will visualise this in a moment.
The same output can easily be produced for any other PC desired. Simply change
the x = PC2
and the plot labels from the previous code block.
The following code is to output Figure 7 for the paper:
figure_7 <- pc2_yob / (pc2_vs + sound_change_plot) +
title = "PC2 Interpretive Plots",
tag_levels = "A",
theme = theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20))
here('plots', 'figure_7.png'),
dpi = 500,
width = 320,
height = 300,
units = "mm"
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
Figure 4.23: All PC2 Interpretive Plots.
One way to get back to actual vowel space data is to look at vowel spaces,
selecting speakers by their PC scores. For this, we use the function
from nzilbb.vowels
We start by selecting speakers who have high PC2 scores, while their other PCs (here we include the first three PCs). By high, we mean ‘in the top quartile’, by moderate, we mean ‘in the second or third quartiles’, by low, we mean ‘in the bottom quartile’.
high_pc2 <- onze_ints_and_pcs %>%
PC2 > quantile(PC2, 0.75),
.cols = c("PC1", "PC3"),
~ between(.x, quantile(.x, 0.25), quantile(.x, 0.75))
high_pc2_speakers <- high_pc2 %>% pull(speaker)
## [1] "CC_f_080" "CC_f_134" "CC_f_176" "CC_f_250" "CC_f_377" "CC_f_390"
## [7] "CC_f_477" "CC_f_509" "CC_f_522" "CC_f_545" "CC_f_573" "CC_f_615"
## [13] "CC_m_109" "CC_m_139" "CC_m_232" "CC_m_338" "CC_m_353" "CC_m_432"
## [19] "CC_m_443" "CC_m_446" "CC_m_610" "CC_m_631" "IA_f_527" "IA_m_367"
## [25] "IA_m_579" "MU_f_069" "MU_m_166" "MU_m_602"
We plot these speakers using plot_vowel_space
. This function requires the
data to have columns in the order “speaker, vowel identifiers, F1, and F2”.
Here, I will modify the speaker identifiers so they include year of birth as
well. This is convenient for our interpretation of PC2 with respect to change
in progress.
# We define some vowel colours for the NZE monophthongs.
vowel_colours <- c(
DRESS = "#9590FF",
FLEECE = "#D89000",
GOOSE = "#A3A500",
KIT = "#39B600",
LOT = "#00BF7D",
NURSE = "#00BFC4",
START = "#00B0F6",
STRUT = "#F8766D",
THOUGHT = "#E76BF3",
TRAP = "#FF62BC"
onze_vowels %>%
select(speaker, vowel, F1_lob2, F2_lob2, yob) %>%
speaker = paste0(speaker, " (", yob, ")")
speakers = glue("{high_pc2$speaker} ({high_pc2$yob})"),
vowel_colours = vowel_colours
) + labs(
title = "High PC2 Score Speakers"
## Warning: ggrepel: 1 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
Figure 4.24: High PC2 Vowel Spaces.
We can do the same for low PC2 speakers:
low_pc2 <- onze_ints_and_pcs %>%
PC2 < quantile(PC2, 0.25),
.cols = c("PC1", "PC3"),
~ between(.x, quantile(.x, 0.25), quantile(.x, 0.75))
onze_vowels %>%
select(speaker, vowel, F1_lob2, F2_lob2, yob) %>%
speaker = paste0(speaker, " (", yob, ")")
speakers = glue("{low_pc2$speaker} ({low_pc2$yob})"),
vowel_colours = vowel_colours
) + labs(
title = "Low PC2 Score Speakers"
## Warning: ggrepel: 1 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider increasing max.overlaps
## ggrepel: 1 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 2 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
## Warning: ggrepel: 1 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
Figure 4.25: High PC2 Vowel Spaces.
And, finally, we pick some entirely moderate speakers. That is, speakers who are in the middle for the first three PCs. We will tighten our bands so that these speakers are ‘super moderate’, in the sense that they all fall within the 0.3 and 0.7 quantiles.
moderates <- onze_ints_and_pcs %>%
.cols = c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3"),
~ between(.x, quantile(.x, 0.3), quantile(.x, 0.7))
onze_vowels %>%
select(speaker, vowel, F1_lob2, F2_lob2, yob) %>%
speaker = paste0(speaker, " (", yob, ")")
speakers = glue("{moderates$speaker} ({moderates$yob})"),
vowel_colours = vowel_colours
) + labs(
title = "Moderate Speakers"
Figure 4.26: Moderate speaker vowel spaces.
There is no short cut to insight with plots like this. In the following section, we will pick out four speakers to illustrate the interpretation of PC2.
Sometimes it is useful to produce an interactive in order to explore the vowel spaces of individual speakers by PC score. This was done as part of Brand et al. (2021), and can be found here.
All of this information can be brought together in composite plots. We do this, as an example, for PC2.
We combine plots using the patchwork
library, which enables us to apply
arithmetic to ggplot
objects. For instance, we can put two plots side by
side by joining them with a +
Here we show the difference between speakers with moderate PC2 from early and late in our time period and two speakers from the middle of the time period with extreme scores.
From the moderate speakers (Figure 4.26) we pick the speaker
, although we could just have easily have picked MU_m_072
. This
speaker will represent an early born speaker with moderate PCs. We will pick
as a late born moderate speaker. We then pick CC_f_457
as a
high PC2 speaker, and CC_f_545
as a low PC2 speaker from around the same year.
We first highlight these in our plot of PC2 scores by year and gender.
desired_speakers <- c("MU_f_463", "CC_f_130", "CC_f_457", "CC_f_545")
annotations = tibble(
speaker = desired_speakers,
label = c(
"Older (yob: 1877)",
"Younger (yob: 1980)",
"Leader (yob: 1953)",
"Lagger (yob: 1952)"
pc2_patch_1 <- onze_ints_and_pcs %>%
desired_speaker = speaker %in% desired_speakers,
) %>%
y = PC2,
x = yob,
colour = gender,
label = speaker
) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", alpha = 0.25) +
geom_point(aes(alpha = desired_speaker)) +
data = . %>% filter(speaker %in% desired_speakers),
min.segment.length = 0,
show.legend = FALSE
) +
title = "Speakers by PC2 Score, Year of Birth and Gender",
y = "PC2 score",
x = "Year of birth",
colour = "Gender"
) +
values = c("M" = "#009E73", "F" = "#E69F00")
) +
scale_alpha_manual(values = c("TRUE" = 1, "FALSE" = 0.2)) +
alpha = "none",
colour = guide_legend(
override.aes = list(linetype = c(0,0), size = 3, fill = NA)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## Warning: The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: label
## ℹ This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
## the data.
## ℹ Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
## variable into a factor?
Figure 4.27: PC2 score by year of birth and gender.
We can also combine this plot with a plot of each speakers vowel space as follows (This is Figure 8 in the paper):
figure_8 <- pc2_patch_1 /
onze_vowels %>%
select(speaker, vowel, F1_lob2, F2_lob2, yob),
speakers = desired_speakers,
vowel_colours = vowel_colours
) +
x = 1.25,
y = 1.3,
nudge_x = 10,
colour = "black",
aes(label = label),
data = annotations)) +
title = "Speakers by PC2 Score with Vowel Spaces",
tag_levels = "A",
theme = theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20))
) +
plot_layout(heights = c(2, 4))
here('plots', 'figure_8.png'),
dpi = 500,
width = 200,
height = 300,
units = "mm"
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## Warning: The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: label
## ℹ This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
## the data.
## ℹ Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
## variable into a factor?
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## Warning: The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: label
## ℹ This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in
## the data.
## ℹ Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical
## variable into a factor?
This plot is discussed in more detail in the paper. The main point is to highlight that speakers born in the same year can be identified as leaders or laggers by PC2 and that this difference can be seen in the speakers vowel spaces. We also see how moderate speakers in PC2 have very different looking vowel spaces if selected from the start or the end of the year of birth range.
This RMarkdown has set out the use of PCA for monophthong data in two stages. Both have used data from the ONZE corpus. The first stage presented the basic idea of PCA using three variables from the ONZE dataset with known inter-relations. The aim of this section was to present PCA geometrically, visualising the centre of a cloud of points, and how the PCs are generated by drawing lines which successively maximise variance.
The second stage presented a simplified, standalone, version of our case study: the PCA analysis of the ONZE data carried out by Brand et al. (2021). We fit a series of GAMM models from which we extract random intercepts for each speaker. This enabled us to remove known variation from our data, to further enhance our ability to find new patterns of variation. We then applied PCA to the collection of random intercepts, first showing how to fit and interact with a PCA analysis in R before turning to three core questions:
The approach to these questions taken in Brand et al. (2021) was extended so as to be more robust to instability in PC loadings and includes a more objective method for excluding loadings. Recommendations were given for responding to each question.
For full details of the analysis of Brand et al., see the original paper and the supplementary analysis file available at and on the .↩︎
In the course of putting together nzilbb.vowels
, we have attempted to stick
as closely as possible to what the code would look like outside of a package.
The main difference is the addition of .data
. This is a way of making it
explicit that variable names come from a particular data frame rather than the
general environment. They can simply be removed if the code is take outside of
the package, but it won’t do any harm to keep them in.↩︎
Stopword list: ‘a’, ‘ah’, ‘ahh’, ‘am’, “an’”, ‘an’, ‘and’, ‘are’, “aren’t”, ‘as’, ‘at’, ‘aw’, ‘because’, ‘but’, ‘could’, ‘do’, “don’t”, ‘eh’, ‘for’, ‘from’, ‘gonna’, ‘had’, ‘has’, ‘have’, ‘he’, “he’s”, ‘her’, ‘high’, ‘him’, ‘huh’, ‘I’, “I’ll”, “I’m”, “I’ve”, “I’d”, ‘in’, ‘into’, ‘is’, ‘it’, “it’s”, ‘its’, ‘just’, ‘mean’, ‘my’, ‘nah’, ‘not’, ‘of’, ‘oh’, ‘on’, ‘or’, ‘our’, ‘says’, ‘she’, “she’s”, ‘should’, ‘so’, ‘than’, ‘that’, “that’s”, ‘the’, ‘them’, ‘there’, “there’s”, ‘they’, ‘this’, ‘to’, ‘uh’, ‘um’, ‘up’, ‘was’, “wasn’t”, ‘we’, ‘were’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘which’, ‘who’, ‘with’, ‘would’, ‘yeah’, ‘you’, “you’ve”.↩︎
Interested readers are directed to the filtering supplementary from Brand et al. 2021, for the implementation of these steps and more detail concerning their rationale.↩︎
This assumes that you are using RStudio to view this document.↩︎
The reason we do not scale for this example is that we are trying to visualise PCA in a cloud of points which is as close as possible to the raw data. Introduction of extra processing steps hinders this.↩︎
This information is Table 1 in the paper.↩︎
Keeping in mind that ‘rising’ is, in fact, a lowering of frequency and vice versa.↩︎
All data and analysis from Brand et al. (2021) can be found online either at the following GitHub repository: or at The Open Science Framework at: Individual files can be accessed at We note, in particular, the online version of the analysis supplementary↩︎
This matched the structure used in the vowels
A blog post setting out this method step by step can be found here.↩︎
Recall that this is not an explainer on GAMMs. For that, see the bibliography to the paper.↩︎
It is a reasonable option for sociolinguistic investigation of vowels in which we want to fix our attention on a certain kind of variation, decided upon in advance. This approach would be an extension of ‘canonical correspondence analysis’ or (CCA). For more about CCA in sociolinguistics see Walker et al. (2022).↩︎
For an account of how this works with linear mixed models, see Drager and Hay (2012).↩︎
This is a bigger problem in applications where
the data comes from variables which are one quite different scales. Say, for
instance, that we added speaker age as a variable and didn’t scale it. If we had
even a small range of speaker ages, these would quickly dominate over Lobanov
2.0 normalised vowel space data (where, e.g. the thought F1 values runs from
-4.5485697 to
There are 20 PCs in total. PCA will produce as many PCs as there are variables or observations (whichever number is smaller).↩︎
For more options see (Vieira 2012) and for implementation in R see Carmargo 2022.↩︎
Our use of bootstrapping and permutation tests to estimate confidence bands and null distributions for PCA follows the work of Vieria (2012) and Carmago (2022), although our implementation in R is distinct from Carmago’s.↩︎
What counts as a ‘high’ loading depends on the number of variables. The sum of squares of the loadings is one, so any loading above \(\frac{1}{n}\), where n is the number of variables, is contributing more than would be expected if each contributed equally. This is usually a good lower bound for a ‘moderate’ loading.↩︎
NB: in this case all of many of the variables would not have ‘high’ loadings either. So even the desire to only use high loadings is only a heuristic.↩︎
Consider, for instance, the high confidence band for fleece F2 in Figure 4.10.↩︎
For a tutorial on plotting vowel space changes like this see here.↩︎
This plot is a version of one found in the Analysis supplementary to Brand et al. (2021), in the section titled “Relationship between intercepts and PC scores.”↩︎