Class PhonemeTranslator

    • Constructor Detail

      • PhonemeTranslator

        public PhonemeTranslator()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • getSourceEncoding

        public String getSourceEncoding()
        Getter for sourceEncoding: The name of the source encoding.
        The name of the source encoding.
      • getDestinationEncoding

        public String getDestinationEncoding()
        Getter for destinationEncoding: The name of the destination encoding.
        The name of the destination encoding.
      • apply

        public String apply​(String source)
        Translates a phonemic transcription from the source encoding to the destination encoding.

        The default implementation simply returns the source transcription.

        Specified by:
        apply in interface Function<String,​String>
        source - Phonemic transcription in the source encoding.
        Phonemic transcription in the destination encoding.