Class Unisyn2DISC

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Function<String,​String>, UnaryOperator<String>

    public class Unisyn2DISC
    extends PhonemeTranslator
    Translates Unisyn-encoded phonemic transcriptions like ~ t r a n . * s k r i p . sh @ n to CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like "tr{n-'skrIp-S@n.

    This converts not only the phonemes, but also syllabification and stress markers:

    • *' - primary stress
    • ~" - secondary stress
    • -, - tertiary stress
    • .- - syllable boundary
    * ' primary stress
    ~ " secondary stress
    - , tertiary stress
    . - syllable boundary
    e E DRESS
    a { TRAP
    ou 5 GOAT (but a monophthong for edi)
    o Q LOT
    ah # START
    oo $ THOUGHT (but a diphthong in some en-US)
    ii i FLEECE
    i I KIT
    @ @ schwa
    uh V STRUT
    u U FOOT
    uu u GOOSE
    ei 1 FACE
    ai 2 PRICE
    oi 4 CHOICE
    ow 6 MOUTH
    i@ 7 NEAR
    @@r 3 NURSE
    eir 8 SQUARING (actually a monophthong in many)
    ur 9 JURY
    (troublesome because they map in accent-specific ways)
    ar Q start → PALM → LOT (US) (but START (RP))
    aa Q PALM → LOT (US) (but START (RP))
    oa { BANANA → TRAP (US) (but START (RP))
    ao # MAZDA → START (but TRAP (NZ))
    our $ FORCE → THOUGHT
    eh { ann use TRAP
    oul 5 goal post vocalic GOAT
    ouw 5 KNOW → GOAT (except for Abergave)
    oou Q adios → LOT
    au Q CLOTH → LOT (but a diphthong in some en-US)
    or $ r-coloured THOUGHT
    iy i HAPPY I for some varieties
    ie i HARRIET Leeds only
    ii; i AGREED → FLEECE
    @r @ r-coloured schwa
    iu u BLEW → GOOSE
    uu; u brewed → GOOSE
    uw u louise → GOOSE
    uul u goul post-vocalic GOOSE
    ee 1 WASTE → FACE (except for abercrave)
    ae 2 TIED → PRICE (except Edi and Aberdeen)
    ae 2 TIED → PRICE (except Edi and Aberdeen)
    aer 2 FIRE r-coloured PRICE
    aai 2 TIME → PRICE (except S. Carolina)
    oir 2 COIR r-coloured PRICE
    owr 6 HOUR r-coloured MOUTH
    oow 6 HOUR → MOUTH (exception S. Carolina)
    ir i NEARING r-coloured NEAR → FLEECE
    ir; i near scots-long NEAR → FLEECE
    iir 7 beard → NEAR (except en-AU)
    er E r-coloured DRESS in scots en
    ur; 9 CURE scots-long JURY
    iur 9 curious JURY exception in Cardiff & Abercrave
    y j
    ch J
    jh _
    sh S
    zh Z
    th T
    dh D
    t^ L butter/merry flap
    m! F chasm
    n! H mission
    ng N
    l! P cattle
    ll l llandudno (for Cardiff and Abercrave, this is different)
    lw l feel - dark l
    hw w which
    Robert Fromont
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • Unisyn2DISC

        public Unisyn2DISC()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public String apply​(String source)
        Translates a phonemic transcription from the source encoding to the destination encoding.
        Specified by:
        apply in interface Function<String,​String>
        apply in class PhonemeTranslator
        source - Phonemic transcription in the source encoding.
        Phonemic transcription in the destination encoding.