Uses of Package
Packages that use nzilbb.util Package Description Implementation of an Annotation Graph API for linguistic These are classes and interfaces for supporting automated annotation An example annotator implementation for kickstarting development of a new annotator, which includes the minimum possible implementation of an An example annotator implementation for kickstarting development of a new annotator, which uses all possible features, including configuration Utility classes for helping processAnnotator Contains command line interface tools for manipulating annotation graphs from the command Contains interfaces that are required to convert too/from specific file Utility classes for processing annotation graphs.nzilbb.converter Interfaces and classes for automated media processing.nzilbb.util Utility classes for IO, program execution, ISO language code handling, etc.nzilbb.webapp Utility base class for supporting running presenting webapp-based user interfaces. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by Class Description CloneableBean Functions for serializing/deserializing classes that have annotated at least some bean property getters with @ClonedProperty
.ClonedProperty Annotation for bean getters, to mark the property as one that is copied during object cloning and JSON (de)serialization.MonitorableSeries A Spliterator whose progress can be monitored, and which can be cancelled.Timers Maintains a set of named timers, primarily for performance tests. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by Class Description MonitorableTask A task whose progress can be monitored, and which can be cancelled. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by Class Description MonitorableTask A task whose progress can be monitored, and which can be cancelled. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by Class Description MonitorableTask A task whose progress can be monitored, and which can be cancelled. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by Class Description CloneableBean Functions for serializing/deserializing classes that have annotated at least some bean property getters with @ClonedProperty
.ClonedProperty Annotation for bean getters, to mark the property as one that is copied during object cloning and JSON (de)serialization.CommandLineProgram Base class that standardizes various common functions for utilitiy applications - whether they be run as full applications from the command line or via JNLP or as applets within a browser.ProgramDescription Annotation for aCommandLineProgram
- used to inform command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage information.Switch Annotation for aCommandLineProgram
switch - used to inform command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage information. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by Class Description CommandLineProgram Base class that standardizes various common functions for utilitiy applications - whether they be run as full applications from the command line or via JNLP or as applets within a browser.ProgramDescription Annotation for aCommandLineProgram
- used to inform command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage information.Switch Annotation for aCommandLineProgram
switch - used to inform command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage information. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by Class Description CloneableBean Functions for serializing/deserializing classes that have annotated at least some bean property getters with @ClonedProperty
.ClonedProperty Annotation for bean getters, to mark the property as one that is copied during object cloning and JSON (de)serialization. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by Class Description CommandLineProgram Base class that standardizes various common functions for utilitiy applications - whether they be run as full applications from the command line or via JNLP or as applets within a browser.ProgramDescription Annotation for aCommandLineProgram
- used to inform command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage information.Switch Annotation for aCommandLineProgram
switch - used to inform command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage information. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by nzilbb.converter Class Description GuiProgram Base class that standardizes various common functions for utilitiy applications - whether they be run as full applications from the command line or via JNLP or as applets within a browser.Switch Annotation for aCommandLineProgram
switch - used to inform command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage information. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by Class Description Execution Manages the execution of an external program, ensuring that streams are processed, etc. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by nzilbb.util Class Description CircularDependencyException Exception thrown when DependencyGraph detects a circular dependency.CloneableBean Functions for serializing/deserializing classes that have annotated at least some bean property getters with @ClonedProperty
.CommandLineProgram Base class that standardizes various common functions for utilitiy applications - whether they be run as full applications from the command line or via JNLP or as applets within a browser.DependencyNode A node in a DependencyGraph.Execution Manages the execution of an external program, ensuring that streams are processed, etc.GuiProgram Base class that standardizes various common functions for utilitiy applications - whether they be run as full applications from the command line or via JNLP or as applets within a browser.MonitorableTask A task whose progress can be monitored, and which can be cancelled.Switch Annotation for aCommandLineProgram
switch - used to inform command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage information.TempFileInputStream An InputStream for one-off reading of a temporary file.Timers Maintains a set of named timers, primarily for performance tests. -
Classes in nzilbb.util used by nzilbb.webapp Class Description CommandLineProgram Base class that standardizes various common functions for utilitiy applications - whether they be run as full applications from the command line or via JNLP or as applets within a browser.ProgramDescription Annotation for aCommandLineProgram
- used to inform command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage information.Switch Annotation for aCommandLineProgram
switch - used to inform command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage information.