Class: LabbcatView

LabbcatView(baseUrl, username, password)

Read-only querying of LaBB-CAT corpora, based on the interface.

This interface provides only read-only operations.


new LabbcatView(baseUrl, username, password)

Create a query client
Name Type Description
baseUrl string The LaBB-CAT base URL (i.e. the address of the 'home' link)
username string The LaBB-CAT user name.
password string The LaBB-CAT password.
  • Robert Fromont
// create annotation store client
const store = new LabbcatView("", "demo", "demo");
// get some basic information
store.getId((result, errors, messages, call)=>{ 
    console.log("id: " + result); 
store.getLayerIds((layers, errors, messages, call)=>{ 
    for (l in result) console.log("layer: " + layers[l]); 
store.getCorpusIds((corpora, errors, messages, call)=>{ 
    store.getTranscriptIdsInCorpus(corpora[0], (ids, errors, messages, call, id)=>{ 
        console.log("transcripts in: " + id); 
        for (i in ids) console.log(ids[i]);



The base URL - e.g.


The graph store URL - e.g.


The LaBB-CAT user name.


allUtterances(participantIds, transcriptTypesopt, mainParticipantopt, onResult)

Identifies all utterances by the given participants.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
participantIds Array.<string> A list of participant IDs to identify the utterances of.
transcriptTypes Array.<string> <optional>
null An optional list of transcript types to limit the results to. If null, all transcript types will be searched.
mainParticipant boolean <optional>
true true to search only main-participant utterances, false to search all utterances.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: An object with one attribute, "threadId", which identifies the resulting task, which can be passed to LabbcatView#getMatches, LabbcatView#taskStatus, LabbcatView#waitForTask, etc.

cancelTask(threadId, onResult)

Cancels a running task.
Name Type Description
threadId The ID of the task.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has completed.

countAnnotations(id, layerId, maxOrdinalopt, onResult)

Gets the number of annotations on the given layer of the given transcript.
Name Type Attributes Description
id string The ID of the transcript.
layerId string The ID of the layer.
maxOrdinal int <optional>
The maximum ordinal for the counted annotations. e.g. a maxOrdinal of 1 will ensure that only the first annotation for each parent is counted. If maxOrdinal is null, then all annotations are counted, regardless of their ordinal.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A (possibly empty) array of annotations.

countMatchingAnnotations(expression, onResult)

Counts the number of annotations that match a particular pattern.
Name Type Description
expression string An expression that determines which participants match.

The expression language is loosely based on JavaScript; expressions such as the following can be used:

  • id == 'ew_0_456'
  • !/th[aeiou].//.test(label)
  • first('participant').label == 'Robert' && first('utterances').start.offset == 12.345
  • == 'AdaAicheson-01.trs' && == 'orthography' && start.offset > 10.5
  • == 'ew_0_456'

NB all expressions must match by either id or

onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: The number of matching annotations.

countMatchingParticipantIds(expression, onResult)

Counts the number of participants that match a particular pattern.
Name Type Description
expression string An expression that determines which participants match.

The expression language is loosely based on JavaScript; expressions such as the following can be used:

  • /Ada.+/.test(id)
  • labels('corpus').includes('CC')
  • labels('participant_languages').includes('en')
  • labels('transcript_language').includes('en')
  • !/Ada.+/.test(id) && first('corpus').label == 'CC'
  • all('transcript_rating').length > 2
  • all('participant_rating').length = 0
  • !annotators('transcript_rating').includes('labbcat')
  • first('participant_gender').label == 'NA'
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: The number of matching participants.

countMatchingTranscriptIds(expression, onResult)

Counts the number of transcripts that match a particular pattern.
Name Type Description
expression string An expression that determines which transcripts match.

The expression language is loosely based on JavaScript; expressions such as the following can be used:

  • /Ada.+/.test(id)
  • labels('participant').includes('Robert')
  • ('CC', 'IA', 'MU').includes(first('corpus').label)
  • first('episode').label == 'Ada Aitcheson'
  • first('transcript_scribe').label == 'Robert'
  • first('participant_languages').label == 'en'
  • first('noise').label == 'bell'
  • labels('transcript_languages').includes('en')
  • labels('participant_languages').includes('en')
  • labels('noise').includes('bell')
  • all('transcript_languages').length gt; 1
  • all('participant_languages').length gt; 1
  • all('transcript').length gt; 100
  • annotators('transcript_rating').includes('Robert')
  • !/Ada.+/.test(id) && first('corpus').label == 'CC' && labels('participant').includes('Robert')
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: The number of matching transcripts.

dictionaryLookup(layerId, labels, onResult)

For HTK dictionary-filling, this looks up some given words to get their entries.
Name Type Description
layerId string The dictionary of this layer will be used.
labels string Space-separated list of words to look up.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: an object with the following structure: returned has the following structure:
  • words - object where each key is the word, and each value is an array of entries for that word
  • combined - the first entry of each word, concatenated together with a hyphen separator

dictionarySuggest(layerId, labels, onResult)

For HTK dictionary-filling, this uses a layer dictionary to suggest missing entries.
Name Type Description
layerId string The dictionary of this layer will be used.
labels string Space-separated list of words to suggest entries for.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: an object with the following structure: returned has the following structure:
  • words - object where each key is the word, and each value is a array of suggestions for that word (with 0 or 1 elements)

getAnchors(id, anchorIds, onResult)

Gets the given anchors in the given transcript.
Name Type Description
id string The given transcript ID.
anchorIds Array.<string> The IDs of the anchors to load.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: The identified transcript.

getAnnotations(id, layerId, maxOrdinalopt, pageLengthopt, pageNumberopt, onResult)

Gets the annotations on the given layer of the given transcript.
Name Type Attributes Description
id string The ID of the transcript.
layerId string The ID of the layer.
maxOrdinal int <optional>
The maximum ordinal for the returned annotations. e.g. a maxOrdinal of 1 will ensure that only the first annotation for each parent is returned. If maxOrdinal is null, then all annotations are returned, regardless of their ordinal.
pageLength int <optional>
The maximum number of IDs to return, or null to return all.
pageNumber int <optional>
The zero-based page number to return, or null to return the first page.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A (possibly empty) array of annotations.


Lists the descriptors of all registered annotators.

Annotators are modules that perform automated annotation of transcripts.

Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A list of the descriptors of all registered annotators.

getAnnotatorTaskParameters(taskId, onResult)

Supplies the given task's parameter string.
Name Type Description
taskId string The ID of the task, which must not already exist.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result, which is the task parameters, serialized as a string.

getAnnotatorTasks(annotatorId, onResult)

Supplies a list of automation tasks for the identified annotator.
Name Type Description
annotatorId string The ID of the annotator that will perform the task.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result, which is a map of task IDs to descriptions.

getAvailableMedia(id, onResult)

List the media available for the given transcript.
Name Type Description
id string The transcript ID.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: List of media files available for the given transcript.


Gets a list of corpus IDs.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: {string[]} A list of corpus IDs.


Lists the descriptors of all registered deserializers.

Deserializers are modules that import annotation structures from a specific file format, e.g. Praat TextGrid, plain text, etc.

Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A list of the descriptors of all registered deserializers.

getEpisodeDocuments(id, onResult)

Get a list of documents associated with the episode of the given transcript.
Name Type Description
id string The transcript ID.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: List of media files available for the given transcript.

getFragments(transcriptIds, startOffsets, endOffsets, layerIds, mimeType, diropt, onResult)

Get transcript fragments in a specified format.

For convenience, the first three arguments, transcriptIds, startOffsets, and endOffsets, can be replaced by a single array of match objects of the kind returned by LabbcatView#getMatches, in which case the start/end times are the utterance boundaries - e.g.

labbcat.getMatches(threadId, wordsContext (result, e, m) => {
  labbcat.getFragments(result.matches, layerIds, mimeType, dir, (files, e, m) => {
Name Type Attributes Description
transcriptIds Array.<string> A list of transcript IDs (transcript names).
startOffsets Array.<float> A list of start offsets, with one element for each element in transcriptIds.
endOffsets Array.<float> A list of end offsets, with one element for each element in transcriptIds.
layerIds Array.<string> A list of IDs of annotation layers to include in the fragment.
mimeType string The desired format, for example "text/praat-textgrid" for Praat TextGrids, "text/plain" for plain text, etc.
dir string <optional>
A directory in which the files should be stored, or null for a temporary folder. If specified, and the directory doesn't exist, it will be created.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A list of files. If dir is null, these files will be stored under the system's temporary directory, so once processing is finished, they should be deleted by the caller, or moved to a more permanent location.


Gets the store's ID.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: {string} The annotation store's ID.


Gets the store's information document.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: {string} An HTML document providing information about the corpus.

getLayer(id, onResult)

Gets a layer definition.
Name Type Description
id string ID of the layer to get the definition for.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: The definition of the given layer.


Gets a list of layer IDs (annotation 'types').
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: {string[]} A list of layer IDs.


Gets a list of currently-installed layer managers.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: an array of objects with the following structure:
  • layer_manager_id : ID of the layer manager.
  • version : The version of the installed implementation.
  • name : The name for the layer manager.
  • description : A brief description of what the layer manager does.
  • layer_type : What kinds of layers the layer manager can process - a string composed of any of the following:
    • S - segment layers
    • W - word layers
    • M - phrase (meta) layers
    • F - span (freeform) layers


Gets a list of layer definitions.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A list of layer definitions.

getMatchAnnotations(matchIds, layerIds, targetOffsetopt, annotationsPerLayeropt, onResult)

Gets annotations on selected layers related to search results returned by a previous call to LabbcatView#getMatches.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
matchIds Array.<string> | Array.<object> A list of MatchIds, or a list of match objects returned by LabbcatView#getMatches
layerIds Array.<string> A list of layer IDs.
targetOffset int <optional>
0 The distance from the original target of the match, e.g.
  • 0 - find annotations of the match target itself
  • 1 - find annotations of the token immediately after match target
  • -1 - find annotations of the token immediately before match target
annotationsPerLayer int <optional>
1 The number of annotations on the given layer to retrieve. In most cases, there's only one annotation available. However, tokens may, for example, be annotated with `all possible phonemic transcriptions', in which case using a value of greater than 1 for this parameter provides other phonemic transcriptions, for tokens that have more than one.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: An array of arrays of Annotations, of dimensions matchIds.length × (layerIds.length * annotationsPerLayer). The first index matches the corresponding index in matchIds.

getMatches(threadId, wordsContextopt, pageLengthopt, pageNumberopt, onResult)

Gets a list of tokens that were matched by LabbcatView#search.

If the task is still running, then this function will wait for it to finish.

This means calls can be stacked like this:

const matches = labbcat.getMatches(
       {"orthography", "and"},
       participantIds, true), 1);
Name Type Attributes Default Description
threadId string A task ID returned by LabbcatView#search.
wordsContext int <optional>
0 Number of words context to include in the Before Match and After Match columns in the results.
pageLength int <optional>
The maximum number of matches to return, or null to return all.
pageNumber int <optional>
The zero-based page number to return, or null to return the first page.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: An object with two attributes:
The name of the search results collection
A list of match objects, with the following attributes
A string identifying the match, of the kind expected by LabbcatView#getMatchAnnotations
The name of the transcript
The name of the participant
The name of corpus the transcript belongs to
The start offset of the utterance, usually in seconds
The end offset of the uttereance, usually in seconds
The context of the trascript text just before the match
The transcript text that matched
The context of the transcript text just after the match

getMatchingAnnotations(expression, pageLengthopt, pageNumberopt, onResult)

Gets a list of annotations that match a particular pattern.
Name Type Attributes Description
expression string An expression that determines which transcripts match.

The expression language is loosely based on JavaScript; expressions such as the following can be used:

  • id == 'ew_0_456'
  • !/th[aeiou].//.test(label)
  • first('participant').label == 'Robert' && first('utterances').start.offset == 12.345
  • == 'AdaAicheson-01.trs' && == 'orthography' && start.offset > 10.5
  • == 'ew_0_456'

NB all expressions must match by either id or

pageLength int <optional>
The maximum number of annotations to return, or null to return all.
pageNumber int <optional>
The zero-based page number to return, or null to return the first page.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A list of matching Annotations.

getMatchingParticipantIds(expression, pageLengthopt, pageNumberopt, onResult)

Gets a list of IDs of participants that match a particular pattern.
Name Type Attributes Description
expression string An expression that determines which participants match.

The expression language is loosely based on JavaScript; expressions such as the following can be used:

  • /Ada.+/.test(id)
  • labels('corpus').includes('CC')
  • labels('participant_languages').includes('en')
  • labels('transcript_language').includes('en')
  • !/Ada.+/.test(id) && first('corpus').label == 'CC'
  • all('transcript_rating').length > 2
  • all('participant_rating').length = 0
  • !annotators('transcript_rating').includes('labbcat')
  • first('participant_gender').label == 'NA'
pageLength int <optional>
The maximum number of IDs to return, or null to return all.
pageNumber int <optional>
The zero-based page number to return, or null to return the first page.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A list of participant IDs.

getMatchingTranscriptIds(expression, pageLengthopt, pageNumberopt, orderopt, onResult)

Gets a list of IDs of transcripts that match a particular pattern.

The results can be exhaustive, by omitting pageLength and pageNumber, or they can be a subset (a 'page') of results, by given pageLength and pageNumber values.

The order of the list can be specified. If ommitted, the transcripts are listed in ID order.

Name Type Attributes Description
expression string An expression that determines which transcripts match.

The expression language is loosely based on JavaScript; expressions such as the following can be used:

  • /Ada.+/.test(id)
  • labels('participant').includes('Robert')
  • ('CC', 'IA', 'MU').includes(first('corpus').label)
  • first('episode').label == 'Ada Aitcheson'
  • first('transcript_scribe').label == 'Robert'
  • first('participant_languages').label == 'en'
  • first('noise').label == 'bell'
  • labels('transcript_languages').includes('en')
  • labels('participant_languages').includes('en')
  • labels('noise').includes('bell')
  • all('transcript_languages').length gt; 1
  • all('participant_languages').length gt; 1
  • all('transcript').length gt; 100
  • annotators('transcript_rating').includes('Robert')
  • !/Ada.+/.test(id) && first('corpus').label == 'CC' && labels('participant').includes('Robert')
pageLength int <optional>
The maximum number of IDs to return, or null to return all.
pageNumber int <optional>
The zero-based page number to return, or null to return the first page.
order string <optional>
The ordering for the list of IDs, a string containing a comma-separated list of expressions, which may be appended by " ASC" or " DESC", or null for transcript ID order.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A list of transcript IDs.

getMedia(id, trackSuffix, mimeType, startOffsetopt, endOffset[, onResult)

Gets a given media track for a given transcript.
Name Type Attributes Description
id string The transcript ID.
trackSuffix string The track suffix of the media.
mimeType string The MIME type of the media.
startOffset float <optional>
The start offset of the media sample, or null for the start of the whole recording.
endOffset[ float The end offset of the media sample, or null for the end of the whole recording.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: {string} A URL to the given media for the given transcript, or null if the given media doesn't exist.


List the predefined media tracks available for transcripts.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: An ordered list of media track definitions.

getParticipant(id, layerIds, onResult)

Gets the participant record specified by the given identifier.
Name Type Description
id The ID of the participant, which could be their name or their database annotation ID.
layerIds The IDs of the participant attribute layers to load, or null if only participant data is required.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: An annotation representing the participant, or null if the participant was not found.

getParticipantAttributes(participantIds, layerIds, fileName, onResult)

Gets participant attribute values for given participant IDs.
Name Type Description
participantIds Array.<string> A list of participant IDs.
layerIds Array.<string> A list of layer IDs corresponding to participant attributes. In general, these are layers whose ID is prefixed 'participant_', however formally it's any layer where layer.parentId == 'participant' && layer.alignment == 0.
fileName string The full path for the file where the results CSV should be saved.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: The CSV file path - i.e. fileName or null if the request failed.


Gets a list of participant IDs.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: {string[]} A list of participant IDs.


Gets the layer schema.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A schema defining the layers and how they relate to each other.


Lists the descriptors of all registered serializers.

Serializers are modules that export annotation structures as a specific file format, e.g. Praat TextGrid, plain text, etc., so the mimeType of descriptors reflects what mimeTypes can be specified for LabbcatView#getFragments.

Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A list of the descriptors of all registered serializers.

getSoundFragments(transcriptIds, startOffsets, endOffsets, sampleRateopt, diropt, onResult)

Downloads WAV sound fragments.

For convenience, the first three arguments, transcriptIds, startOffsets, and endOffsets, can be replaced by a single array of match objects of the kind returned by LabbcatView#getMatches, in which case the start/end times are the utterance boundaries - e.g.

labbcat.getMatches(threadId, wordsContext (result, e, m) => {
  labbcat.getMatchAnnotations(result.matches, sampleRate, dir, (files, e, m) => {
Name Type Attributes Description
transcriptIds Array.<string> A list of transcript IDs (transcript names).
startOffsets Array.<float> A list of start offsets, with one element for each element in transcriptIds.
endOffsets Array.<float> A list of end offsets, with one element for each element in transcriptIds.
sampleRate int <optional>
The desired sample rate, or null for no preference.
dir string <optional>
A directory in which the files should be stored, or null for a temporary folder. If specified, and the directory doesn't exist, it will be created.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A list of WAV files. If dir is null, these files will be stored under the system's temporary directory, so once processing is finished, they should be deleted by the caller, or moved to a more permanent location.

getSystemAttribute(attribute, onResult)

Gets the value of the given system attribute.
Name Type Description
attribute string Name of the attribute.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: The given attribute, with name and value properties.


Gets list of tasks.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result, which is an map of task IDs to statuses.


Lists the descriptors of all registered transcribers.

Transcribers are modules that perform automated transcription of recordings that have not alreadye been transcribed.

Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A list of the descriptors of all registered transcribers.

getTranscript(id, layerIds, onResult)

Gets a transcript given its ID, containing only the given layers.
Name Type Description
id string The given transcript ID.
layerIds Array.<string> The IDs of the layers to load, or null for all layers. If only transcript data is required, set this to ["graph"].
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: The identified transcript.

getTranscriptAttributes(transcriptIds, layerIds, fileName, onResult)

Gets transcript attribute values for given transcript IDs.
Name Type Description
transcriptIds Array.<string> A list of transcript IDs (transcript names).
layerIds Array.<string> A list of layer IDs corresponding to transcript attributes. In general, these are layers whose ID is prefixed 'transcript_', however formally it's any layer where layer.parentId == 'graph' && layer.alignment == 0, which includes 'corpus' as well as transcript attribute layers.
fileName string The full path for the file where the results CSV should be saved.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: The CSV file path - i.e. fileName or null if the request failed.


Gets a list of transcript IDs.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: {string[]} A list of transcript IDs.

getTranscriptIdsInCorpus(id, onResult)

Gets a list of transcript IDs in the given corpus.
Name Type Description
id string A corpus ID.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: {string[]} A list of transcript IDs.

getTranscriptIdsWithParticipant(id, onResult)

Gets a list of IDs of transcripts that include the given participant.
Name Type Description
id string A participant ID.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: {string[]} A list of transcript IDs.


Gets information about the current user, including the roles or groups they are in.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: The user record with an attribute called "roles" which is an array of string role names.

missingAnnotations(seriesId, tokenLayerId, annotationLayerId, onResult)

For HTK dictionary-filling, this starts a task (returning it's threadId) that traverses the given utterances, looking for missing word pronunciations
Name Type Description
seriesId string search.search_id for identifying the utterances
tokenLayerId string token layer ("orthography")
annotationLayerId string tokens with missing annotations on this layer should be returned ("phonemes") the "model" returned is the threadId of the task
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: the threadId of the task. LabbcatView#taskStatus can be used to follow the progress of the task until it's finished. Once done, the resultUrl can be invoked, which returns a map from token labels to token IDs (one per type) i.e. the word that's missing, with an ID for finding its first occurance

praat(csv, transcriptColumn, participantColumn, startTimeColumn, endTimeColumn, windowOffset, passThroughData, measurementParameters, onResult, onProgress)

Process with Praat.
Name Type Description
csv file | string The results file to upload. In a browser, this must be a file object, and in Node, it must be the full path to the file.
transcriptColumn int CSV column index of the transcript name.
participantColumn int CSV column index of the participant name.
startTimeColumn int CSV column index of the start time.
endTimeColumn int CSV column index of the end time name.
windowOffset number How much surrounsing context to include, in seconds.
passThroughData boolean Whether to include all CSV columns from the input file in the output file.
measurementParameters object Parameters that define what to measure and output. All parameters are optional, and include:
extractF1 (boolean)
Extract F1. (default: false)
extractF2 (boolean)
Extract F2. (default: false)
extractF3 (boolean)
Extract F3. (default: false)
samplePoints (string)
Space-delimited series of real numbers between 0 and 1, specifying the proportional time points to measure formant at. e.g. "0.5" will measure only the mid-point, "0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1" will measure six points evenly spread across the duration of the segment, etc. (default: "0.5")
formantCeilingDefault (int)
Maximum Formant by default. (default: 550)
formantDifferentiationLayerId (string)
Participant attribute layer ID for differentiating formant settings; this will typically be "participant_gender" but can be any participant attribute layer.
formantOtherPattern (string[])
Array of regular expression strings to match against the value of that attribute identified by formantDifferentiationLayerId. If the participant's attribute value matches the pattern for an element in this array, the corresponding element in formantCeilingOther will be used for that participant.
formantCeilingOther (int[])
Values to use as the formant ceiling for participants who's attribute value matches the corresponding regular expression in formantOtherPattern
scriptFormant (string)
Formant extraction script command. (default: "To Formant (burg)... 0.0025 5 formantCeiling 0.025 50")
useFastTrack (boolean)
Use the FastTrack plugin to generate optimum, smoothed formant tracks. (default: false)
fastTrackDifferentiationLayerId (string)
Participant attribute layer ID for differentiating fastTrack settings; this will typically be "participant_gender" but can be any participant attribute layer.
fastTrackOtherPattern (string[])
Array of regular expression strings to match against the value of that attribute identified by fastTrackDifferentiationLayerId. If the participant's attribute value matches the pattern for an element in this array, the corresponding element in fastTrackCeilingOther will be used for that participant.
fastTrackLowestAnalysisFrequencyDefault (int)
Fast Track lowest analysis frequency by default.
fastTrackLowestAnalysisFrequencyOther (int[])
Values to use as the Fast Track lowest analysis frequency for participants who's attribute value matches the corresponding regular expression in fastTrackOtherPattern.
fastTrackHighestAnalysisFrequencyDefault (int)
Fast Track highest analysis frequency by default.
fastTrackHighestAnalysisFrequencyOther (int[])
Values to use as the Fast Track highest analysis frequency for participants who's attribute value matches the corresponding regular expression in fastTrackOtherPattern.
Fast Track time_step global setting.
Fast Track basis_functions global setting - "dct".
Fast Track error_method global setting - "mae".
Fast Track tracking_method parameter for trackAutoselectProcedure; "burg" or "robust".
fastTrackEnableF1FrequencyHeuristic ("true" or "false")
Fast Track enable_F1_frequency_heuristic global setting.
Fast Track maximum_F1_frequency_value global setting.
Fast Track enable_F1_bandwidth_heuristic global setting.
Fast Track maximum_F1_bandwidth_value global setting.
fastTrackEnableF2BandwidthHeuristic ("true" or "false")
Fast Track enable_F2_bandwidth_heuristic global setting.
Fast Track maximum_F2_bandwidth_value global setting.
fastTrackEnableF3BandwidthHeuristic ("true" or "false")
Fast Track enable_F3_bandwidth_heuristic global setting..
Fast Track maximum_F3_bandwidth_value global setting.
fastTrackEnableF4FrequencyHeuristic ("true" or "false")
Fast Track enable_F4_frequency_heuristic global setting.
Fast Track minimum_F4_frequency_value global setting.
fastTrackEnableRhoticHeuristic ("true" of "false")
Fast Track enable_rhotic_heuristic global setting.
Fast Track enable_F3F4_proximity_heuristic global setting.
Fast Track number of steps.
Fast Track number of coefficients for the regression function.
Fast Track number of formants.
fastTrackCoefficients ("true" or "false")
Whether to return the regression coefficients from FastTrack.
extractMinimumPitch (boolean)
Extract minimum pitch. (default: false)
extractMeanPitch (boolean)
Extract mean pitch. (default: false)
extractMaximumPitch (boolean)
Extract maximum pitch. (default: false)
pitchFloorDefault (int)
Pitch Floor by default. (default: 60)
pitchCeilingDefault (int)
Pitch Ceiling by default. (default: 500)
voicingThresholdDefault (number)
Voicing Threshold by default. (default: 0.5)
pitchDifferentiationLayerId (string)
Participant attribute layer ID for differentiating pitch settings; this will typically be "participant_gender" but can be any participant attribute layer.
pitchOtherPattern (string[])
Array of regular expression strings to match against the value of that attribute identified by pitchDifferentiationLayerId. If the participant's attribute value matches the pattern for an element in this array, the corresponding element in pitchFloorOther, pitchCeilingOther, and voicingThresholdOther will be used for that participant.
pitchFloorOther (int[])
Values to use as the pitch floor for participants who's attribute value matches the corresponding regular expression in pitchOtherPattern
pitchCeilingOther (int[])
Values to use as the pitch ceiling for participants who's attribute value matches the corresponding regular expression in pitchOtherPattern
voicingThresholdOther (int[])
Values to use as the voicing threshold for participants who's attribute value matches the corresponding regular expression in pitchOtherPattern
scriptPitch (string)
Pitch extraction script command. (default: "To Pitch (ac)... 0 pitchFloor 15 no 0.03 voicingThreshold 0.01 0.35 0.14 pitchCeiling")
extractMaximumIntensity (boolean)
Extract maximum intensity. (default: false)
intensityPitchFloorDefault (int)
Pitch Floor by default. (default: 60)
intensityDifferentiationLayerId (string)
Participant attribute layer ID for differentiating intensity settings; this will typically be "participant_gender" but can be any participant attribute layer.
intensityOtherPattern (string[])
Array of regular expression strings to match against the value of that attribute identified by intensityDifferentiationLayerId. If the participant's attribute value matches the pattern for an element in this array, the corresponding element in intensityPitchFloorOther will be used for that participant.
intensityPitchFloorOther (int[])
Values to use as the pitch floor for participants who's attribute value matches the corresponding regular expression in intensityPitchOtherPattern
scriptIntensity (string)
Pitch extraction script command. (default: "To Intensity... intensityPitchFloor 0 yes")
extractCOG1 (boolean)
Extract COG 1. (default: false)
extractCOG2 (boolean)
Extract COG 2. (default: false)
extractCOG23 (boolean)
Extract COG 2/3. (default: false)
script (string)
A user-specified custom Praat script to execute on each segment.
attributes (string[])
A list of participant attribute layer IDs to include as variables for the custom Praat script.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: An object with one attribute, threadId.
onProgress Invoked on XMLHttpRequest progress.

readOnlyCategories(class_id, pageNumberopt, pageLengthopt, onResult)

Reads a list of category records.
Name Type Attributes Description
class_id string What attributes to read; "transcript" or "participant".
pageNumber int <optional>
The zero-based page of records to return (if null, all records will be returned).
pageLength int <optional>
The length of pages (if null, the default page length is 20).
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: A list of category records with the following attributes:
The class_id of the category.
The name/id of the category.
The description of the category.
Where the category appears among other categories.

releaseTask(id, onResult)

Releases a finished task so it no longer uses resources on the server.
Name Type Description
id string ID of the task.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has completed.
Searches for tokens that match the given pattern.

Although mainParticipantOnly, offsetThreshold and matchesPerTranscript are all optional, if one of them is specified, then all must be specified.

The pattern should match the structure of the search matrix in the browser interface of LaBB-CAT. This is a JSON object with one attribute called columns, which is an array of JSON objects.

Each element in the columns array contains am JSON object named layers, whose value is a JSON object for patterns to match on each layer, and optionally an element named adj, whose value is a number representing the maximum distance, in tokens, between this column and the next column - if adj is not specified, the value defaults to 1, so tokens are contiguous. Each element in the layers JSON object is named after the layer it matches, and the value is a named list with the following possible attributes:

A regular expression to match against the label
An inclusive minimum numeric value for the label
An exclusive maximum numeric value for the label
TRUE to negate the match
TRUE to anchor to the start of the annotation on this layer (i.e. the matching word token will be the first at/after the start of the matching annotation on this layer)
TRUE to anchor to the end of the annotation on this layer (i.e. the matching word token will be the last before/at the end of the matching annotation on this layer)
TRUE to make this layer the target of the search; the results will contain one row for each match on the target layer

Examples of valid pattern objects include:

// words starting with 'ps...'
const pattern1 = {
    "columns" : [
            "layers" : {
                "orthography" : {
                    "pattern" : "ps.*"

// the word 'the' followed immediately or with one intervening word by
// a hapax legomenon (word with a frequency of 1) that doesn't start with a vowel
const pattern2 = {
    "columns" : [
            "layers" : {
                "orthography" : {
                    "pattern" : "the"
            "adj" : 2 },
            "layers" : {
                "phonemes" : {
                    "not" : true,
                    "pattern" : "[cCEFHiIPqQuUV0123456789~#\\$@].*"}
                "frequency" {
                    "max" : "2"
For ease of use, the function will also accept the following abbreviated forms:
// a single list representing a 'one column' search, 
// and string values, representing regular expression pattern matching
const pattern3 = { orthography : "ps.*" };

// a list containing the columns (adj defaults to 1, so matching tokens are contiguous)
const pattrn4 = [{
    orthography : "the"
}, {
    phonemes : {
        not : true,
        pattern : "[cCEFHiIPqQuUV0123456789~#\\$@].*" },
    frequency : {
        max = "2" }
Name Type Attributes Default Description
pattern object An object representing the pattern to search for, which mirrors the Search Matrix in the browser interface.
participantQuery Array.<string> <optional>
null An optional expression for identifying participants to search the utterances of. This can be any expression of the kind used with LabbcatView#getMatchingParticipantIds e.g. "['AP2505_Nelson','AP2512_MattBlack','AP2515_ErrolHitt'].includes(id)"
transcriptQuery Array.<string> <optional>
null An optional expression for identifying transcripts to search the utterances of. This can be any expression of the kind used with LabbcatView#getMatchingTranscriptIds e.g. "['CC','ID'].includes(first('corpus').label) && first('transcript_type').label == 'wordlist'"
mainParticipantOnly boolean <optional>
true true to search only main-participant utterances, false to search all utterances.
offsetThreshold int <optional>
null Optional minimum alignment confidence for matching word or segment annotations. A value of 50 means that annotations that were at least automatically aligned will be returned. Use 100 for manually-aligned annotations only, and 0 or no value to return all matching annotations regardless of alignment confidence.
matchesPerTranscript int <optional>
null Optional maximum number of matches per transcript to return. null means all matches.
overlapThreshold int <optional>
null Optional percentage overlap with other utterances before simultaneous speech is excluded. null means include all overlapping utterances.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: An object with one attribute, "threadId", which identifies the resulting task, which can be passed to LabbcatView#getMatches, LabbcatView#taskStatus, LabbcatView#waitForTask, etc.

taskStatus(id, onResult)

Gets the status of a task.
Name Type Description
id string ID of the task.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result.


Gets version information of all components of LaBB-CAT.
Name Type Description
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: {object} An object containing section objects "System", "Formats", "Layer Managers", etc. each containing version information for sub-components. e.g.
  • result["System"]["LaBB-CAT"] is the overall LaBB-CAT version,
  • result["System"][""] is the overall annotation graph package version,
  • result["Formats"]["Praat TextGrid"] is version of the Praat TextGrid conversion module,
  • result["Layer Managers"]["HTK"] is version of the HTK Layer Manager, etc.

waitForTask(threadId, maxSeconds, onResult)

Wait for the given task to finish.
Name Type Description
threadId string The task ID.
maxSeconds int The maximum time to wait for the task, or 0 for forever.
onResult resultCallback Invoked when the request has returned a result which will be: The final task status. To determine whether the task finished or waiting timed out, check result.running, which will be false if the task finished.