All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AGQLBaseListener |
This class provides an empty implementation of AGQLListener ,
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
AGQLException |
Exception thrown when an AGQL expression is invalid.
AGQLLexer |
AGQLListener |
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
AGQLParser .
AGQLParser |
AGQLParser.AgqlExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.AllMethodCallContext |
AGQLParser.AnchorConfidenceExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.AnchorConfidenceOperandContext |
AGQLParser.AnchorExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.AnchorIdExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.AnchorIdOperandContext |
AGQLParser.AnchorOffsetExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.AnchorOffsetOperandContext |
AGQLParser.AnnotationExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.AnnotationListExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.AnnotatorExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.AnnotatorOperandContext |
AGQLParser.AnnotatorsMethodCallContext |
AGQLParser.AscendingOrderExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.AtomContext |
AGQLParser.AtomListExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.AtomOperandContext |
AGQLParser.BarePredicateContext |
AGQLParser.BooleanExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceAnchorConfidenceOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceAnchorIdOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceAnchorOffsetOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceAnnotatorOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceAtomOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceConfidenceOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceGraphIdOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceIdOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceLabelOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceLayerOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceListLengthOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceOrdinalOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceParameterContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceParentIdOperandContext |
AGQLParser.CoalesceWhenOperandContext |
AGQLParser.ComparisonOperatorContext |
AGQLParser.ComparisonPredicateContext |
AGQLParser.CompositeExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.ConfidenceExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.ConfidenceOperandContext |
AGQLParser.DescendingOrderExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.FirstAtomContext |
AGQLParser.FirstMethodCallContext |
AGQLParser.GraphIdExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.GraphIdOperandContext |
AGQLParser.IdentifierAtomContext |
AGQLParser.IdExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.IdOperandContext |
AGQLParser.IncludesAnyExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.IncludesAnyPredicateContext |
AGQLParser.IncludesExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.IncludesPredicateContext |
AGQLParser.LabelExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.LabelOperandContext |
AGQLParser.LabelsMethodCallContext |
AGQLParser.LayerExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.LayerOperandContext |
AGQLParser.ListExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.ListLengthExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.ListLengthOperandContext |
AGQLParser.LiteralAtomContext |
AGQLParser.LiteralContext |
AGQLParser.LogicalOperatorContext |
AGQLParser.NextExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.OperandContext |
AGQLParser.OrderExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.OrderListExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.OrdinalExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.OrdinalOperandContext |
AGQLParser.ParentExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.ParentIdExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.ParentIdOperandContext |
AGQLParser.PatterMatchPredicateContext |
AGQLParser.PatternMatchExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.PredicateContext |
AGQLParser.PredicateExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.PreviousExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.StringLiteralContext |
AGQLParser.SubsequentAtomContext |
AGQLParser.ValueListExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.WhenExpressionContext |
AGQLParser.WhenOperandContext |
Anchor |
Annotation graph anchor - a node of the graph.
AnchorChain |
Chain of anchors joined by annotations.
AnchorComparatorWithStructure |
Anchor comparator that uses primarily offset, but when offset is null, uses the
structure of the graph to compare anchors.
Annotate |
Command-line utility for running a given annotator on a given set of transcript files.
Annotation |
Annotation graph annotation - an edge of the graph.
AnnotationChain |
A set of annotations chained together by sharing end/start annotations.
AnnotationComparatorByAnchor |
Comparator that compares annotations by anchor offset, ordering start earliest, then
end latest, then lowest ordinal first, then highest ID first.
AnnotationComparatorByDistance |
Comparator that compares annotations by distance from a given annotation.
AnnotationComparatorByOrdinal |
Comparator that compares annotations by ordinal if they share a parent.
AnnotationsByAnchor |
Annotator |
Base class for an automated annotation module.
AnnotatorDescriptor |
Provides information about an Annotator implementation, including what resources it
provides and requires.
AnnotatorWebApp |
Base class for collecting together common functionality of Annatotor web app
Translates ARPAbet-encoded phonemic
transcriptions like
to CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
ARPAbet2DISCComparator<E> |
Comparator that maps a ARPAbet-encoded series to an DISC-encoded series.
Change |
Defines a single change to a TrackedMap object.
Change.Operation |
The change operation on a given object - i.e.
ChangeTracker |
Char2CharComparator<E> |
Comparator that maps one plain-text series of characters to another.
CircularDependencyException |
Exception thrown when DependencyGraph detects a circular dependency.
CloneableBean |
Functions for serializing/deserializing classes that have annotated at least some bean
property getters with @ ClonedProperty .
ClonedProperty |
Annotation for bean getters, to mark the property as one that is copied during object
cloning and JSON (de)serialization.
Translates CMU-encoded phonemic transcriptions like
to CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
Coalescer |
'Coalesces' a graph by joining together annotations on a given layer, where the
annotations are contiguous, have the same parent, and the same label.
CommandLineProgram |
Base class that standardizes various common functions for utilitiy applications -
whether they be run as full applications from the command line or via JNLP or as
applets within a browser.
ConfigApp |
Utility for running a stand-alone webapp for configuring an
Annotator installation.
ConfigurationHelper |
Helper functions for dealing with (de)serializer configurations.
ConnectionFactory |
Interface for a factory that supplies new SQL connections and SQL Translators.
Constants |
Useful annotation constants.
ConventionTransformer |
Transforms a text convention on a source layer into annotations on destination layers.
Converter |
Base class for converters, which implements a number of common functions for
DefaultEditComparator<T> |
DefaultOffsetGenerator |
Generates default anchor offsets.
DependencyGraph<C> |
Graph of dependencies.
DependencyNode<C> |
A node in a DependencyGraph.
DerbyConnectionFactory |
A factory for supplying connections to Derby file-based databases.
DerbySQLTranslator |
Object that translates statements designed for MySQL's flavour of SQL to the
derby SQL engine.
Deserialize |
Deserializes given files.
Dictionary |
A dictionary mapping labels of one type to labels of another, e.g.
DictionaryException |
Thrown when an Annotator configuration is invalid.
DictionaryReadOnlyException |
Thrown when an Annotator configuration is invalid.
Translates CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
to ARPAbet-encoded
phonemic transcriptions like
DISC2ARPAbetComparator<E> |
Comparator that maps a DISC-encoded series to an ARPAbet-encoded series.
Translates CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
to CMU-encoded phonemic transcriptions like
DISC2DISCComparator<E> |
Comparator that maps one DISC-encoded series to another.
Translates CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
to a form that would word for a Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) .dict file, like:
t r _{ n s k r I p S _@ n.
Translates CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
to IPA-encoded phonemic transcriptions using Unicode characters like
DISC2IPAComparator<E> |
Comparator that maps a DISC-encoded series to an IPA-encoded series.
DISC2Kirshenbaum |
Translates CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
to Kirshenbaum-encoded
phonemic transcriptions like
Translates CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
to SAMPA-encoded phonemic transcriptions like
DISC2Unisyn |
Translates CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
to Unisyn-encoded
phonemic transcriptions like
~ t r a n . * s k r i p . sh @ n.
Translates CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
to X-SAMPA-encoded phonemic transcriptions like
EditComparator<T> |
Interface for comparators between elements.
EditStep<T> |
Represents a single step in editing one sequency into another.
EditStep.StepOperation |
Enumeration for representing the operation represented by a step
EqualsComparator<T> |
Implementation of IComparator that uses java.lang.Object.equals(Object) to determine
equality or not.
Execution |
Manages the execution of an external program, ensuring that streams are processed, etc.
ExtApp |
Utility for running a stand-alone webapp for Annotator extras.
FfmpegCensor |
MediaCensor implemented by executing ffmpeg.
FfmpegConverter |
MediaConverter implemented by executing ffmpeg
FileMediaProvider |
Simple GraphMediaProvider implementation that provides a single media file, or a single
collection of files.
FragmentExtractor |
MediaConverter that extracts portions of sound samples using the javax.sound.sampled API, with
optional resampling.
Graph |
Linguistic annotation graph.
GraphDeserializer |
Interface for deserializing a graph from streams of data.
GraphMediaProvider |
Interface for objects that provide access to media for a given graph.
GraphNotFoundException |
An exception ocurring if a given graph could not be located.
GraphSerializer |
Interface for serializing a graph to streams of data.
GraphSerializer.Cardinality |
Possible values for cardinality.
GraphStore |
Interface for querying and updating an annotation graph store, a database of
transcripts represented as Annotation Graph s.
GraphStoreAdministration |
Interface for administration of a graph store.
GraphStoreQuery |
Interface for querying an annotation graph store, a database of transcripts
represented using Annotation Graph s.
GraphTransformer |
Interface for transformer that transforms a Graph in some way.
GuiProgram |
Base class that standardizes various common functions for utilitiy applications -
whether they be run as full applications from the command line or via JNLP or as
applets within a browser.
Translates Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) dictionary pronunciations like
t r _{ n s k r I p S _@ n.
IconHelper |
Helper functions for dealing with (de)serializer icons.
IDeserializer |
IEditComparator<T> |
IGraphMediaProvider |
IGraphStore |
IGraphStoreAdministration |
IGraphStoreQuery |
IGraphTransformer |
IMediaCensor |
IMediaConverter |
ImplementsDictionaries |
Info |
Utility for displaying annotator information.
InvalidConfigurationException |
Thrown when an Annotator configuration is invalid.
IO |
Helper functions for Input/Output operations.
Translates IPA-encoded phonemic transcriptions using Unicode characters like
to CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
IPA2DISCComparator<E> |
Comparator that maps a IPA-encoded series to an ARPAbet-encoded series.
IPA2IPAComparator<E> |
Comparator that maps one IPA-encoded series to another.
ISchemaSerializer |
ISerializer |
ISO639 |
Manages various operations for validating and translating ISO 639 standard language codes
and language names.
IStoreDeserializer |
JSONSerialization |
Annotation Graph serializer/deserializer for JSON.
Kirshenbaum2DISC |
Translates Kirshenbaum-encoded
phonemic transcriptions like
to CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
Layer |
Annotation graph layer.
LayerHierarchyTraversal<R> |
LayerTraversal<R> |
MediaCensor |
Censors media by taking a series of time points and obfuscating every other interval
between them.
MediaConverter |
Converts media from one format to another.
MediaException |
Exception during media processing.
MediaFile |
A single media file, which may exist or may be creatable by conversion from some other
media file.
MediaThread |
Thread processing media.
MediaTrackDefinition |
Definition of a possible media track that a graph might be associated with.
Merger |
Merges an edited version of a graph into the original version of that graph.
MinimalExample |
This is an example annotator which implements the minimal possible for a complete
MinimumEditPath<T> |
MinimumEditPathString |
Utility subclass of MinimumEditPath for handling Strings as sequences of Characters
MonitorableSeries<T> |
A Spliterator whose progress can be monitored, and which can be cancelled.
MonitorableTask |
A task whose progress can be monitored, and which can be cancelled.
MySQLConnectionFactory |
A factory for supplying connections to MySQL databases.
MySQLTranslator |
Object that translates statements designed for MySQL's flavour of SQL to the flavour
used by the graph service.
NamedStream |
An InputStream with an associated Name
Normalizer |
Ensures the structure of the graph is normalized.
Orthography2ARPAbetComparator<E> |
Comparator that maps an (English) orthography series to a ARPAbet-encoded series.
Orthography2DISCComparator<E> |
Comparator that maps an (English) orthography series to a DISC-encoded series.
Orthography2OrthographyComparator<E> |
Comparator that maps one plain-text full word orthography to another.
OrthographyClumper |
Transformer that joins isolated punctuation (and other non-orthographic) 'words' to the
preceding (or following, if first) word.
Parameter |
A parameter that needs to be set for a some operation or configuration.
ParameterField |
Annotation for a field that can be configured as a Parameter .
ParameterSet |
Set of parameters, being a map to Parameters keyed on parameter name.
ParticipantRenamer |
Renames participants in a graph.
PeerAnnotationsByAnchor |
Convenience class implementing a list of peer annotations (i.e.
PermissionException |
An exception ocurring during an annotation store operation because the operation is disallowed.
PhonemeTranslator |
Base-class for Functions that convert phonemic transcriptions from one encoding to another.
ProgramDescription |
Annotation for a CommandLineProgram or GuiProgram - used to inform
command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage information.
RequestException |
An error that occurred during a RequestRouter request.
RequestRouter |
Routes requests from a webapp to a given Annotator.
Resampler |
MediaConverter that converts sound samples using the javax.sound.sampled API.
Translates SAMPA-encoded phonemic transcriptions like
to CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
Schema |
Definition of layers and their interrelations.
SchemaSerializer |
Interface for serializing a Schema to streams of data.
SemanticVersionComparator |
Compares semantic version strings.
SerializationDescriptor |
A descriptor that describes the attributes of a serializer or deserializer.
SerializationException |
SerializationException.ErrorType |
SerializationParametersMissingException |
Exception thrown when a (de)serializer is asked to (de)serialize data, but it hasn't enough configuration parameters to proceed.
SerializerNotConfiguredException |
Exception thrown when a deserializer is asked to deserialize data, but it hasn't been configured.
SimpleTokenizer |
Transformer that breaks annotation labels on one layer (e.g.
SpanningConventionTransformer |
Transforms a text convention that spans possibly multiple annotations on a source layer
into annotations on a destination layer.
StandAloneWebApp |
Utility for running stand-alone webapps.
StoreException |
An exception ocurring during an annotation store operation.
StoreGraphDeserializer |
Graph deserializer that retrieves identified graphs from a store such as a relational database.
StoreGraphMediaProvider |
Switch |
Annotation for a CommandLineProgram or GuiProgram switch - used to
inform command-line and applet parameter interpretation, and to product usage
TaskApp |
Utility for running a stand-alone webapp for configuring the parameters of an
annotation task.
TempFileInputStream |
An InputStream for one-off reading of a temporary file.
TheWorksExample |
This is an example annotator which implements all possible features of an annotator.
TheWorksExampleDictionary |
This is an example annotator dictionary.
Timers |
Maintains a set of named timers, primarily for performance tests.
TrackedMap |
Base class for annotation graph classes, which encapsulates three common features of
these classes:
Changes to specific attributes can be tracked and rolled back, by setting
TrackedMap.getTracker() , which receives notification of all relevant changes.
TrackedProperty |
Annotation for bean getters, to mark the property as one whose changes can be tracked.
Transcribe |
Command line utility for manual testing of automatic Transcriber modules.
Transcriber |
Base class for an automated transcriber module.
Transform |
Transforms given annotations graphs.
TransformationException |
An exception ocurring during a graph transformation.
TruncatingAudioInputStream |
Input stream that truncates another input stream - i.e.
Unisyn2DISC |
Translates Unisyn-encoded phonemic
transcriptions like
~ t r a n . * s k r i p . sh @ n
to CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like
UsesFileSystem |
Annotation for Annotator subclasses that need access to a persistent directory
for saving and loading working files.
UsesGraphStore |
UsesRelationalDatabase |
Annotation for Annotator subclasses that need a relational database to function.
Utility |
Useful functions for serialization.
Utility |
Some handy static functions.
UtteranceParallelizer |
Graph transformer that converts simultaneous speech into parallel turns.
Validator |
Validates Graph structure.
ValidLabelsDefinitions |
Utility functions for generating predefined valid-label definitions using different encodings.
VanillaSQLTranslator |
Object that translates statements designed for MySQL's flavour of SQL to standard SQL.
Utility functions for WAV files.
Translates X-SAMPA-encoded phonemic transcriptions like
to CELEX-DISC-encoded transcriptions like