4  Linear Models

4.1 Overview

In this chapter we continue to explore the duration and word frequency data from Sóskuthy and Hay (2017). In the previous chapter we learned how to set up an R project in RStudio and plotted the data in various ways using ggplot2. In this chapter, we turn to modelling the data. In particular,
we look at a very useful class of models: linear models. We’re going to draw some straight lines.

What is a model? It’s a simplified representation of something. The phenomena we’re interested in in the human sciences, including linguistics, are incredibly complex. We have various strategies for reducing this complexity. Statistical models are an important (but not the only!) tool for this. Such models usually find patterns of association between variables in a data set. These patterns might then be used to predict future data, explain one variable in terms of others, or explore looking for surprising features of the data which might motivate future research.

This chapter will quickly run through some of the key workflow steps in fitting a linear model. We’ll start with a ‘simple linear regression model’ (Section 4.2). We’ll use a straight line to represent the relationship between word duration and word frequency. We’ll follow this workflow:

  1. Plot data.
  2. Fit a linear model using lm().
  3. Check residual plots.
  4. Look at the model summary (summary()).
  5. Plot predictions

There is no need to do things in exactly this order all the time. But this is a nice pattern.

We’ll then add additional variables to the model (Section 4.3), and consider how to fit interactions between variables (Section 4.4).

You will notice, in Section 4.6, that the material covered in this chapter corresponds to eight chapters in Winter (2019). We’re moving fast here. As you get in to your own projects, with your own data, you will need to explore these topics in more detail.

4.2 Simple Linear Regression

4.2.1 Straight Lines

At simplest, a linear model is just a straight line fit through data. If we have a two-dimensional space with a horizontal \(x\)-axis and a vertical \(y\)-axis, then we can specify any straight line using two numbers: the intercept and the slope. The intercept tells you where the the line intercepts the \(y\)-axis and the slope tells you how steep the line is.

To view the code click here

lines <- tibble(
  line_id = glue("line_{rep(1:5, each = 11)}"),
  x = rep(-5:5, times = 5),
  intercept = rep(runif(5, min=-4, max = 4), each = 11),
  slope = rep(runif(5, min=-3, max=3), each = 11),
  y = intercept + x * slope

intercepts <- lines |> 
  filter(x == 0)

labels <- lines |> 
  filter(x != 0) |> 
  group_by(line_id) |> 
  slice_sample(n=1) |> 
  mutate(label = glue("{round(slope, digits = 2)}"))

lines |> 
      x = x,
      y = y,
      colour = line_id
  ) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  geom_path(linewidth = 2, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_point(data = intercepts, size = 7, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_label_repel(aes(label=label), data = labels, show.legend = FALSE)
Figure 4.1: A collection of lines with the intercept indicated by a point. Text annotation indicate the slope term.

In Figure 4.1, the intercept is indicated with a large point. We see five distinct intercepts. The slope is indicated by the numbers in labels. Two of these are negative numbers, and the corresponding lines are going down as you look from left to right. The positive slopes correspond to lines which go up as you view from left to right. The larger the magnitude of the slope (i.e., the size of the number, ignoring whether it is positive or negative), the steeper the line.

Mathematically, a line in two-dimensional space is represented by the equation \(y = a + bx\), where \(a\) is the intercept term and \(b\) is the slope term. If you increase the intercept term, then \(y\) increases across the board. That is, changing the intercept moves the line up and down. The term \(b\) represents a relationship between the variables \(y\) and \(x\). If \(b\) is positive, then as \(x\) increases, \(y\) will also increase. If it is negative, \(y\) will decrease as \(x\) increases.

4.2.2 Word Frequency and Word Duration

In the data set we looked at in the last chapter, we considered explanations of word duration and word frequency. We can fit a straight line through our data concerning word duration and word frequency. If we can do this, then the slope term should tell us something about the relationship between word duration and frequency. That is, we are modelling for the purpose of explanation.

We start our workflow by plotting the data. We already started this work in the previous chapter. Let’s look at a scatter plot again (Figure 4.2).

big_dia |> 
      x = unigram.google.gb,
      y = WordDuration
  ) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.01) +
  # Let's add some labels
    x = "Log word frequency (via. Google)",
    y = "Word Duration (s)"
Figure 4.2: Scatter plot of word frequency and length.

Figure 4.2 is characteristic of the messy data we find in work with large corpora of linguistic data. The key thing to note here is whether there is a shortage of data anywhere, whether there are any data points which are totally implausible (and perhaps represent measurement errors). Check any such points. You may need to filter them out (using functions we have already looked at in the previous chapter).

The next step is to fit the model using lm(). Linear regression typically fits a straight line by ‘least squares’. It finds the line which minimises the sum of the squared differences between the line and the actual data points in the \(y\) dimension. Put simply, it finds the slope and intercept which are ‘closest’ to the actual data.

We specify a model using the formula argument. We can use variable names from our data set. If we do this, we have to specify the data set using the data argument. The formula for a simple linear regression just has the name of the variable to be explained (the ‘response’ variable) on the left of a ~ sign and the variable which we will use to explain it (the ‘explanatory’ variable) on the right.1 The following code block fits a simple model and associates it with the name simple_fit.

simple_fit <- lm(
  formula = WordDuration ~ unigram.google.gb,
  data = big_dia

The next step in our workflow is to check residual plots. The main ways in which a linear model can fail are present in ‘residual plots’. There are a few things to look for (see Winter 2019, 6.1). A ‘residual’ is the difference between a particular data point and the line. The residuals are the variation which is not captured by the model. We assume that this is normally distributed random noise. If there are clear patterns in the residuals, then we have good reason to think our model is missing something important.

In R, we can use the plot() function to generate ‘diagnostic plots’ of our residuals. When plotting the result of a linear model, we can use the which argument to specify which of the four available diagnostic plots we want.2 The first plot is a plot of the ‘fitted’ values and the residuals (Figure 4.3.

plot(simple_fit, which = 1)
Figure 4.3: Scatter plot of fitted values and residuals from our simple linear regression model.

Figure 4.3 should look like a big slug. If we look along the \(x\) axis, we see ‘fitted’ values. So, for instance, if we look up in the straight vertical line from at \(0.30\) on the \(x\) axis, we see the range of residuals whenever the model says that \(y\) is \(0.30\). We don’t want any kind of ‘fan’ pattern here, where the distribution of residuals is much wider at one side of the plot than the other.

With this plot, and others like it, we are looking for large violations of the assumptions, rather than ensuring the the assumptions are perfectly satisfied.

The most worrying thing about this plot is the red line, which shows the mean values of the residuals departs from \(0\) as the fitted values increase. This suggests there might be some kind of non-linearity in the data.

I also find ‘QQ plots’ useful. We can access this with which = 2.

plot(simple_fit, which = 2)
Figure 4.4: Quantile-quantile plot from our simple linear regression model.

Figure 4.4 should show a series of points in a straight line. This is more or less true in the middle of the curve, but is violated heavily at both ends of the curve. This shows that we are missing something important in our simple model.

What does this kind of plot show? We assume out residuals are normally distributed. The ‘theoretical quantiles` indicate the value we would expect from a normal distribution, the ’standardised residuals’ are the values we actually observe, but appropriately scaled. The fact that the curve is above the straight line indicates that there are many words which have much longer duration that we would assume given only information about the word frequency, and the assumptions of the linear regression model itself (including, importantly, that the relationship can be captured by a straight line.)

So, we have some reason to be a bit sceptical that our model is capturing the patterns at the edges of the data. We should keep this in mind as we move to the next phase of our workflow: look at the model summary. Violation of model assumptions reduces the confidence we should have when looking at its results.3

The summary() function outputs key features of the model.4 Let’s look at the output:


lm(formula = WordDuration ~ unigram.google.gb, data = big_dia)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.41159 -0.08406 -0.01667  0.06675  0.94423 

                   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)        0.042965   0.001441   29.82   <2e-16 ***
unigram.google.gb -0.027695   0.000168 -164.85   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.1178 on 271762 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.09091,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.09091 
F-statistic: 2.718e+04 on 1 and 271762 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

We start with a Call which says what the R statement which generated the model was (including the formula). We then see information about the distribution of the residuals, before the Coefficients: section. This is where we will find the intercept and slope terms of out model. The (Intercept) term tells us what the model predicts when \(x\) is \(0\), i.e., when the log word frequency is 0. Is this a useful thing to know? Have a look at the scatter plot and see what this would correspond to in terms of our data (Figure 4.2). We will consider some alternatives later. We look at the Estimate column to see the estimated value of the coefficients. In this case, we estimate a word duration of \(0.04\) when the log word frequency is 0.

We then look at the unigram.google.gb row. This will tell us the slope of the line. The best straight line through the data has a slope of \(-0.028\).

What else is in the table? Information which quantifies our uncertainty about the estimates and tests of how consistent the data is with the absence of an effect. That is, we’ve got a series of tests of null hypotheses. For the intercept, the null hypothesis is that the intercept is zero. For the slope, the null hypothesis is that the slope is zero. The t value column is a ‘test statistic’ which summarises features of the data set with respect to the hypothesis that there is no effect. The Pr(>|t|) columns gives ‘p values’, which indicate the probability of observing the test statistic, or a more extreme value, if there is no actual effect. Low values, traditionally values less that 0.05, lead us to ‘reject the null hypothesis’. In this case, then, we reject the null hypothesis for both the intercept term and the slope term. The effect of word frequency on word duration is ‘statistically significant’ in this model.

The final stage of our workflow is to plot the predictions. We get access to the predictions using the predict() function.5 We use the interval argument to specify that we want confidence intervals around the predictions.

model_preds <- predict(
  interval = "confidence"

simple_preds <- bind_cols(big_dia, model_preds)

# Here's 10 random rows.
simple_preds |> 
  select(WordDuration, unigram.google.gb, fit, lwr, upr) |> 
# A tibble: 10 × 5
   WordDuration unigram.google.gb   fit   lwr   upr
          <dbl>             <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1        0.370             -8.00 0.264 0.264 0.265
 2        0.44             -10.6  0.336 0.335 0.336
 3        0.150             -7.93 0.263 0.262 0.263
 4        0.340             -9.39 0.303 0.303 0.304
 5        0.310             -7.34 0.246 0.246 0.247
 6        0.410             -7.86 0.261 0.260 0.261
 7        0.220             -9.02 0.293 0.292 0.293
 8        0.230             -8.87 0.289 0.288 0.289
 9        0.140             -6.87 0.233 0.232 0.234
10        0.190             -6.99 0.236 0.236 0.237

The output above shows the actual word duration scores, word frequencies, model predictions (fit) and lower (lwr) and upper (upr) bounds on the confidence intervals for 10 random rows of the data.

We can plot this without the original data as follows:

simple_preds |> 
      x = unigram.google.gb,
      y = fit,
      ymin = lwr,
      ymax = upr
  ) +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_path(colour = "red") +
    x = "Log word frequency (via. Google)",
    y = "Predicted Word Duration (s)"
Figure 4.5: Model predictions with 95% confidence intervals.

And with data:

simple_preds |> 
      x = unigram.google.gb,
      y = WordDuration
  ) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.01) +
  # Let's add some labels
      y = fit,
      ymin = lwr,
      ymax = upr
    alpha = 0.5
  ) +
      y = fit
    colour = "red") +
    x = "Log word frequency (via. Google)",
    y = "Word Duration (s)"
Figure 4.6: Model predictions with 95% confidence intervals and original data.

Sometimes it is valuable to plot the model alongside the raw data. It can make it more visually clear just how much variation there is from the model. However, real patterns in large corpus data sets may be very small relative to the range of raw data values. This can make plotting both model and data in a single plot impractical.

Why are we trying to explain word frequency using word duration rather than the other way around? There is no mathematical difference between the two options.

The simple answer is that we can think of plausible cognitive mechanisms by which word frequency might influence word duration. At simplest, this is something like the view that frequent signals are easier to process and this enables them to be ‘reduced’ in various ways, including in duration.

The alternative direction of explanation would propose that we have a tendency to prefer shorter words, so that words that are on average shorter somehow become more frequent. This doesn’t make sense for a number of reasons. For one thing, we are looking at word duration by token. If there were a push towards shorter and shorter words at this level, you would expect it to lead to faster speech across the board.

The point is that we always interpret statistical models through previous research and more general intuitions about plausibility. These might end up being wrong, but we have to assume something to get an experiment or study going!

4.3 Multiple Linear Regression

In simple linear regression, we have a single explanatory variable. In multiple linear regression, we have more than one. There are a few different considerations when we do this. We’ll separately look at adding categorical variables (columns which contain a finite number of ‘categories’: e.g. social categories like class or linguistic categories like what kind of consonant follows a vowel) and continuous variables (roughly, columns which contain numbers).

Often, many variables are involved in the phenomena we explore or the hypotheses we test. Sometimes we add variables which we know have an independent effect on the response variable, but which we aren’t directly interested in, in order to control for the effect. This allows us to say things like: “holding the speed at which someone speaks constant, the height of this vowel increases as a person ages”. We thus avoid attributing variation due to the ‘control’ variable to the other variables we are investigating. This will make more sense with some examples.

Do not just add all the variables you have as ‘control’ variables. Sometimes a ‘control’ variable can create effects which are not real. Think about each variable you add to a model.6

4.3.1 Adding a Categorical Variable

There are a few categorical phenomena which affect word duration. For instance, whether or not a word appears at the end of an utterance affects its duration. We can incorporate this information into our model by adding a variable to the model which tracks whether observed word occurs at the end of an utterance or not.

Why do we want this information? We might be worried that our sample of low frequency words just happens, by random change, to contain a lot of tokens from the end of an utterance. We might then see an effect of word frequency which is actually due to where the words in our sample appear in an utterance. This is very unlikely in the dataset we are currently using, due to its sheer size (271764 tokens). But it could very well be a factor in a smaller data set.

More generally, we hope that our model is the best depiction of the features of the phenomena we are interested in which we can manage with the data at hand. If we suspect some variable has an independent effect of the response variable, and there is no other downside to including it, it is good to include it in the model.7

Let’s have a quick visual look at the variable called final in the big_dia dataset. We’ll use a box plot.

big_dia |> 
      x = final, 
      y = WordDuration
  ) +
Figure 4.7: Box plot indicating word duration by position in utterance (utterance final vs. non-final).

On the \(x\) axis, we distinguish whether an observed word token appears at the end of an utterance or not. On the \(y\) axis we see the word duration. The line in the middle of a box plot indicates the median value within the relevant category. So, for instance, the line in the middle of the left box indicates the median word duration in seconds for word tokens which do not appear at the end of an utterance.

Figure 4.7 suggests that words which appear at the end of an utterance as slightly longer than those which appear at the start of an utterance.

In order to include this variation in a linear model, we simply add the variable to the formula using the + sign, as follows:

multiple_fit <- lm(
  WordDuration ~ unigram.google.gb + final,
  data = big_dia

Carry out the graphical model checking steps we introduced for simple linear regression above with the multiple_fit model.

What does this look like in the model summary? We will look at the coefficients only. To get at the coefficients table in a convinent way, we can use the tidy() function from the tidymodels package.

# A tibble: 3 × 5
  term              estimate std.error statistic   p.value
  <chr>                <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)         0.0428  0.00144       29.8 2.34e-194
2 unigram.google.gb  -0.0276  0.000168    -164.  0        
3 finalTRUE           0.0295  0.00115       25.7 5.75e-146

The most obvious difference is that we now have a row in our coefficients table called finalTRUE. But to understand how final is included in the model, we need to look at the intercept value again. Categorical variables are represented as having a ‘base’ level.8 In this case, FALSE is the base level. This means that the intercept value for this model is the intercept value when the word is not at the end of an utterance. The estimate of the coefficient finalTRUE tells us how much longer a word is when it appears at the end of an utterance. In this case, the estimate is \(0.03\). So, on the whole, words at the end of utterances are estimated to be \(0.3\) seconds longer than words which are not at the end.

As in the previous case, we are given \(p\)-values for each of these estimates. The very low \(p\)-values in this case indicate that the data at hand is not compatible with these estimates being zero. That is, there is a ‘statistically significant’ associated with each of these coefficients.

We now want to plot the model predictions. The following code extracts model predictions for some specified points, rather that for every data point in the data frame. We use crossing() from the tidyr package (loaded as part of the tidyverse) to say we want every combination of the values we list. We then feed the result of this to the predict() function using the newdata argument.

# specify the values we want predictions for.
to_predict <- crossing(
  "unigram.google.gb" = c(-15, -10, -8, -7),
  "final" = c(TRUE, FALSE)

# get predictions using `predict()`.
multiple_preds <- predict(
  newdata = to_predict,
  interval = "confidence" # The interval argument says we want a confidence
  # interval for each prediction too.

# combine predictions with the values we specified.
multiple_preds <- bind_cols(to_predict, multiple_preds)

Experiment with some ways to plot these model predictions. These should be in a variable called multiple_preds.

4.3.2 Adding a Continuous Variable

We don’t have any sense yet of how long we would expect a given word to be. The variable dur.context gives a sense of the length expected given the context of the word in synthesised speech. Here’s what the variable looks like in a scatter plot with word duration:

big_dia |> 
      x = dur.context,
      y = WordDuration
  ) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5)
Figure 4.8: Plot of word duration given expected duration (dur.context).

If you want to see what a simple linear regression looks like on a scatter plot, it can be convenient to use geom_smooth(method = "lm"), as follows:

big_dia |> 
      x = dur.context,
      y = WordDuration
  ) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm")
Figure 4.9: Plot of word duration given expected duration (dur.context) with simple linear regression.

The measure of expected duration is positively related to the actual measures of duration. This is an example of a simple visual check that we are on the right track.

Let’s add this measure to our model. Again, we just use a +. We will reuse the variable name multiple_fit.

multiple_fit <- lm(
  # I will stop explicitly saying 'formula =' now.
  WordDuration ~ unigram.google.gb + dur.context + final,
  data = big_dia

Are the diagnostic plots any better?

plot(multiple_fit, which = 2)

This is better than before, but could still be improved. The addition of a variable capturing contextual factors in word duration has helped.


lm(formula = WordDuration ~ unigram.google.gb + dur.context + 
    final, data = big_dia)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.66112 -0.07115 -0.01392  0.05709  0.98263 

                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)       -9.610e-03  1.272e-03  -7.555  4.2e-14 ***
unigram.google.gb -1.022e-02  1.587e-04 -64.406  < 2e-16 ***
dur.context        6.191e-04  2.146e-06 288.461  < 2e-16 ***
finalTRUE         -7.348e-02  1.064e-03 -69.087  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.103 on 271760 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.3057,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.3057 
F-statistic: 3.989e+04 on 3 and 271760 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

4.4 Interactions

interaction_fit <- lm(
  # I will stop explicitly saying 'formula' now.
  WordDuration ~ unigram.google.gb * final + dur.context,
  data = big_dia


lm(formula = WordDuration ~ unigram.google.gb * final + dur.context, 
    data = big_dia)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.66253 -0.07102 -0.01401  0.05705  0.99390 

                              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                 -1.225e-02  1.304e-03  -9.394  < 2e-16 ***
unigram.google.gb           -1.051e-02  1.619e-04 -64.949  < 2e-16 ***
finalTRUE                   -2.032e-02  5.925e-03  -3.429 0.000606 ***
dur.context                  6.196e-04  2.147e-06 288.647  < 2e-16 ***
unigram.google.gb:finalTRUE  6.158e-03  6.751e-04   9.122  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.103 on 271759 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.3059,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.3059 
F-statistic: 2.994e+04 on 4 and 271759 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

4.4.1 Something something scaling

4.5 What’s Missing?

There are a series of assumptions that are made when building a mathematical model. These are the assumptions which come along with the mathematical machinery used to back up the models. These are always violated in the real world. Some statistics texts become obsessed with checking assumptions. This can become excessive. In cases with multiple continuous variables, it is worth checking for colinearity because it can lead to very unstable coefficients. In so far as these coefficients tell us how big an effect is, unstable coefficients have a significant impact on the scientific conclusions we draw from a model. But the primary thing to check is for normality of the residuals, as we did in the diagnostic plots above.

The primary assumption of linear regression which we have considered above is normality of the residuals. We want the variation which is left behind by our model to have no obvious structure. But these is another very important assumption of linear regression models: that each data point is independent. A simple way to think of this, is that every data point provides just as much information to the model as any other. But this is not true in many cases.

When using corpora or carrying out experiments, we take multiple measurements from individual listeners or speakers. Each of these listeners or speakers has idiosyncratic features which influence the measurements we take from them. There is a dependence between measurements taken from the same individual.

There are mathematical tools to handle this problem: mixed effects models. We will look at these in the next chapter.

4.6 Futher Resources

For linear regression with linguistic data, see chapters 4-8 in (Winter 2019). For interpretation of p-values and confidence intervals, etc, see chapters 9-11.

  1. There are many different terms used for the variables used in regression modelling. These reflect different motivations for fitting a model and differences between disciplines. For instance, in some cases you might say ‘predictor’ instead of ‘explanatory variable’. You will pick up the terminology over time.↩︎

  2. In R, there are a series of functions called ‘generics’, which behave differently for different input. To see the documentation for plot() when applied to a linear model, use ?plot.lm in the console. Note that the result of this is different from entering ?plot.↩︎

  3. We will continue to improve our model as we go on in these workshops.↩︎

  4. The summary() function is also a generic function (just like plot()). Have a look at ?summary.lm().↩︎

  5. Yes, you guessed it, this is also a generic function.↩︎

  6. We will also have to discuss what happens when multiple variables are correlated with one another (collinearity) in a later session. Adding multiple variables which track pretty much the same information (e.g., multiple closely related measures of how fast someone is speaking or or their reaction time in a psychological experiment) can lead to instability in the model. This is not a problem for predicting the response variable, but it is a problem when we try to explain the variation in the response variable.↩︎

  7. This is a simplification and does not yet tell you much about what kind of variables to avoid. This will come later.↩︎

  8. This can be changed, but we won’t look at this in these sessions.↩︎