# To fit mixed effects models
library(lattice) # required for some plots in lme4.
# This package contains functions to simulate Simpson's paradox data.
# set the ggplot theme. You might try some alternatives here.
# The documentation which appears if you type ?theme_bw will also show the
# other possible prebuilt themes.
5 Mixed Effects
5.1 Exercises
I assume you are using the project from the previous chapters. If you don’t have this, start from the ‘Exploratory Data Visualisation’ chapter.
Start a new script or markdown file and load the following libraries. Install them if they are not available to you using install.packages()
As before, load the data with:
<- read_csv(here('data', 'big_dia.csv')) big_dia
5.1.1 Simpson’s Paradox
We looked at ‘Simpson’s paradox’ in the workshop presentation. This paradox can be used to motivate both control variables and random effects. We’re looking from the perspective of random effects.
First simulate some data. You can change n
or groups
as you like.
<- simulate_simpson(n = 100, groups = 8) simpson_data
Here is a simple plot of the data with a simple linear regression using geom_smooth()
simpson_data ggplot(
x = V1,
y = V2
) geom_point() +
V1 = "explanatory variable",
V2 = "response"
) geom_smooth(method="lm", se=FALSE, linewidth=3)
Modify the plot so each group is coloured differently and has its own linear trend line.
The plot you have made, if you succeeded in the exercise, shows multiple independent regressions (one for each group). This is not the same as mixed effects, which can pool information together across the different groups.
Fit a simple linear regression model predicting V2 by V1 using
. Plot predictions for this model using the techniques introduced in the previous session. What is wrong with the simple linear regression?Complete the following code block to fit a model of the Simpson’s paradox data with random intercepts for each group.
simpson_fit <- lmer(
formula = V2 ~ V1 + (1|???),
data = ???
Run the code.
Click here for the answer to question 2.
<- lmer(
simpson_fit formula = V2 ~ V1 + (1|Group),
data = simpson_data
We can generate predictions from this model for each line in the data.
Complete the following code block to generate predictions for each group using the predict()
simpson_data <- simpson_data |>
re_predictions = ???
Run the code.
Click here for the answer
<- simpson_data |>
simpson_data mutate(
re_predictions = predict(simpson_fit)
We now plot these predictions:
simpson_data ggplot(
x = V1,
y = V2,
colour = Group
) geom_point() +
# override part of the aesthetic mapping to get predictions into `geom_path`
aes(y = re_predictions)
Letting the model know about the grouping structure, via random intercepts, is enough to fix the problem with the simple linear regression. If you are interested, compare this to a multiple linear regression with Group
as fixed effect.
5.1.2 Word duration and frequency
Complex mixed effects models benefit from scaling and/or centring variables. This is true both for humans and for the computer. For us, it can help with interpretation of models. For the machine, it can help with the mathematics of fitting the model.
Both use the scale()
Look at the documentation for scale()
Work out how to scale only, centre only, and do both using the function. What is the default behaviour?
Create two new variables in
, which
, which scales and centresWordDuration
Fit a model with
as the response,centred_frequency
as fixed effects, and random intercepts forSpeaker
(i.e. the word).Look at the summary and plot the overall model prediction. Note that you can generate predictions for each
and ignoringSpeaker
by using there.form
argument topredict()
. Sayre.form = NA
to ignore groups.
Click here for the answer to (2)
<- big_dia |>
big_dia mutate(
centred_frequency = scale(, scale=FALSE
),scaled_duration = scale(WordDuration)
Click here for the answer to (3)
<- lmer(
intercept_fit ~ centred_frequency + final +
scaled_duration 1|Speaker) + (1|TargetOrthography),
(data = big_dia
We can also add random slopes. Recall that (1 + variable|group)
fits a random intercept and slope for each group and estimates the correlation of the intercepts and slopes.
- Extend the model you fit in (3) to include a random slope on
. Explore this model using the tools we have considered already.
Click here for the answer to (5)
<- lmer(
slope_fit ~ centred_frequency + final +
scaled_duration 1 + centred_frequency|Speaker) + (1|TargetOrthography),
(data = big_dia
How do we test the significance of centred frequency
? We discussed using the anova()
function for model comparison.
- Fit a model which matched the model in (5), but doesn’t include
anywhere. Use the argumentREML = FALSE
. Compare this model with the model in (5) using theanova()
function, with argumenttest = 'Chisq'
. Does this method indicate a statistically significant effect ofcentred_frequency
? What is the \(p\)-value?
We can extracting random effects terms from our model using the ranef()
<- ranef(slope_fit) re_slope
Look at the structure of this object in the RStudio Environment pane (top right)
Make a histogram of the random intercepts of
. Does this look normally distributed to you?Create a scatter plot of speaker intercepts and slopes for
. Are these values correlated? What might this suggest about the effect of frequency on duration?